摘要(英) |
Global financial turmoil hit the United States economy, creating a market economy, consumption and production of tight situations of poor sales, leading enterprises are unable to generate income. Accounting to that how to reduce expenses has become a necessary business survival issues. As a result, the manpower-related cost saving measures have been introduced, no-pay leave, layoffs, wage cuts and other methods is the most immediate means, but not all organizations in the implementation of the strategy to streamline the organization to achieve the desired results.
In this study, the selected organizations to streamline the implementation of Taiwan’’s high-tech industry remain in office as the research staff, the use of descriptive statistics and statistical methods such as regression analysis, after the verification organization to streamline the remaining staff awareness of the need to streamline the program, rather than work stress and organizational commitment the impact of. In this study, the findings are as follows:
1. Organization of cognitive and organizational commitment to streamline the significant positive effects.
2. The distribution equity of cognition are significant predictors of work stress in office.
3. Work pressure can effectively explain the affective commitment and normative commitment.
4. To streamline the organization of cognitive organizational commitment to predict, when the pressure to join as an intermediary after the variables can be found that work stress can be to predict the distribution equity in the organization of cognitive effects of the undertaking.
As the results of the research, this study makes the following recommendations: Organizations plan to streamline the public、organizations to streamline the fairness、psychological counseling and job counseling.
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