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姓名 黃琬穎(Wan-Ying Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 網路產業經營模式與價值創造的關係─以Google與Yahoo!為例
(The Business Model and Value Creation of the Internet Industry: A Comparison of Google and Yahoo!)
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摘要(中) 經營模式這個名詞在網路產業興起後,逐漸受到重視。同樣以搜尋引擎起家的Google及Yahoo!在選擇不同的經營模式下,Google以搜尋引擎獨霸,Yahoo!致力發展入口網站,兩者都創造出高獲利的記錄,然而目前公司價值卻有懸殊的差異。在這樣的背景下,本文試圖了解網路產業的經營模式與其價值創造的關係。
  本研究發現,造成兩者目前價值差異的因素在於使用不同的經營模式,Google致力發展其搜尋技術,Yahoo!以入口網站提供多元服務,兩者的目標客戶以及顧客價值主張均不相同。唯有清楚明白並滿足顧客的需求,才能創造企業的價值。網路產業的顧客需求隨著網路產業技術發展而改變。從價值創造的角度來看,Google的經營模式比Yahoo! 的經營模式更適用於當前的網路世代。
摘要(英) The terminology of Business model is becoming popular after the internet industry arose. Google and Yahoo! both started as search engines in the beginning, but later, they chose different business models. Google has been devoted to developing search engine techniques, whereas Yahoo! focusing on portal techniques. Though both firms had high earning profit records, they differ significantly in their enterprise values currently. Hence, this study tries to explore the relation between business model and value creation of internet industry by examining the cases of Google and Yahoo!.
This study first compares the differences between Google’s and Yahoo!’s business models in terms of revenue streams, cost streams, investments, and critical successful factors. Next, it uses sensitivity analysis to find out the two firms’ cirstical success factors of value creation.
The findings of this study are as follows. The business model chosen by Google and Yahoo! indeed affected the value the companies. The two firms differ in target customers and customer value propositions. In the internet era, customers’ demands shift as the internet technology changes. An internet company could create value only if they would clearly understand the need of their customers and the company’s customer value proposition satisfies her customers’ demand. From the perspective of value creation, Google’s business model is better suited for the costomers’ demand than Yahoo!’s.
關鍵字(中) ★ 網路產業
★ 經營模式
★ 價值創造
★ Yahoo!
★ Google
關鍵字(英) ★ Yahoo!
★ Internet Industry
★ Value Creation
★ Business Model
★ Google
論文目次 中文摘要.............................................. i
英文摘要.............................................. ii
目 錄................................................ iv
表目錄................................................ vi
圖目錄................................................ vii
一、緒論.............................................. 1
1-1 研究背景......................................1
1-2 研究動機......................................3
1-3 研究目的..................................... 3
1-4 研究方法..................................... 4
1-5 論文架構..................................... 4
2-1 經營模式之定義............................... 6
2-2 網路產業之經營模式........................... 9
2-3 網路產業之價值創造 ...........................11
2-4 網路產業之評價方法 ...........................14
3-1 經營模式..................................... 19
3-1-1 收入......................................... 19
3-1-2 成本......................................... 20
3-1-3 投資......................................... 21
3-1-4 關鍵成功因素................................. 21
3-2 評價模型..................................... 22
3-3 資料來源..................................... 27
四、個案公司介紹...................................... 28
4-1 網路產業發展................................. 28
4-2 Google....................................... 30
4-2-1 發展階段..................................... 31
4-2-2 企業文化..................................... 32
4-2-3 收入來源..................................... 33
4-2-4 經營狀況..................................... 33
4-3 Yahoo!....................................... 35
4-3-1 發展階段..................................... 36
4-3-2 企業文化..................................... 37
4-3-3 收入來源..................................... 38
4-3-4 經營狀況..................................... 38
五、經營模式與價值創造:Google vs. Yahoo!............. 40
5-1 經營模式之比較............................... 40
5-1-1 收入......................................... 44
5-1-2 成本......................................... 51
5-1-3 投資......................................... 57
5-1-4 關鍵成功因素................................. 59
5-2 企業價值評估與敏感度分析..................... 65
5-3 經營模式與價值創造之關係..................... 71
六、結論.............................................. 73
參考文獻.............................................. 75
附錄一 Google併購大事記.............................. 77
附錄二 Yahoo!併購大事記.............................. 81
附錄三 Google評價流程................................ 83
附錄四 Yahoo!評價流程................................ 84
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指導教授 鄭漢鐔(Hann-Tarn Jeng) 審核日期 2009-6-30
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