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姓名 陳軍凱(Chung-Kai Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 隨機需求下航空貨物收貨人員人力供給暨班次表設計規劃之研究
(A Model for Air Cargo Terminal Manpower Supplying and Timetable Setting with Stochastic Demands)
★ 橋梁檢測人力機具排班最佳化之研究★ 勤業務專責分工下消防人員每日勤務排班最佳模式之研究
★ 司機員排班作業最佳化模式之研究★ 科學園區廢水場實驗室檢驗員任務指派 最佳化模式之研究
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★ 急診室臨時性短期護理人力 指派最佳化之探討★ 專案監造人力調派最佳化模式研究
★ 地質鑽探工程人機作業管理最佳化研究★ 職業棒球球隊球員組合最佳化之研究
★ 鑽堡於卵礫石層施作機具調派最佳化模式之研究★ 職業安全衛生查核人員人力指派最佳化研究
★ 救災機具預置最佳化之探討★ 水電工程出工數最佳化之研究
★ 石門水庫服務台及票站人員排班最佳化之研究★ 空調附屬設備機組維護保養排程最佳化之研究
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摘要(中) 摘要
A good manpower supply plan of receiving officers helps terminals dealing with their cargoes efficiently and maintaining excellent service quality. In the past most of these plans depend on staffs’ experience to establish the scheduling. However, they neglect the random fluctuation of manpower demands so that can’t respond to unexpected situation optimally. Since studies in this field are quite lacking, this research considered actual manpower demands and aimed at establishing several deterministic-demand scheduling models and several stochastic-demand scheduling models for their long-term and short-term operations based on the perspective of terminals. The models are expected to be effective tools for terminals to establish their manpower supply scheduling.
We developed the deterministic-demand scheduling model by using different flexible strategies such flexible manpower supply and numerical flexibility. Further, we established the stochastic-demand scheduling models by modifying the fixed demand parameters in the deterministic-demand scheduling models. These models are formulated as linear mixed integer program. Furthermore, we used the simulation-based skill and employ a mathematical programming solver to solve problems. To compare the performance of these models under stochastic demands in actual operations, we developed a simulation-based evaluation method. Finally, to evaluate the models, and the evaluation method in practice, we performed a case study using real operation data from a Taiwan air cargo terminal, with the assistance of C computer programs and a mathematical programming solver. Then show the conclusions and suggestions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 隨機需求
★ 線性混合整數規劃問題
★ 模擬
★ 彈性策略
★ 人力供給
關鍵字(英) ★ Simulation
★ Linear Mixed Integer Program
★ Stochastic Demand
★ Flexible Strategy
★ Manpower Supply
論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論....................................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機........................................................1
1.2 研究目的與範圍........................................................2
1.3 研究方法與流程........................................................3
第二章 文獻回顧................................................................5
2.1 人員排班相關文獻.......................................................5
2.1.1 不同產業特性的人員排班問題......................................5
2.1.2 不同排班方式的人員排班問題......................................7
2.2 人力資源彈性制度相關文獻..............................................9
2.2.1 彈性的人事安排.................................................10
2.2.2 數量彈性化.....................................................12
2.3 隨機性需求擾動之相關理論與文獻.......................................13
2.3.1 隨機性需求擾動之相關理論.......................................13
2.3.2 隨機性需求擾動之相關文獻.......................................16
2.4 結語.................................................................18
第三章 模式構建...............................................................20
3.1 確定性需求排班模式...................................................20
3.1.1 確定性需求排班模式之基本假設...................................21
3.1.2 符號說明.......................................................21
3.1.3 數學定式.......................................................24
3.2 隨機性需求排班模式...................................................29
3.2.1 隨機性需求排班模式假設.........................................29
3.2.2 符號說明.......................................................29
3.2.3 數學定式.......................................................30
3.3 模擬評估方法.........................................................34
第四章 模式範例測試...........................................................37
4.1 資料分析.............................................................37
4.1.2 成本資料.......................................................38
4.1.3 人力規劃所需相關參數資料.......................................40
4.2 模式發展.............................................................41
4.2.1 問題規模.......................................................41
4.2.2 模式輸入資料...................................................42
4.3 電腦演算環境與設定...................................................43
4.3.1 電腦演算環境...................................................43
4.3.2 相關程式設定...................................................43
4.3.3 模式輸出資料...................................................44
4.4 測試結果與分析.......................................................45
4.4.1 隨機需求模擬週數...............................................45
4.4.2 確定性需求排班結果.............................................46
4.4.3 隨機性需求排班結果.............................................50
4.4.4 模式評估分析...................................................54
4.5 敏感度分析...........................................................59
4.5.1 班次數上限.....................................................59
4.5.2 隨機分配模式...................................................64
4.5.3 人力供給成本...................................................71
4.5.4 人力供給型態.................................................. 83
4.6 小結.................................................................86
第五章 結論與建議.............................................................87
5.1 結論.................................................................87
5.2 建議.................................................................89
5.3 貢獻.................................................................90
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指導教授 顏上堯(Shang-Yao Yan) 審核日期 2005-7-22
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