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姓名 范喻茹(Yu-Ju Fan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 延長交易時間對台灣股市之日內影響
(The Intraday Effect of the Extension of Trading Hours for Taiwanese Securities)
★ 買賣價差之拆解-以台灣加權指數期貨與新加坡摩根台股指數期貨為例★ 在不同模型、分組方式以及貝他估計情況下之Fama和French三因子模型表現
★ 法人日內投資行為及跟隨法人投資策略★ 結算制度與到期日效應
★ 台灣股市系統性風險之檢定★ 提前平倉與轉倉策略對股價指數期貨到期日效應之實證:以台灣股票市場為例
★ 指數期貨操縱模型--以台灣股價指數為例★ 台灣股市日內效果之研究
★ 從日、美看台灣股市的資產定價實證研究★ 選擇權交易獲利性之分析:以交易資料為例
★ 資訊不對稱與公司特徵:市場微結構觀點★ 企業商業模式及品牌價值創造—以宏達電為例
★ 企業商業模式及品牌價值創造—以宏碁集團為例★ 法人期貨與選擇權交易量對市場報酬的影響
★ 台灣市場的關係公司與內部人交易★ 為什麼台灣公司的現金比率逐年增加?
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摘要(中) 本篇論文使用四百二十九家台灣上市公司檢驗二00一年一月一日延長交易時間前後交易量、報酬波動性、買賣價差與價格發現的日內變化,結果發現,交易量與報酬波動性的日內型態在延長交易時間前後皆為典型的U型,在價格發現方面,資訊交易者傾向在開盤交易,尤其在二00一年,實證結果顯示,台灣日內型態開盤是起因 Admati and Peiderer (1988) 的資訊不對稱模型,產生高交易量與低買賣價差,收盤則是起因於 Brock and Kleidon (1992) 模型的隔夜風險,產生高交易量與高買賣價差,然而,延長交易時間並未降低日內型態產生的原因,延長交易時間前後日內型態未改變。
摘要(英) This paper examines the intraday variation in the trading volume, return volatility, and bid-ask spread for a sample of 429 stocks traded on the Taiwan Stock Exchange during 2000 and 2001. Our purpose is to nd the e ect of the extension of trading hours on January 1, 2001. We nd that intraday trading volume and return volatility are highest at the market open, fall gradually through the day, and widen again at the close in both 2000 and 2001. We also discover that informative trades are more obvious in the beginning of the trading day. The intraday pattern of the Grade, which we rede ne as the bid-ask spread, is lower in the beginning of the
trading day, especially in 2001. The evidence in favor of the two major models of Admati and Peiderer (1988) and Brock and Kleidon (1992) is mixed. We find that the reason for the beginning of the intraday pattern is due to the information asymmetry modeled by Admati and Peiderer (1988) and the reason for the end of the intraday pattern is due to the overnight risk modeled by Brock and Kleidon(1992). However, the patterns show no change after the extension of trading hours, and the reasons for the intraday pattern do not disappear. The extension of trading by 1.5 trading hours does not lower the overnight risk and does not reduce the information asymmetry.
關鍵字(中) ★ 日內型態
★ 交易量
★ 報酬波動性
★ 賣賣價差
★ 價格發現
關鍵字(英) ★ Bid-Ask Spread
★ Intraday Pattern
★ Trading Volume
★ Return Volatility
論文目次 1 Introduction ...............................................................1
2 Institutional Background and Hypothesis.................................... 2
2.1 Institutional background................................................. 2
3 The Data Set and Methodology................................................6
3.1 The Data Set..............................................................6
3.2 The Methodology...........................................................6
4 Empirical Results..........................................................10
4.1 Intraday Patterns........................................................10
4.2 Intraday Patterns for Size...............................................13
4.3 Robustness...............................................................16
5 Conclusion.................................................................17
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指導教授 賴弘能(Hung-Neng Lai) 審核日期 2004-6-29
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