摘要(英) |
The Taiwanese government has made relevant policies in the trend of knowledge economy and e-learning. The government indicated that e-learning can help improve our competitive advantages in the era of knowledge economy. As a result, public sectors set up websites. There have been 52 e-learning websites till Feb, 2007. Those websites were established for different purposes; however, those websites have similar contents or services. Each public sector has to maintain their own website because of no integration of e-learning websites. Through integrating e-learning websites of public sectors, the costs can be saved. This study aimed to discuss the issues about integration of e-learning resources in public sectors in term of content perspectives.
The qualitative method, naturalistic inquiry, was used to explore current situations of e-learning resources. The purposes of this study were shown as below:
1. Explore the current situation of e-learning resources in the term of digital content perspective.
2. Discuss the possibility and difficulty of e-learning resources integration in terms of digital content perspective.
3. Explore current situation of e-learning resources in terms of user perspective.
4. Discuss the possibility and difficulty of integration in terms of user perspective.
5. Present specific integrated processes.
Specific integrated processes were as following: (1) Create the guarding coalition. (2) Decide the scope of specialization; (3) Coordinate the method of courses production; (4) Establish other relative management. As the result, the goal of saving the re-built costs can be reached, and each public sector could focus on courses development to improve the quality of e-learning courses.
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