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姓名 李詩政(Shih-Cheng Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 存款保險與資本規範
(Deposit Insurance and Capital Requirements)
★ 最適指數複製法之自動化建置:以ETF50為例★ 台灣公債市場與台幣利率交換交易市場動態關聯性之研究
★ 企業貸款債權證券化--信用增強探討★ 停損點反向操作指標在台灣期貨市場實證
★ 投資型保單評價-富邦金吉利保本投資連結型遞延年金保險乙型(VANB5)★ 停損點反向操作指標在台灣債券市場實證
★ 匯率風險值衡量之實證研究-以新台幣、日圓、英鎊、歐元匯率為例★ 探討央行升息國內十年期指標公債未同步上升之原因
★ 信用風險模型評估—Merton模型之應用★ 資產管理公司購買不動產擔保不良債權評價之研究
★ 股票除息對期貨與現貨報酬之影響★ 主權基金的角色定位與未來影響力之研究
★ 我國公債期貨之研究分析★ 用事件研究法探討希臘主權債信危機-以美國及德國公債為例
★ 企業避險及財務操作之實例探討★ 台灣期貨市場之量價交易策略
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摘要(中) 論文摘要
摘要(英) This dissertation includes three essays. In first essay, we set up a deposit insurance pricing model that treats forbearance as an option to delay the resolution of undercapitalized financial institutions and, subsequently, derive a closed-form solution for the deposit insurance put. The put is decomposed into a capital component and a time component. We then evaluate how the critical policy parameters relate to the cost of deposit insurance. We also examine how moral hazard behavior and the accompanying risk-taking behavior affect deposit insurance premiums. We find that bank with more risk-taking activities will be made possible with a lower forbearance threshold and will consequently increase the loss exposure of the deposit insuring agent. Second essay derives the deposit insurance formula under both the regulatory mechanisms of Basel Accord and Value-at-Risk and evaluates how closure rules and other critical policy parameters affect the cost of deposit insurance. In the third essay, We set up a multiperiod deposit insurance pricing model, which utilizes an asset value reset rule comparable to the typical practice of insolvency resolution by insuring agencies. We incorporate capital forbearance and Value-at-Risk regulation in the multiperiod model. We also examine how moral hazard behavior and the accompanying risk-taking behavior affect deposit insurance premiums.
關鍵字(中) ★ 存款保險
★ 資本規範
★ 資本寬容
★ 道德風險
★ 選擇權評價
★ 風險值
關鍵字(英) ★ Deposit insurance
★ Capital standard
★ Forbearance
★ Moral hazard
★ Option pricing
★ Value-at-Risk
論文目次 目 錄
Essay 1: Deposit Insurance under Forbearance and Moral Hazard
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………….1-2
2. A Model of Deposit Insurance under Forbearance………………………..1-4
2.1 Pricing Deposit Insurance under Forbearanc………………………….1-4
2.2 Forbearance: Capital Component vs. Time Component…………...….1-6
2.3 Policy Parameters and Deposit Insurance Guarantees……………………1-7
3. Moral Hazard under Forbearance………………………………………….1-9
3.1 Moral Hazard Intensity and Premium Rates……………………...…....1-10
3.2 Cross Effect of Moral Hazard Intensity and Forbearance Parameter….1-11
4. Deposit Insurance Premium Values………………………………………..1-11
5. Conlusions………………………………………………………………….1-12
Chapter 2 Deposit Insurance and Capital Requirements: Basel Accord vs. Value-at-Risk
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………….2-2
2. Model………………………………………………………………………..2-3
2.1 Modeling Capital Requirements: Basel Accord versus Value-at-Risk…..2-5
2.2 Pricing Deposit Insurance under Capital Forbearance…………………..2-6
2.3 Forbearance and Deposit Insurance Guarantees…………………………2-8
2.4 Premium Rates…………………………………………………………..2-11
3. Conlusions…………………………………………………………………...2-11
Chapter 3 Value-at-Risk and Pricing Deposit Insurance in a Multiperiod Framework
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………3-2
2. A Multiperiod Model of Deposit Insurance Pricing ….……………………3-4
2.1 The Asset Value Dynamic……………………………………………...3-4
2.2 Premium for Deposit Insurance………………………………………...3-6
2.3 Capital Forbearance and Moral Hazard………………………………...3-10
2.4 Fairly-Priced Premium Rate…………………………………………….3-11
3. Numerical Analysis…………………………………………………………3-11
3.1 Simulation Method and Procedure………………………………………3-11
3.2 Parameter Values………………………………………………………...3-12
3.3 Fair Premium and Results……………………………………………….3-14
4. Conlusion……………………………………………………………………3-15
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指導教授 俞明德、張傳章
(Min-Teh Yu、Chuang-Chang Chang)
審核日期 2003-1-9
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