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姓名 林原慶(Yuan-Ching Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 海峽兩岸文化差異性與員工工作滿意度之關係探討—以某台商為例
(The Relationship between the Cross-Strait Cultural Differences and Employee Satisfaction: Taking a Taiwanese-based Company as an Example)
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★ 人力資源管理措施與工作態度之相關性研究-以城邦出版控股集團為例★ 績效衡量指標變革對組織績效之影響探討--以某快餐連鎖企業為例
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摘要(中) 考慮文化差異性的人力資源管理制度與措施有助於台灣跨國公司之海內外子公司運作,進而改善其整體工作績效;且近年來海峽兩岸在文化價值觀上仍持續經歷著重大轉變。故本研究乃為探討個案公司在台灣海峽兩岸員工之文化差異性,並透過比較在個案公司之台灣母公司與大陸子公司之調查結果,探討文化差異性是否對員工工作滿足具有影響力以及其影響方式,以增加個案公司對其兩地員工文化差異性與工作滿意狀況之瞭解,並基於文化差異性之考量,提出有助個案公司改善兩岸人力資源管理措施之建議。
摘要(英) Human resource management systems and practices considering cultural differences can be beneficial for the domestic and overseas subsidiaries’ operation of Taiwanese multinational corporations. In recent years, the cross-strait people have experienced a huge change in cultural values. This study discusses the cultural difference among the cross-strait employees in the case company. According to the comparison of results between the parent company in Taiwan and the subsidiary company in China, this study discusses if the cultural differences influence employee satisfaction and how the cultural differences influence employee satisfaction to improve the case company’s understanding of the cultural differences and job satisfaction between the cross-strait employees. Based on the cultural differences, this study gives suggestions that are helpful to the case company for improving the cross-strait human resource management practices.
This study found that in the case company the Mainland Chinese employees’ tendencies of cultural dimensions such as power distance, individualism, masculinity and long-term orientation are significantly higher than Taiwanese employees. Also, the Mainland Chinese employees have significantly higher external satisfaction than the Taiwanese employees. Besides, employee’s tendency of masculinity has a positive impact on performance-based payment; however, it has a negative impact on the satisfaction of internal employee development. The higher the employee’s tendency of long-term orientation, the higher the employee satisfaction of training practices. Therefore, the case company should thoroughly understand of the employees’ work motivation between different areas. For the Mainland Chinese employees, the case company should put emphasis on the payment based on individual differences and performance, value the local employees’ development, diminish inequity, and plan for employee training. For the Taiwanese employees, the case company should improve their external satisfaction.
關鍵字(中) ★ 文化差異性
★ 員工工作滿足
★ 海峽兩岸員工
關鍵字(英) ★ Cultural differences
★ employee satisfaction
★ cross-strait employees
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 海峽兩岸之文化差異性 4
第二節 海峽兩岸文化差異與工作滿意 11
第三章 研究方法 24
第一節 研究架構 24
第二節 研究假設 25
第三節 研究工具 26
第四節 資料蒐集與分析方法 27
第四章 研究結果 30
第一節 樣本特性描述 30
第二節 因素分析 31
第三節 信度分析 36
第四節 相關分析 37
第五節 兩岸員工文化傾向與內、外在工作滿足程度之差異分析 39
第六節 兩岸員工文化差異性對兩岸員工工作滿意度之迴歸分析 40
第五章 結論與建議 51
第一節 研究假設驗證結果 51
第二節 管理意涵與發展建議 51
第三節、研究限制與後續研究建議 54
參考文獻 56
附錄 問卷 63
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指導教授 黃同圳(Tung-Chun Huang) 審核日期 2008-6-28
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