博碩士論文 93438014 詳細資訊

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姓名 張金龍(Ching-Lung Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系在職專班
論文名稱 台股風格投資法之研究與探討
★ 上市公司財務主管異動宣告對股價報酬與企業經營績效之影響★ 國內綜合證券商轉投資海外子公司內部控制實務探討
★ IPO承銷新制對市場波動性、效率性及流動性之影響★ 探討影響本益比之各項變數-IC設計產業之實證研究
★ 避險基金交易策略在台灣市場獲利性之研究★ 財富管理業務與顧客行為之研究-以本國銀行業為例
★ 購併活動與資訊揭露—以公開收購為例★ 臺灣證券期貨市場後台作業整合模式之研究
★ 道瓊指數、日經225指數、美國及日本10年期公債利率與日圓匯率之相互關係★ 使用信用卡循環信用持卡人特性之研究
★ 證券商分公司經營績效-以元大證券為例★ 銀行投資公債業務之探討分析
★ 所得稅法新制對債券流通市場之影響★ 經濟變數對十年期公債殖利率影響之研究
★ 私募基金入主國內銀行之認購價格實證研究-以凱雷入主大眾銀行為例★ 從股務代理機構之角度探討全面發行無實體有價證券作業
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摘要(中) 論文摘要
價值投資法(Value Investing),和成長投資法(Growth Investing)是近年來很多專業投資機構用來選股以及做投資決策的方式。國外專業的資訊機構或網站如Morningstar也對於價值型股票,或是成長型股票做分類,甚至連基金也可分成價值型基金或是成長型基金,以供投資機構或是投資者參考。
國內對於此方面的分類似乎較少見到相關資訊,因此該論文主要是運用一些投資上常見的指標,如本益比、股價淨值比、股利發放率、自由現金流量模型(FCFF Model) 等,參考Fama and French (1992)年有關價值成長股的研究,並以Morningstar 對基金或個股分類的模式,將國內股市十年來所有上市公司,依照價值、混合、成長、橫向分出三類,再將公司依照股本分成大中小三個縱向的分類,如形成一個三乘以三形成九個宮格,每個宮格裏再算出該類型股票之報酬率及變異數,以作為研討台股風格投資箱(Style Box) 之特性。
摘要(英) Abstract
Value investing and growth investing are popular approaches to choose stocks and to make investing strategy by many specialized investment institutes these years. The overseas specialized information institutes or the website (e.g. Morningstar) sort stocks its value stock or growth stock .Mutual funds can be also sorted by value type fund or growth type fund to supply the reference for investment institutes or investors.
We seldom find the above kind of related study in Taiwan, hence the thesis takes advantage of the often seen index of the investment, e.g. ratio of PE, ratio of PB, ratio of dividend granted and FCFF MODEL…etc., We refer to the study of valuable growth stock of Fama and French (1992),and follows the model of Morningstar which sorts funds or stocks to have 3-type by longitude, value, mix and growth, for all of publicly traded companies these ten years. We then sort 3-type by latitude according to company capital--large, middle and small, to form the 3*3 matrix. Every dot matrix can be calculated for its return and variation .
There is the finding that the growing stock is superior to the valuable one within the decade in Taiwan stock. It is different from the results of past literature, The reason might be due to different studying period.
Further more, this study focuses on short time for one year to track the returns of the stock in Taiwan. We note that, Taiwan stock market belongs to shallow-plate market, and the movement is active. From this point, we can still suggest that the results are somewhat identical to other literature when investment period is short or the movement of stock market is large.
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 ………………………………………………………………………i
英文摘要 ………………………………………………………………………ii
謝辭 ………………………………………………………………………iii
目錄 ………………………………………………………………………iv
表目錄 ………………………………………………………………………v
圖目錄 ………………………………………………………………………vi
第一章、 緒論
第一節、 研究動機與目的 ………………………………………………7
第二節、 研究範圍…………………………………………………………9
第三節、 論文結構 ………………………………………………………10
第二章、 文獻回顧
第一節、 價值和成長投資法 ……………………………………………12
第二節、 Morningstar 有關價值和成長的做法 ……………………15
第三章、 實證研究方法
第一節、 規模之分類………………………………………………………19
第二節、 成長價值之分類…………………………………………………20
第三節、 投資風格箱之完成………………………………………………23
第四章、 實證研究之結果
第一節、 各個風格箱之特色 ……………………………………………24
第二節、 彼此之間的相關特性 …………………………………………34
第五章、 結論及建議
第一節、 研究結論 ………………………………………………………37
第二節、 後續研究方向 …………………………………………………39
參考文獻 ……………………………………………………………………40
參考文獻 參考文獻
1、 Babson,David L.(1951) The Case of Growth vs Income Stocks on a Yield Basis,Weekly Staff letter(September 17):David L. Babson and Company,Inc.The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns
2、 Chan,L. Y. Hamao,and J. Lakonishok, Fundamentals and Stock Return in Japan. Journal of Finance 46,1991 pp.1739-1764
3、 Capaul,C.,I. Rowley,and W. Sharpe,International value and growth stock returns,Financial Analysts Journal,1993 Janury/February,pp.27-36
4、Fama,E. and K. French,The Cross-section of Expected Stock Rerurns,Journal of Finance47,1992,pp.427-465
5、Graham and Dodd(1934),Security Analysis,New York:McGraw-Hill
6、Grinold and Kahn, Information Analysis,Journal of Portfolio Management,1992 Spring,pp.14-21
7.Lakonishok,J.,A. shleifer,and R. Vishny Contrarian Investment.
Extrapolation,andRisk,Journal of Finance 49,1994,pp.1541-1578.
8、 Morningstar Style Box Mrthodology
Morningstar Mrthodology paper 22 March 2004
9、Ramaswami,M.,Return Enhancement Through Size and Style Management,Blending Quantiative and Traditional Equity Analysis,1994
指導教授 周冠男、何耕宇
(Robin K. Chou、Keng-Yu Ho)
審核日期 2006-7-6
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