摘要(英) |
Each year, there are about one million tons of bottom ash and four million tons of waste concrete being produced in Taiwan. However, with efficient recycling process, the waste would be a great help in alleviating the burden of our surroundings and at the same time diminishing the consummation of construction resource.
This research analyzes several basic property tests on bottom ash and waste concrete which have been dealt with in the recycling plant in the first place. The result shows that both have low specific gravity, high absorptivity and abrasion, which reinforces our motif of comparing these two experiment subjects. In addition, when applying bottom ash and waste concrete as CLSM, we discover that the high quantity of organic matter in bottom ash makes it qualify the requirements of CLSM: fine fluidity, strong intensity in early stage while low intensity in terminal period. The amount of bottom ash used must be controlled around 20% while, on the other hand, waste concrete can be added up to 70%, or even 100%. Since local development of CLSM is not fully fledged, this research then can serve as advice to production management, quality management and locale construction.
After the laboratory experiment, this research proceed with the Cost Analysis between these two recycling materials and the nature aggregates. With the help of Life Cycle Assessment which is frequently adopted by electronics industry, we try to figure out whether the advantage brought by using the recycling materials is greater than the burden posed to the surroundings brought by the initial process of handling the wastes. The outcome reveals that the two recycling materials and nature aggregates have approximate cost, while waste concrete is far better than nature aggregates in reducing CO2, economizing energy, and decreasing waste. Bottom ash, however, consumes too much resource during the initial process, therefore does not perform so well in each category as waste concrete. |
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