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姓名 楊道可(Tao-Ko Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 以英文筆跡衡量中國人領導風格
(Chinese Leadership Styles Assessed by English Handwriting)
★ 研發人員人格特質與情緒智力之相關研究 -以某IC設計公司為例★ 人格特質、組織承諾與工作績效之關係研究以某電信業門市業務人員為例
★ 量販業主管人員工作壓力問題研究-以量販店個案主管人員為例★ 身心健康狀況對人格特質與績效之間調節效果之研究-以汽車公司製造部技術員為例
★ 華人企業員工身心健康促進的有效因應因子:情緒智能、心理接受與靜坐措施之探討★ 從跨文化觀點探討華人外派主管家長式領導對多國籍部屬身心健康之影響
★ 職業適性傾向性向與工作績效之關聯性研究-以壽險業務員為例★ 上級主管傳統性格與其下屬身心健康之關係研究
★ 研發人員人格特質與創造力之影響研究 ─以高科技產業為例★ 保全員人格特質對工作績效之影響相關研究 ─以K壽險公司為例
★ 人格特質與工作績效之關聯性研究─以T公司之電話行銷與客服人員為例★ 經理人員人格特質與情緒智力之相關研究
★ 兩岸主管人員人格特質與心理健康之關聯性研究~以電子業H公司為例★ 金融理財專員之核心能力、人格特質與工作績效之相關研究─以C銀行為例
★ 華人人格與心理健康關係之研究探討★ 人格特質與創新氣候知覺在創造力發展三階段的交互作用-以I高科技研究機構為例-
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摘要(中) 英文筆跡分析在歐美地區作為一項招募甄選的工具已行之有年,然而在華人社會中卻沒有相關的應用。因此,本研究之目的在於以英文筆跡分析找出並衡量特定之中國人領導風格。
摘要(英) Handwriting Analysis has an ancient origin. It is used as a selection tool in Europe and the United States with prevalent proportions in the modern times. However, there is no such application in the Chinese society. This research, therefore, aimed at finding specific Chinese leadership styles through English handwriting analysis.
Data were collected from 121 working adults, with an even split between higher-level managers and ordinary workers. A total of 35 graphological parameters were assessed, by using an English handwriting questionnaire, against Chinese leadership styles, through the CPM Leadership Scale (Character, Performance, Maintenance) developed in the Mainland.
A good number of the Chinese leadership traits were found to significantly correlate with many of English graphological parameters. Conclusions were summarized from these results: 1. English handwriting analysis is applicable in assessing Chinese adults. 2. English handwriting analysis is predictive of specific Chinese leadership styles. 3. Potential development of Chinese graphology for HRM applications awaits future research.
關鍵字(中) ★ 領導風格
★ 筆跡
關鍵字(英) ★ Graphology
★ Leadership Styles
★ Handwriting
論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Research Background 1
1-2 Research Objectives 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 2
2-1 Graphology 3
2-1-1 The Premise of Graphology 3
2-1-2 The History of Graphology 4
2-1-3 Schools of Graphology 5
2-2 Researches on English Graphology 5
2-3 Researches on Chinese Graphology 7
2-4 Western and Chinese Leadership 8
2-5 Chinese Leadership Styles 9
2-5-1 The CPM Model of Chinese Leadership 9
2-6 Graphology and Leadership 11
Chapter 3 The Present Study 14
3-1 The Conceptual Framework 14
3-2 Hypotheses 14
3-3 Outcome Variables 14
3-3-1 English Handwriting 14
3-3-2 Chinese Leadership Styles 17
Chapter 4 Method 18
4-1 Participants 18
4-2 Instruments 19
4-2-1 English Graphology Questionnaire 19
4-2-2 The CPM Leadership Styles 20
4-3 Validity 20
4-3-1 Factor Structure of English Handwriting 20
4-3-2 Factor Structure of the CPM Scale 22
4-4 Reliability 23
4-4-1 Reliability of English Handwriting Questionnaire 24
4-4-2 Reliability of the CPM Scale 24
4-5 Data Analysis 24
Chapter 5 Results 26
5-1 Correlation Analysis 26
5-2 Regression Analysis 26
5-2-1 Regression Analysis of Personal Information and English Handwriting on the C dimension 26
5-2-2 Regression Analysis of Personal Information and English Handwriting on the P dimension 28
5-2-3 Regression Analysis of Personal Information and English Handwriting on the M dimension 29
5-3 Hypotheses Testing 30
5-3-1 The Impact of English Handwriting Analysis on Character and Morality 30
5-3-2 The Impact of English Handwriting Analysis on Performance 31
5-3-3 The Impact of English Handwriting Analysis on Maintenance 31
Chapter 6 Discussion & Conclusions 32
6-1 Discussion 32
6-2 Managerial Contribution 33
6-3 Limitations 33
6-4 Conclusions 34
References 38
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指導教授 高尚仁(Henry S.R. Kao) 審核日期 2004-6-30
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