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姓名 江昇祐(Sheng-yu Chiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 使用客製化演算法支援 SAP APO 先進排程最佳化系統
(Using the customized heuristic to support the production planning in SAP APO)
★ 以類神經網路探討晶圓測試良率預測與重測指標值之建立★ 六標準突破性策略—企業管理議題
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摘要(中) 本研究討論了在SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO)系統中,使用APO原始資料,另第三方最優化系統JAVA/CPLEX提供客製化排程演算法的相關問題 。
SAP的APO系統能夠提供各種企業在生產計劃上最優化的解決方案。APO也是供應鏈網絡中最佳化的工具,藉由系統所提供的排程演算法可以使企業優化全球供應鏈。它是以SAP ERP的交易資料為基礎,整合了SAP ERP與APO。APO所提供的演算法雖然可以在排程中執行並得到結果,但是並非所有的演算法都可以符合今日的商業需求。
在本文中,我們分析了哪一種演算法是一個APO所提供的典型演算法。此一點型演算法將會與我們所撰寫的客製化演算法進行比較。我們在論文中剃除了不適合與JAVA進行連結的物件並建立APO與JAVA/CPLEX中的資料傳遞與連結。另外,我們去定義有哪些系統中的資料室會在排程時所被帶出來的,這些資料將被傳遞到地三方最優化系統,並且將資料對應到第三方優化系統中的參數設定。因此,我們可以使用一個案例比較APO所提供的典型演算法的排程結果與客製化驗算法的排程結果。最後,我們討論APO的生產規劃與詳細排程 (PP/DS)中所受的限制與無法達到的排程狀況我們研究的結果,尤其是客製化演算法所能提供的彈性。我們希望可以將排程的演算法落實到企業的資訊系統中。
摘要(英) This study discuss the customized scheduling problem in SAP APO Production planning & Detail Scheduling (PP/DS).
SAP-APO is able to support the production planning solution and logistic optimization to the world enterprise. SAP APO is a network optimization tool that optimizes the global supply chain network by visualizing and processing data with a set of algorithms. It is integrated to SAP ERP and based on the transactional data model in SAP ERP. APO provides scheduling heuristics that can use in the production planning run in PP/DS, but not all heuristics can apply to all scenarios.
In this paper, we analysis what the heuristic is the standard heuristic in SAP APO, this standard one will be compare with our customized heuristic. And find what connection is suiting this research; we build the connection of SAP APO and CPLEX. We also define the data what APO used and we export to an outside system; this original APO data will be mapping to JAVA/CPLEX. So we can use a production planning case to compare the result between SAP APO standard heuristic and customized JAVA/CPLEX heuristic. Finally, we study the result of the particular heuristic and we discuss the flexibility of customized heuristic. We hope the result can let the scheduling algorithm implement in information system.
關鍵字(中) ★ SAP APO (先進最佳化排程系統)
★ 演算法
★ 生產排程
★ 客製化
關鍵字(英) ★ SAP APO
★ production planning
★ heuristic
★ customized
論文目次 Contents
中文摘要......................................................................................................................... i
Abstract .......................................................................................................................... ii
Contents ....................................................................................................................... iii
List of Figures ................................................................................................................ v
List of Tables ................................................................................................................ vii
Chapter 1. Introduction ............................................................................................ 1
1.1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 1
1.2. Motivation & Background ......................................................................... 4
1.3. Problem description ................................................................................... 5
1.4. Research objectives .................................................................................... 8
Chapter 2. Literature review .................................................................................. 10
2.1. SAP APO in SCM .................................................................................... 10
2.2. Heuristic in SAP APO .............................................................................. 14
2.3. Input data for APO PP/DS ....................................................................... 16
2.4. Connectors provided in APO ................................................................... 19
Chapter 3. Building connections between APO and CPLEX ................................ 25
3.1. Overview of connection subproblems ..................................................... 25
3.2. Approach 1: Data transfer form APO to JAVA ........................................ 25
3.3. Approach 2: APO connects with JAVA and JAVA calls CPLEX. ............ 32
3.4. Approach 3: APO transfer data to JAVA and received data form JAVA .. 35
3.5. Approach 4: APO transfer data to JAVA, and JAVA calls CPLEX, and return the result to APO ....................................................................................... 37
Chapter 4. ...... Using a customized heuristic to support the production planning in SAP APO............................................................................................................................ 41
4.1. Case description ....................................................................................... 41
4.2. Exporting data form SAP APO ................................................................ 42
4.3. Mapping case parameters to corresponding data ..................................... 44
4.4. The customized heuristic for the case ...................................................... 45
4.4.1. JAVA ............................................................................................ 45
4.4.2. CPLEX ......................................................................................... 46
4.5. The result comparison .............................................................................. 49
4.5.1. By a algorithm SAP provided ...................................................... 50
4.5.2. By the customized heuristic ......................................................... 50
Chapter 5. Conclusion and future research ............................................................ 52
5.1. Research findings ..................................................................................... 52
5.2. Further research ....................................................................................... 53
Reference ..................................................................................................................... 54
Appendix A .................................................................................................................. 55
Appendix B .................................................................................................................. 60
Appendix C .................................................................................................................. 65
Appendix D .................................................................................................................. 67
Appendix F................................................................................................................... 77
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指導教授 沈國基(Gwo-Ji Sheen) 審核日期 2009-7-14
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