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姓名 吳志鴻(Chih-Hong Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 淺層砂土中音波傳遞特性之研究
★ 動力夯實之有效影響深度與地表振動阻隔研究★ 砂土層中潛盾機地中接合漏水引致地層下陷之案例探討
★ 動力壓密工法施工引致地表振動之阻隔★ 音波式圓錐貫入試驗於土層界面判定之應用
★ 孔洞開挖後軟弱地盤之沉陷行為★ 超載對打設排水帶後軟弱地盤壓密行為之影響
★ 山岳隧道湧水處理之研究★ 砂土中基樁側向位移之改良研究
★ 圓錐貫入試驗中土壤音壓之研究★ 水泥混合處理砂質土壤液化特性之改良研究
★ 扶壁改善深開挖擋土壁體變形行為之研究★ 微音錐應用於土壤音射特性之研究
★ 黏性土壤受定量擠壓變形後之力學行為★ 黏土中短樁側向位移之改良研究
★ 砂土經水泥改良後之力學性質★ 黏土中模型樁側向位移之改良研究
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摘要(中) 摘要
摘要(英) Abstract
To realize the properties of acoustic waves propagating in soil medium, this research rely on the high sensitivity and excellent frequency response of condenser microphone to control the drop height of a steel ball dropping to the surface of sand as a sound source at the large scale soil testing pit. The purposes of this research are to investigate the propagation speed of sound, the distribution of root mean square of sound pressure and the variation of sound pressure in frequency domain in the soil medium. Finally, acoustic responses in the sand layer by dropping a steel ball on different materials were compared.
From the results of experiments, it was revealed that the propagation speed of acoustic waves is about 170~220m/s and it is getting faster with depth, but the growth of speed is getting slower. Acoustic responses of dropping a steel ball onto the surface of sand layer by different drop heights make the root mean square of sound pressure attenuate with the increase of distance between sound source and microphone. The variation of root mean square of sound pressure is very large between 0~1m in horizontal direction from sound source, and very small besides 0~1m. In another aspect, frequency distributes below 300Hz and it mainly distributes below 30Hz within 1m in horizontal direction from sound source. Frequency occupy the domain of 30~300Hz and mainly occupy the domain of 30~100Hz outside of 1m from sound source. Changing the drop height of a dropping steel ball did not change the attenuation trend of root mean square of sound pressure and the frequency distribution of acoustic signals in sand. In addition, the major differences of the acoustic signals of changing the material of knocked blocks is that the change of the dominant frequency and corresponding sound pressure inside of 1m distance from sound source in horizontal direction and below 30Hz in frequency domain.
關鍵字(中) ★ 音波傳遞
★ 聲速
★ 均方根音壓
★ 主要頻率
關鍵字(英) ★ root mean square of sound pressure
★ propagation of acoustic wave
★ sound speed
★ dominant frequency
論文目次 目錄
致謝 II
摘要 IV
目錄 VI
表目錄 X
圖目錄 XI
符號說明 XV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 1
1.3 研究方法 2
1.4 論文內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 音波基本原理 3
2.1.1 波的參數 4
2.1.2 音波基本參數 5
2.1.3 音波傳遞速度 7
2.1.4 波傳衰減特性 7 空氣中音波衰減特性 7 土層中振波衰減特性 8
2.1.5 音射現象 11
2.2 音波之應用 12
2.2.1 音射現象與土壤力學之關係 12
2.2.2 音射源之定位 13 區域定位法 13 到達時間差定位法 13 三軸後德格蘭姆法 17
2.2.3 不穩定邊坡之音波量測 18
2.2.4 微音錐貫入試驗 19
2.2.5 土石流地聲特性之研究 22
第三章 試驗土樣、儀器設備及試驗方法 37
3.1 試驗土樣 37
3.2 試驗儀器與相關設備 37
3.3 試驗方法及步驟 41
3.3.1 裝置防砂罩微音器之校正 42
3.3.2 淺層砂土中聲速量測試驗方法 43
3.3.3 音波於淺層疏鬆砂土中傳遞特性之量測試驗方法 45
3.3.4 撞擊不同落點材質之音波量測試驗方法 46
3.4 音波訊號處理 46
3.4.1 背景噪音之影響與校正 46
3.4.2 取樣定理 47
3.4.3 快速傅立葉轉換 48
第四章 試驗結果與分析 66
4.1 聲速量測試驗 66
4.1.1 聲速之探討 66
4.2 音波在淺層砂土中傳遞訊號之量測 67
4.2.1 均方根音壓分析 68 背景噪音的濾除 68 水平向均方根音壓分析 69 垂直向均方根音壓分析 70 土層中音壓之衰減與分佈 71
4.2.2 頻率分析 72
4.2.3 均方根音壓之衰減與頻率分佈之討論 74
4.3 撞擊不同材質塊體所產生之音波訊號 75
第五章 結論與建議 118
5.1 結論 118
5.2 建議 119
參考文獻 120
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指導教授 張惠文(Hwei-Weng Chang) 審核日期 2006-7-15
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