摘要(英) |
Through the slow moving of global business prosperity, it becomes a trend to descend interest rate. In 2001, the Fed has declined its fund rate up to ten times already. Meanwhile, the center bank also descended rediscount rate over eleven times. This made local banks have to lower deposit rate in order to follow this trend. How great influence did it impact interest cost? What was the best regulative policy for different branch banks under frequently adjust interest rate?
The major purpose of this research is to design a regulative saving interest rate system. To measure the influence of bank deposit by the scenario of adjusted interest rate. The interest rate scenario, that is, use different range of interest rate, surrender rate curve, and current deposit flow away rate to analysis the influence on “interest cost save” and “deposit flow away spread” that caused by regulative interest . To seek appropriate interest range for individual bank and analysis the interest range difference between different classified banks in order to set out the interest rate policy.
The regulative saving interest rate system is based on Excel Visual Basic Application program. The instruction is to execute the macro and to input the related variables. Nonparametric Test: Kurskal-Wallis Test.
1. Prerequisite: doing 36 simulations under the interest range rate and the deposit surrender rate is the same and the descended range is between -0.05% and -0.41%. Result: the higher percentage fixed deposit to saving, the smaller saving scale, the greater rate interest cost save to total saving.
2. Kurskal-Wallis Test: there is an obvious difference between different interest cost save and classified banks that have different deposit ratio and saving scale.
3. Demonstration: if the scenario of interest rate is the same, the surrender curve only has difference in different classified banks. If the surrender rate is the same, the most suitable range is similar. If surrender rate is different, the greater surrender curve is, the smaller most suitable range is and vice versa.
4. Interest rate regulation: to take the differences existence into the consideration in terms of the structure of current deposit, fixed deposit, the size of deposit scale and the possible changes between surrender rate and current flow away rate, different banks have deposit structure. It is possible to find out the most suitable interest range, that is, the greatest interest costs save. |
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