博碩士論文 954201045 詳細資訊

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姓名 王郁偉(Yu-wei Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 台灣中小企業產業e化現況對員工資訊素養之影響
(The impact of Taiwanese small and medium enterprises digitization to the information literacy of employees)
★ 工作滿足、領導行為、工作特性與人格特質對離職傾向之探討-以超大型會計師事務所審計人員為例★ 以組織診斷模型診斷企業組織層級架構-以某公司為例
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★ 高職辦理輪調式建教班對學校經營績效之評估-以北區私立高職為例★ 本國商業銀行經營績效之探討-資料包絡分析法之應用
★ 台灣中小企業 創業動機與創業績效關係之研究★ 員工當責與真誠領導之關聯性-以心理賦權與團隊凝聚力為中介變數
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★ 燈⽕闌珊處的求職旅程:如何透 過⼯作價值觀、雇主吸引⼒、激 勵因⼦為求職者點亮路徑★ 購買意願的幕後功臣:Instagram大小網紅的 自我揭露對消費者自我一致性與感知真實的影響
★ 中小企業之組織診斷與分析-以A公司為例★ 高科技產業人力資源發展與組織績效之研究-以新竹科學園區為例
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摘要(中) 資訊時代下,資訊科技對於企業經營的重要性與日俱增。資訊科技對台灣中小企業經營的重要性也相對提升。經濟部中小企業處為縮短國內產業數位落差,近期更提撥10億元預算,使需要e化的中小企業針對不同數位需求,找尋合適的應用軟體解決方案,以達成縮減產業數位落差之效。
摘要(英) In the information age, the importance of information technology to the business community is growing. Meanwhile, the importance of information technology to the Taiwanese small and medium enterprises (SMEs) has been emphasized recently. In order to reduce the national digital divide, the Taiawnese Ministry of Economic Affairs has allocated 1 billion NT dollars to electronicalize the SMEs, and assisted the SMEs in coping with different information needs, as well as identified the applied software solutions to effectively reduce the digital divide in the industry.
Among the policies that attempt to solve the digital divide problem of the industry, there exists a lack of awareness of the real meaning of the digital divide. It is found that the hardware digital divide is overemphasized, but the software digital divide is neglected. The software digital divide is related to whether an individual is able to use information effectively and efficiently, which is regarded as an important key factor in the E-learning arena.
Because there are a variety of resources for self-learning on the Internet and many instructional materials from different subject areas have available digitally, the learners’ abilities to use computer hardware and software effectively and efficiently remain key factors that determine the success of their learning. The degree of the information literacy may affect an individual’s work performance, their future academic achievement, and also impact their learning within the enterprises.
Generally speaking, we need to prevent “the poor from being poorer,and the rich from being richer” situation in the information age, the information literacy training is a necessity. Specifically, the information literacy is an essential ability of an indivudal to learning, and it is an integral part of the life-long learning. In the era of rapid dissemination of information, the information literacy to enterprise employees is of great value.
In this study, relevant literature was reviewed. Through content analysis, the research attempted to identify the major dimensions of information literacy. They included 13 dimensions, including the basic traditional knowledge, the information cognitive ability, the information retrieval and search capabilities, the capacity for the assessment and analysis of information, the ability to integrate information, the ability to apply information, the ability to present relevent information, the decision-making ability, the information communicative skill, the information dissemination ability, the ability to use computer equipment, the ability to use of Internet tools, the ability to use multimedia tools, etc.
This research used a well-designed questionnaire to investigate the current situation of the Taiwanese SMEs, to explore the condition of electronization and to probe the the current level of information literacy of the SME staffs. Seven hundred and eighty seven questionnaires were sent; 199 questionnaires were responded and valid. The response rate was 32.3 percent. The data were analyzed using SPSS13.0.
The results indicated that:
(1) The gender distribution of the higher-level workforce in Taiwanese SMEs was uneven.
(2) The industrial electronization had more impact on the women’s information literacy than on the men’s information literacy.
(3) The impact of the enterprise knowledge management electronization (e-learning) on the staff’s information literacy was found to be the most significant.
Hence whether the company can improve an individual’s information literacy in their staff training remain an important element in the implementation of e-learning.
關鍵字(中) ★ 中小企業
★ 內容分析法
★ 資訊素養
★ e化
★ 數位落差
關鍵字(英) ★ digital divide
★ information literacy
★ content anal
論文目次 中文摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節、 研究背景與動機 1
第二節、 研究問題與研究目的 3
第三節、 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節、 數位落差 7
ㄧ、 數位落差的定義 7
二、 數位落差的有效衡量 10
三、 有效衡量企業之數位落差 12
四、 資訊素養的定義 14
第二節、 台灣中小企業現況與特質 21
ㄧ、 中小企業的定義 21
二、勞工資訊素養對於企業的重要性 23
第三節、 相關理論 24
一、 內容分析法 24
第四節、 相關研究 26
第三章 研究方法與設計 31
第一節、 研究內涵 31
第二節、 研究假設 32
第三節、 研究方法與工具 32
一、 研究方法 32
二、 研究工具 44
三、 研究對象 46
第四節、 資料蒐集與分析 48
一、 資料蒐集 48
二、 資料分析 48
第四章 研究分析與探討 50
第一節、 樣本資料結構 50
第二節、 樣本企業員工結構 53
第三節、 樣本企業e化現況 55
第四節、 樣本資料員工資訊素養現況 65
ㄧ、性別 65
二、階層 67
第四節、 變異數分析 70
第五章 結論與建議 104
第一節、 研究結論 104
一、敘述統計之結果歸納 104
二、變異性分析之結果歸納 105
第二節、 管理實務之意涵 107
一、員工資訊素養能力之判斷 107
二、產業e化之建置與普及 107
三、不同性別、階層、年齡資訊素養教育需求方向 107
四、數位學習的導入 108
五、員工生涯之教育規劃 108
六、數位學習結合知識管理、人資系統與虛擬社群 108
第三節、 研究限制與後續建議 109
參考文獻 111
附錄一 116
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指導教授 李憶萱(Yi-hsuan Lee) 審核日期 2008-7-22
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