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姓名 陳素勤(Su-chin CHEN)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系在職專班
論文名稱 台灣鋼鐵業經營績效之研究
(The study of steel industry operation performance in Taiwan)
★ 金融機構不良債權處理機制之研究★ 放款作業流程的滿意度調查研究 —以S銀行為例
★ 工業銀行持股公司多角化策略、董事會特性及經營績效之研究★ 台灣企業的大陸經營模式、治理機制與盈餘管理之研究
★ 外資進入對本國問題銀行之影響★ 銀行如何訂定建築業的授信政策
★ 台灣境外結構型商品的監理法規與行銷策略之研究★ 問題放款的解決途徑及個案分析
★ 國家風險與信用評等制度之建立★ 證券業及保險業資本適足率、公司治理與經營績效之比較
★ 商業銀行如何藉由風險中立評價法 衡量放款部位的信用風險★ 中小企業信保案件之違約機率、回收率與信用風險值的實證研究
★ 商業銀行如何建置符合新巴賽爾資本協定的信用評分制度★ 資產減損與債務協商機制對台灣上市櫃公司之衝擊
★ 檢視Basu的盈餘不對稱時效性模型在台灣金融服務業的適用性★ 商業銀行如何檢視淨值貸款與二胎房貸的地域效果
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摘要(中) 近幾年來受惠全球景氣好轉,使得鋼鐵市場需求轉趨強勁,各類鋼品單價翻揚趨勢明顯,在營收及獲利上皆有不錯表現,加上大陸經濟快速發展,更帶動像鋼鐵業這類傳統產業再度成為市場注目焦點。鋼鐵業在傳統產業中有「重工業之母」之稱,是現代經濟社會中不可或缺的原物料,亦為衡量一個國家工業生產的重要指標,常被視為國力的象徵。因此鋼鐵業經營績效的好壞,不僅關係到公司未來的生存及發展,而且對整個國家的經濟發展亦有重大的影響。
本文研究乃針對台灣上市櫃、興櫃鋼鐵公司之財務比率來進行研究,探討鋼鐵業經營績效與五大構面的關係,且依產品類別分四個群組,及鋼鐵製造流程將鋼鐵產業分上中下游三個群組,利用群組間差異分析來評估經營績效之優劣,期盼能提供給產、官、學界作為參考。 其次也藉由投資人的角度來觀察,企業基本財務資訊的變化與股票超額報酬率的關係,以進行鋼鐵業另一面向的分析。
摘要(英) Due to the recovery of global economic in recent years, the demand of steel has become more stronger. The raise of price on steel is also obvious in all kinds and leads to high performance on profit for companies. Everyone focus on steel industry again because the rapid growth in China. Steel industry is the basic in traditional industry. It is indispensable material in this world. It is also an critical index to measure industry of a country. So the performance of industry will influence not only to a company but also to the economic of all country.
The content of this essay discusses financial ratio in Taiwan companies and finds the relationship between profit and five aspects in steel industry. The products are sorted
into four groups and three categories: upper stream, manufacturers and suppliers by manufacture process. We use the difference between groups to analysis operating profit. The result can be refered by industry, official and academic. We also want to see the relationship between variation of financial information and excess return of stock by investor’s viewpoint.
We found the performance of a steel company will be influenced by economic circle easily. A company needs to change the operating model quickly, so that it can comply with the movement of market. It is important that innovation and operation strategy can satisfy customer and create value by manager who has well schemed and improvement abilities. For company, we can use performance evaluation to understand the result of operating management, therefore we can find some ways to improve or raise competition of a company. For creditor and investor, they can predict the excess return in the future by evaluating operating performance and make the best investment policy.
關鍵字(中) ★ 關係人交易
★ 現金流量
★ 股權結構
★ 經營績效
★ 超額報酬
關鍵字(英) ★ Stock structure
★ cash flow
★ stake-holder transaction
★ operation performance
★ excess return
論文目次 中文摘要................................................................................Ⅱ
第壹章 緒論...........................................................................1
第一節 研究動機...................................................................1
第二節 研究目的...................................................................2
第三節 研究架構...................................................................3
第四節 研究流程...................................................................5
第貳章 鋼鐵業之經營概況與文獻探討...............................6
第一節 鋼鐵產業的經營概況...............................................6
第二節 相關文獻之探討.......................................................24
第參章 研究方法...................................................................30
第一節 研究分析架構及變數定義.......................................30
第二節 研究假說...................................................................37
第三節 鋼鐵公司五大經營構面如何影響經營績效之
第四節 研究對象與資料來源...............................................44
第肆章 實證結果及分析.......................................................48
第一節 全體樣本之敘述統計...............................................48
第二節 鋼品及上中下游群組之敘述統計分析...................52
第三節 鋼鐵公司之五大構面對經營績效影響的
第四節 企業基本財務資訊與股票超額報酬.......................65
第伍章 結論與建議...............................................................71
第一節 研究結論...................................................................71
第二節 研究限制與後續研究者之建議...............................72
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指導教授 陳錦村(Jing-Twen Chen) 審核日期 2008-6-24
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