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姓名 廖子翔(Tzu-Hsiang Liao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 個股選擇權隱含波動率之研究
(Essays on Implied Volatility of Individual Stock Options)
★ 最適指數複製法之自動化建置:以ETF50為例★ 避險基金之績效評估
★ 展望理論與共同基金績效★ 台灣公債市場與台幣利率交換交易市場動態關聯性之研究
★ 企業貸款債權證券化--信用增強探討★ 停損點反向操作指標在台灣期貨市場實證
★ 投資型保單評價-富邦金吉利保本投資連結型遞延年金保險乙型(VANB5)★ 停損點反向操作指標在台灣債券市場實證
★ 匯率風險值衡量之實證研究-以新台幣、日圓、英鎊、歐元匯率為例★ 探討央行升息國內十年期指標公債未同步上升之原因
★ 信用風險模型評估—Merton模型之應用★ 資產管理公司購買不動產擔保不良債權評價之研究
★ 股票除息對期貨與現貨報酬之影響★ 主權基金的角色定位與未來影響力之研究
★ 生命週期基金 :行為財務學觀點★ 我國公債期貨之研究分析
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摘要(中) 本研究是由二篇有關於個股選擇權隱含波動率之文章所構成。
摘要(英) This study contains two essays in implied volatility of individual stock options. The first essay examines the effect of arbitrage risk on the slope of implied volatility curve for individual stock options. If arbitrage risk affects the slope of implied volatility curve, then there is a connection between stock options and arbitrage risk. The empirical results reveal that arbitrage risk does affect the slope of the implied volatility curve for stock options. The implied volatility smile is more pronounced for stocks with higher arbitrage risk. In addition, the longer the maturity of the option, the smaller the effect. By investigating the slopes for OTM puts and OTM calls, some effects of the arbitrage risk on the implied volatility curve are asymmetric.
The second essay focuses on the comparison among models of implied volatility curve of the stock options. Over the past few decades, there are many issues associated with the implied volatility smile in the options market. However, no much works have been found in the literature regarding the comparison of implied volatility models because lacking a theoretical foundation on which the comparative investigation could be conducted. In this essay, the methods for combining hypothesis tests are used to compare different implied volatility models. The empirical result shows that the linear piecewise model is the most appropriate model for implied volatility curves.
關鍵字(中) ★ 組合檢定
★ 隱含波動微笑
★ 非涵蓋模型
★ 套利風險
★ 反常態法
★ 反卡方法
關鍵字(英) ★ inverse normal method
★ arbitrage risk
★ implied volatility smile
★ combination test
★ non-nested model
★ inverse chi-square method
論文目次 Contents.................................................................................................................... i
List of Tables............................................................................................................ iii
List of Figures.......................................................................................................... v
Essay 1: Arbitrage Risk and Volatility Smile in Individual Stock Options....... 1
1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 2
2 Arbitrage Risk Proxies.................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Fundamental Risk.................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Noise Trader Risk.................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Implementation Risk.............................................................................................. 5
2.4 Firm-Specific Variables......................................................................................... 6
3 Data and Methodology.................................................................................................... 7
4 Empirical Results............................................................................................................ 10
5 Robustness Check........................................................................................................... 18
6 Conclusion...................................................................................................................... 28
References............................................................................................................................. 28
Essay 2: Fitting and Testing for Implied Volatility Curve with
Parametric Models.......................................................................... 32
1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 33
2 Implied Volatility Models and Non-nested Hypotheses................................................. 36
2.1 Implied Volatility Models...................................................................................... 36
2.2 Non-nested Hypotheses.......................................................................................... 38
2.3 Non-nested Testing Procedure............................................................................... 39
3 Combination Test............................................................................................................ 42
3.1 Inverse Chi-square Method.................................................................................... 42
3.2 Inverse Normal Method......................................................................................... 45
4 Data................................................................................................................................. 46
5 Empirical Results............................................................................................................ 47
5.1 Preliminary Results................................................................................................ 48
5.2 Combination Tests................................................................................................. 50
5.3 Robustness Checks................................................................................................ 57
6 Conclusion...................................................................................................................... 61
References............................................................................................................................. 64
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指導教授 周賓凰、張傳章
(Pin-Huang Chou、Chuang-Chang Chang)
審核日期 2008-6-26
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