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姓名 王敬堯(Ching-Yao Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 從經濟上證據探討寡占市場廠商之價格追隨行為
(Economic Evidence on the Existence of Collusion in Oligopolistic Markets-A Study of Price Leadership)
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摘要(中) 近來許多有關價格領導的案例,公平會處理上頗有相當難度。誠然,法院或公平會均認為價格領導導製的價格一致性行為,違反公平交易法第7條之規定。於台灣高度集中的市場中,黙示勾結的狀態持續進行不斷,然而政府該如何證明相互影響的一致的行動,即為寡占市場中的黙示勾結。中油與台塑公司的暗黙勾結的同步調漲、降價格,被描述為具有操控市場價格能力。黙示勾結與明示勾結均違反公平交易法第7條之規定,然而法院必須從經濟理論上證明,廠商間有合意的存在。
法院或公平會於欠缺強而有力的經濟分析,即認為價格領導係屬違法,本文對此看法表示質疑。基於此,傳統的經濟模型或賽局理論得以證明,縱然廠商間欠缺合意,仍可以達成Nash equilibrium,廠商最佳的策略乃追求利潤極大之目的前提下,設定價格與產量。
摘要(英) In a spate of recent cases, the courts and the Fair Trade Commission (“FTC”) have difficulity regulating the cases of price leadership among competitors in olipolistic markets. Indeed, courts and FTC have condemned such concerted action in violation of the Fair Trade Law (“FTL”). The high levels of concentration in many Taiwan markets guarantee that tacit collusion will be continuing problem, however, how government proved coordinated interaction to assess the likelihood for tacit collusion in oligopoly Chinese Petroleum Co.and Formosa Platistic Co. raised or reduced gasoline prices simultaneously, the action was described the means by which firms in gasoline markets are able to manage the price having to enter into an unexpressed agreement. Tacit collusion, like express agreement, should be illegal on its face under Article 7 of FTC. However, the court need inquire into the specific economic evidence on the existence of meeting of mind.
This article argues that courts recognizing price leadership is illegal because neiher courts nor FTC have explicitly grounded their analysis in modern oligopoly theory, which is the rational basis for evaluating economic evidence on the existence of collusion. In this regard, traditional models and game theory demonstrates that the mutually price and quantity constitute Nash equilibrium without agreements. Each party’s dominant strategy is to meet profit-maximizing, then is doing the best it can in setting a price and quantity. Each party independently reactions the same way.
This study aimed to analyze the current economic theory to find out the predicament in practical operations. Furthermore, this paper briefly discuss Chinese Petroleum Co. and Formosa Platistic Co. cases, then provided a brief conculsion that summarized some of implication of proposed approaches.
關鍵字(中) ★ 默示勾結
★ 一致性行為
★ 價格領導
★ 間接證據
關鍵字(英) ★ circumstance evidence
★ tacit collusion
★ concerted action
★ price leadership
論文目次 中文提要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vii
1 緒論 1
1.1 研究目的 1
1.2 問題之提出 4
1.3 研究方法及限制 6
1.4 研究架構 7
2 經濟理論分析 9
2.1 Donald Turner與Richard Posner對於平行行為之觀點 10
2.1.1 經濟直觀 13
2.1.2 Donald Turner觀點—The Interdependence Theory 14
2.1.3 Richard Posner觀點 19
2.1.4 小結 20
2.2 價格領導模型 23
2.2.1 優勢價格領導(dominant firm leadership) 26
2.2.2 氣壓式價格領導(barometric leadership) 28
2.2.3 小結 29
2.3 賽局理論 30
2.3.1 單次賽局(one-shot game) 31
2.3.2 重複賽局(repeated game)及無名氏定理(The Folk Theorem) 33
2.3.3 序列賽局 35
2.3.4 小結 35
2.4 結論 37
3 聯合行為主觀構成要件—合意、共謀之證明 41
3.1 一致性行為 42
3.2 證明休曼法第1條主觀上故意 46
3.2.1 間接證據演進 47
3.2.2 Plus Factors 49
3.2.3 自利原則 52
3.3 舉證責任分配 53
3.3.1 舉證責任分配—美國反托拉斯法的發展 55
3.3.2 經濟思維角度觀察 56
3.3.3 小結 57
3.4 Posner 的建議 58
3.5 結論 64
4 中油與台塑聯合漲價案 67
4.1 漲跌互見的價格追隨行為 70
4.1.1 台塑與中油聯合行為處分案之經濟分析 75
4.1.2 實務的檢討 77
4.2 訊息傳遞 78
4.2.1 交換資訊的經濟分析 80
4.3 產能限制 82
4.3.1 超額產能—可信賴威脅 84
4.3.2 Cournot model 84
4.3.3 油價的省思 86
4.4 小結 88
5 結論與建議 93
5.1 建議 93
5.2 結論 96
參考文獻 99
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指導教授 單驥(Gee San) 審核日期 2008-6-13
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