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姓名 顏寬鴻(Kuan-Hung Yen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 台灣地區學童消費型態研究--以城鄉差異與家庭溝通模式觀點探討
(A Study of Children's Consumption Patterns in Taiwan:From the Perspectives of Geographical Locations and Family Communication Patterns)
★ 醫院特質、智慧資本對醫院經營績效影響之研究★ 重大災難對台北國際觀光旅館經營績效的影響
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★ 創造力攸關之內外在環境特質與創造力投資策略之關係-學童與廠商跨領域之比較研究★ 創造力競爭環境,個人內在動機與創造力工作環境關係之探討--學童與廠商跨領域之比較
★ 零售商店擁擠知覺與購物滿意關係之探討★ 消費者購買決策過程中,遺憾的前因、干擾與後果之模型探討
★ 電子商務產業新創事業創業策略之研究–組織意會觀點之應用★ 不同形式之產品線延伸以及所有權狀態對品牌評價的影響
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★ 「形塑環境」及「社會網絡」之意會活動對「實質選擇權徵兆」的影響—以大學校園創業團隊為例★ 「建構身份」、「形塑環境」及「似合理性」對實質選擇權徵兆之影響 —以大學校園創業團隊為例
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摘要(英) As the role of children in families is growing, and their consumption ability is boosted, the children’s spending is drawing much attention for primary markets, future markets, and important influencers. This makes it critical to explore children’s consumer behavior, to understand how a child becomes a consumer via the socialization process.
This study, based on the perspective of consumer socialization, examines the impact of geographical locations and family communication patterns on children’s consumption patterns. Geographical locations have categorized into urban and rural areas, and family communication patterns according to their socio-oriented and concept-oriented dimensions, including laissez-faire, protective, pluralistic, and consensual types. The discussed consumption patterns are broken down into consumption aspirations, brand knowledge, saving values, and spending values.
240 children were chosen from Taipei, Ilan, and Hualien to participate in the survey. The results indicate that their geographical location is correlated with a child’s consumption patterns, while there is some association between family communication patterns and consumption patterns. According to the analysis methodologies, the relationship between geographical location and a child’s saving values is significant, while location is only partially correlated with consumption aspirations, brand knowledge, and spending values. Furthermore, family communication patterns are only partially correlated with a child’s consumption aspirations and saving values, while there is no difference in brand knowledge and spending values. This study clearly indicates that urban children have a much higher savings rate than rural children, and more concept-oriented children prefer to save their money in the bank than do socio-oriented children.
All these discoveries are expected to have implications for marketers, government authorities, and educators concerned with the development of children’s consumer behaviors.
關鍵字(中) 關鍵字(英) ★ Consumption Patterns
★ Consumer Socialization
★ Children
★ Taiwan
★ Family Communication Patterns
★ Geographical Locations
論文目次 ABSTRACT………………………………………………………i
TABLE INDEX………………………………………………...iii
FIGURE INDEX……………………………………………….iv
PROBLEM TO BE STUDIED……………………………………………2
RESEARCH QUESTIONS…………………………………….………….3
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND…………………………………………..4
CURRENT LITERATURE………………………………………………...11
MODEL AND HYPOTHESES…………………………………………….15
RESEARCH DESIGHN…………………………………………………...23
CHAPTER 4 RESULTS……………………………………25
METHODS OF DATA ANALYSIS………………………………………..25
DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS……………………………………………...27
HYPOTHESIS TESTING………………………………………………….28
CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION……………………………….61
RESEARCH FINDINGS…………………………………………………..61
FIGURE 2-1 Model of Consumer Behavior……………………………………….….5
FIGURE 2-2 Major Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behavior…………….….5
FIGURE 2-3 The Consumer Socialization Model…………………………………….7
FIGURE 2-4 Family Communication Patterns…………………………………….….13
FIGURE 3-1 Framework of the Research……………………………………………..15
FIGURE 3-2 Family Communication Patterns…………………………………….….20
FIGURE 4-1 Plot of Coordinates of Geographical Locations and How to Spend……31
FIGURE 4-2 Tree Plot of Cluster Analysis of How to Spend………………………...31
FIGURE 4-3 Plot of Coordinates of Geographical Locations and Where to Spend…..35
FIGURE 4-4 Tree Plot of Cluster Analysis of Where to Spend……………………….35
FIGURE 4-5 Plot of Coordinates of Geographical Locations and Where to Actually Spend ……………………………………………………………………39
FIGURE 4-6 Tree Plot of Cluster Analysis of Where to Actually Spend …………….39
FIGURE 4-7 Plot of Coordinates of FCP and How to Spend…………………………47
FIGURE 4-8 Tree Plot of Cluster Analysis of How to Spend………………………...47
FIGURE 4-9 Plot of Coordinates of FCP and Where to Spend ………………………51
FIGURE 4-10 Tree Plot of Cluster Analysis of Where to Spend……………………..51
FIGURE 4-11 Plot of Coordinates of FCP and Where to Actually Spend ……………55
FIGURE 4-12 Tree Plot of Cluster Analysis of Where to Actually Spend…………...55
TABLE 2-1 A Summary of Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development………………9
TABLE 3-1 The Family Communication Pattern Instrument, Socio-Orientation…...22
TABLE 3-2 The Family Communication Pattern Instrument, Concept-Orientation...22
TABLE 3-3 Population of Each District in Taiwan in June of 2001……………….….24
TABLE 4-1 Reliability………………………………………………………………...26
TABLE 4-2 Descriptive Statistics of the Sample Features……………………………27
TABLE 4-3 Crosstabulation of Geographical Locations and How to Spend…………29
TABLE 4-4 Chi-square Testing of Geographical Locations and How to Spend……...30
TABLE 4-5 Crosstabulation of Geographical Locations and Where to Spend……….33
TABLE 4-6 Chi-square Testing for Geographical Locations and Where to Spend…...34
TABLE 4-7 Crosstabulation of Geographical Locations and Where to Actually Spend…………………………………………………………………….37
TABLE 4-8 Chi-square Testing for of Geographical Locations and Where to Actually Spend….……………………………………………………….38
TABLE 4-9 Brand Knowledge According to Geographical Locations……………….40
TABLE 4-10 Saving Values According to Geographical Locations…………………..41
TABLE 4-11 Encouragement of Spending Values by Geographical Locations………42
TABLE 4-12 Forbidden of Spending Values by Geographical Locations…………….42
TABLE 4-13 Crosstabulation of Family Communication Patterns and How to Spend.45
TABLE 4-14 Chi-square Testing for FCP and How to Spend………………………...46
TABLE 4-15 Crosstabulation of Family Communication Patterns and Where to Spend…………………………………………………………………….49
TABLE 4-16 Chi-square Testing for FCP and Where to Spend………………………50
TABLE 4-17 Crosstabulation of Family Communication Patterns and Where to Actually Spend…………………………………………………………..53
TABLE 4-18 Chi-square Testing for FCP and Where to Actually Spend……………..54
TABLE 4-19 Brand Knowledge According to Family Communication Patterns……..56
TABLE 4-20 Saving Values According to Family Communication Patterns…………57
TABLE 4-21 Encouragement of Spending Values According to Family Communication Patterns………………………………………………...58
TABLE 4-22 Forbidden of Spending Values According to Family Communication Patterns………………………………………………………………….58
TABLE 4-23 Summary of Hypotheses and Actual Results…………………………...60
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指導教授 李小梅、蔡明宏
(Shau-Mei Li、Ming-Hong Tsai)
審核日期 2002-7-16
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