摘要(英) |
The capital suppliers for REITs include investment institutions and general publics. But REITs is mostly liked defensive tool, which is not adaptable for all the investors. Besides evaluating the economic prosperity, beneficial values and risks, and factors causes profits and losses, the investors should study its profolio, managerial teams and financial strategies, as well as the exposed datums from its prospectus and financial reports.
This article will be started to introduce the definitions and models of the REIT’s, forgein and domestic REIT’s markets, and its product categories, then the investment risk analysis and discussion will be proceeded by the overall risk of its expected return risk, company internal operation risk, financial risk from stock loan, and liquidity risk. Educating the investors more cognitive on the financial products when they exercise the keypoints and risks of the profolio. |
參考文獻 |
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1. 富邦一號不動產投資信託基金受益證券公開說明書。
2. 富邦二號不動產投資信託基金受益證券公開說明書。
3. 國泰一號不動產投資信託基金受益證券公開說明書。
4. 新光一號不動產投資信託基金受益證券公開說明書。
5. 三鼎不動產投資信託基金受益證券公開說明書。 |