摘要(英) |
In the global competitive market and under the international impact, organization has to adapt the new environment of competition, but when the labor, resources, equipments, and ability are actually insufficient to deal with it, they will adopt with which have the supplementary function manufacturer to carry on the cooperation. However, there are many transaction contexts in the supply chain, thus, interorganization performance will be affected by governance mechanism.
In this research, we will concern five transaction contexts, two governance mechanisms, and three organizational performances. The transaction contexts are task interdependence, relationship interdependence, behavior uncertainty, and market uncertainty. Governance mechanisms are hierarchical governance and relational governance. And organizational performances are negotiation efficiency, production efficiency and, ex post trust. What we concern about in performance is transaction performance between organizations instead of financial performance, because the effect factors of performance within organization not only transaction partners but also the human resources, capability, and resources are critical factors.
The empirical study aims at multi-part assembly manufactory enterprises, the questionnaires were distributed to the procurement staffs and managers, raising the total response to 288. After the empirical analysis, we found that transaction context has positive effect to governance mechanism, except for behavior uncertainty has negative effect to hierarchical governance. Then, governance mechanism has positive effect to transaction performance, except for negotiation efficiency. It is different with other researchers, we thought the reason is because there are two factors in negotiation, one is willingness, another is supplier’s ability. Because of the supplier recognize their own ability, so they will ask to buyer for the change of the negotiation items.
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