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姓名 黃盛豪(Seng-Hao Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 晶圓廠製造執行系統之流程建構與分析
(Process Modeling and Analysis for the Manufacturing Execution System of Foundry Fab)
★ 應用MFM 與PPM 監控協同設計之執行流程★ 應用DSM與DRFT於汽車電子之協同開發流程
★ 一協同設計專案團隊組成方法- 以安全監視器產品為例★ 應用認知工程開發全球化光纖通訊系統
★ 羽絨產業策略規劃-應用品質機能展開分析法★ 重電業協同專案管理績效之研究-以變電所統包工程為例
★ 以屬性導向新產品開發之流程塑模與分析– 以醫療器材產業為案例★ 以品質機能展開法應用於主管管理職能之建構
★ 應用參考模型以及流程建模改善供應鏈績效-以投影機產業為例★ 協同產品開發之流程管理 - 以汽車零件為例
★ 配電系統之高壓電纜接頭供應商評選★ 應用品質機能展開於產品開發之流程分析-以刀鋒式伺服器為例
★ 實施精實六標準差改進製程良率-以機頂盒表面黏著技術為例★ 太陽能模組產業之決策營運研究
★ 新產品開發階段導入替代料之流程建模及潛在風險分析★ 應用實驗設計研發PET複合膜及改善厚膜翹曲問題
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摘要(英) This paper focuses on the design and realization of an application framework to develop Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for semiconductor fab to optimize production activities in shop floor and on rapid response for changeful conditions. MES is the accumulation of the methods and tools used to complete production activity from planned order launch to finished goods, which integrates the accurate and up-to-date information even to the decision-making management. As for a semiconductor industry, it is a complex production which needs high automatic and accurate equipments or devices. Besides, the intelligent information systems for administer. These systems include MES, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS), Supervisor Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA), Human Machine Interface (HMI) and so on. It is another issue to interoperate among these systems. In this paper, we put emphasis on the communication between MES and ERP/APS (Planning layer) and SCADA/HMI (Control layer).
We utilize activity diagrams and state diagrams of UML to construct the behavior representations of MES in semiconductor fabrication. This paper mainly presents production flow definition with activity diagrams. Moreover, we further construct the material flow model along with information flow to illustrate MES applied in the actual semiconductor fabrication plant floor. Certainly, the interoperability among the aforementioned systems is also constructed by activity diagrams. In addition to UML, we also apply GTST-MLD (Goal Tree Success Tree and Master Logic Diagram) to validate whether the activity diagrams are corresponded to the eleven functionalities which are defined by MESA International.
關鍵字(中) 關鍵字(英) ★ Unified Modeling Language
★ Manufacturing Execution System
★ Goal Tree Success Tree and Master Logic Diagram
論文目次 Abstract i
Table of Content ii
List of Tables iv
List of Figures v
Chapter I Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivations 1
1.2 Overview of Semiconductor Manufacturing Environment 4
1.3 Research Objectives 6
1.4 Research Framework and Organization 7
Chapter II Literature Review 10
2.1 Domain of Manufacturing Execution System 10
2.1.1 Current Definitions of MES 10
2.1.2 Existing Partitions of General MES 13
2.1.3 Modeling MES for Semiconductor Manufacturing 14
2.2 Information Float of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems 16
2.2.1 Configuration of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems 16
2.2.2 Information Flow Interchange of Manufacturing Systems 19
2.3 Modeling MES with UML 20
2.3.1 Process Models with Activity Diagrams and State Diagrams 21
2.3.2 Overview of Activity Diagram and State Diagram 22
Chapter III Architecture and System Modeling of MES 26
3.1 MES Model of Semiconductor Manufacturing with UML 26
3.1.1 Global View of MES 26
3.1.2 Activity Model from Order Launch to Finished Goods 30
3.1.3 Material State and Transition Model 44
3.2 Information Connection between MES with Other Systems 49
3.2.1 Hierarchy of Manufacturing System 49
3.2.2 Order Release to Manufacturing 50
3.2.3 Interoperability for Order Production 52
3.3 Validation of MES Model with GTST-MLD 55
3.3.1Description of Goal Tree Success Tree 55
3.3.2 Conception of Master Logic Diagram 56
3.3.3 Combination of GTST-MLD Framework 58
3.3.4 Overall Validation Structure for MES Models with Defined Functions 59
Chapter IV Validation of MES Model with GTST-MLD 61
4.1 Construction for GTST Modeling of MES 61
4.1.1Decomposition of Function-based MES Model 62
4.1.2 Decomposition of Global MES Model 63
4.2 GTST-MLD Modeling for Validation of MES Model 66
4.2.1 Development of GTST-MLD Framework for On-line Module 67
4.2.2 Development of GTST-MLD Framework for Off-line Modules 79
4.3 Construction GTST-MLD Models among Intelligent Systems 81
Chapter V Implementation of MES 84
5.1 Case Description 84
5.2 Analysis and Comparison of MES Frameworks 86
5.3 Adjustment in MES Models for MES Frameworks 89
5.3.1 Scenario Analysis and MES Model in Distributed MES 89
5.3.2 Scenario Analysis and MES Model in Hierarchical MES 94
5.3.3 Difference to Process Models Based on Different MES Framework 103
Chapter VI Conclusions and Recommendations 105
6.1 Conclusions 105
6.2 Recommendations for Future Work 106
References 107
Appendix A.1 113
Appendix A.2 115
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指導教授 高信培(Hsing-Pei Kao) 審核日期 2005-7-5
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