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姓名 陳姿尹(Chi-ing Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 利用複雜理論探討劇烈性變革之突現循環性 ─ 以台灣便利商店之演化路徑為例
(Emergency of radical change though complexity theory -evolutionary path of convenience store in Taiwan )
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摘要(中) 便利商店引進台灣導致零售產業發生劇烈性變革,消費者對於便利性之需求透過系統性的營運模式,改變台灣零售產業結構與消費者的消費行為。然而,在現存的變革理論中,對於劇烈性變革產生之發展理解為不在預期中之戲劇性躍進,並無法解釋本研究所觀察的現象。
摘要(英) A decision to introduce convenience stores to markets in Taiwan led to a radical change to the retail business. The industry structure and consumer behaviors of the general public change correspondingly. This is as a result of convenience needed by consumers via systematic business model. However, in currently existing empirical studies, cyclic development from a miniscule change to a radical revolution cannot be explained. In addition, these empirical studies cannot fully explain observations made in our laboratory.
In this research, we use the perspective of complexity science to observe the evolutionary process of convenience stores in Taiwan. In addition, we apply four major concept of complexity theory: initiating condition, the far-from- equilibrium, deviation amplification and fractals and scalability to illustrate the emergence of radical change. Through an adaptive complexity system, initiating conditions are continuously rebuilt. Systems which are not in an equilibrium state are accepting more new information and energy. While in an unstable condition, systems are in a repetitive cycle of merging and splitting with the tightly coupled agents, and are more likely to be amplified by one another through feedback loop. Consequently, the process returns to the initiating conditions and a new pattern is built In our study, we observe the evolutionary process of the development of convenient stores in Taiwan. Convenient stores in Taiwan are absorbing new information and technologies and are adapting to consumers’ continuous needs for convenience, competitions among industrial peers, and changes in the business environment. Consequently, convenient stores experience a radical change in an evolutionary cycle and, hence, brings a new form of enterprise and consumer behaviors.
Our study offers four key findings. First, the radical change is unintended, emergent, and slow. Second, destabilizing conditions help manicure changes to emerge and become radical. Third, subsequent actions amplify an initial minuscule change and, though not intended to do so, promote radical changes. Finally, the dynamic interaction among amplifying actions, contextual conditions, and small changes input leads to radical changes. Though self-similar pattern, it develops continuous radical change.
關鍵字(中) ★ 統一超商
★ 複雜理論
★ 劇烈性變革
★ 便利商店
關鍵字(英) ★ cvs
★ complexity theory
★ radical change
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vi
壹、引 言 1
貳、理 論 觀 點 3
劇烈性變革 3
複雜性科學之發展 8
複雜理論 11
參、研究方法 14
肆、劇烈性變革之突現 18
台灣便利商店產業發展背景 18
微小變化—初始值 21
遠離均衡狀態下之自我組織 23
行動擴大微小變化 32
脈絡與行動之交互作用 45
碎形模式之延展性 48
伍、討論與意涵 51
陸、結 論 55
參考文獻 57
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指導教授 洪秀婉(Shiu-wan,Hung) 審核日期 2008-6-30
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