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姓名 陳純德(Chwun-De Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 企業供應鏈流程整合能力前因與結果之研究:資訊科技能力調節效果之探討
(Determinants and Consequences of Supply Chain Process Integration (SCPI) Capabilities: The Moderating Role of Information Technology Competence)
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摘要(中) 自從1980年代「供應鏈管理」觀念被提出後,今日最值得敬畏的競爭者,係能透過整合性供應鏈管理網路,將顧客與供應商緊密整合的企業。他們的成功,來自於對顧客與資源擁有者效益的深入了解與駕馭。正因如此,愈來愈多研究者與實務者強調企業「供應鏈流程整合能力(supply chain process integration capabilities, SCPI capabilities)」的重要性以及該能力對價值鏈中心廠(focal firm)所帶來的績效與競爭優勢意涵。雖然資訊科技所促成的「供應鏈流程整合能力」在供應鏈管理上扮演重要關鍵,然而相關的理論與實徵研究依然有限。因此,根據資源基礎觀點、關係觀點、市場導向文化等理論文獻整理後,本研究提出相關研究架構,試圖了解影響「供應鏈流程整合能力」的前因與後續結果為何。此外,本研究並試圖了解企業的「資訊科技能力」對「特定關係之無形資產投資」及「供應鏈流程整合能力」關係間是否具有調節效果,並從中闡述「資訊科技能力」相關意涵。本研究以天下雜誌2006年製造業1,000大企業作為實徵研究對象,並以郵寄問卷方式收集資料。研究結果顯示:一、「市場導向文化」對「企業流程特定投資」及「範疇知識特定投資」具有顯著影響。二、「企業流程特定投資」對價值鏈中心廠的「供應鏈流程整合能力」有顯著影響,但是「範疇知識特定投資」對「供應鏈流程整合能力」卻無顯著影響。三、「供應鏈流程整合能力」對「供應鏈績效」之「作業性效益」及「策略性效益」皆有顯著影響。四、「資訊科技能力」於「企業流程特定投資」及「供應鏈流程整合能力」關係間具有顯著的調節效果,然而卻對「範疇知識特定投資」及「供應鏈流程整合能力」關係間並沒有顯著之調節效果。本研究隨後並針對本研究所獲的研究結果進行討論,並說明本研究對學術及實務之意涵、研究限制,以及未來可行的研究方向。
摘要(英) As introduced in the 1980s, the concept of SCM continues to become increasingly market-oriented, shifting the primary driver of the value chain from supply to demand. As such, recent recommendations encourage researchers to focus investigations on the supply chain process integration capabilities (SCPI capabilities) that integrate a focal firm with its network of suppliers and business customers to create value for it. Despite the critical role in SCM, theoretical and empirical researches pertaining to the antecedents and consequences of a focal firm’s SCPI capabilities have been limited and piecemeal. Therefore, by drawing on concepts from the interrelated literature streams, the objectives of this study are to examine the antecedents and consequences of a focal firm’s SCPI capabilities, and the moderating effect of information technology (IT) competence on the relationship between relation-specific intangible investments and a focal firm’s SCPI capabilities. The sampling frame used for this study was the industrial firms from “the 2006 Taiwan Top 1,000” issued by Common Wealth Magazine, the leading business magazine in Taiwan. Our research findings show that (1) intangible relation-specific investments (business process and domain knowledge) are significantly associated with market-oriented culture; (2) business process specific investment positively influences a focal firm’s SCPI capabilities but domain knowledge specific investment has no significant influence on a focal firm’s SCPI capabilities; (3) SCPI capabilities positively influence a focal firm’s SCM performance, both operational and strategic benefits; (4) IT competence significantly moderates the relationship between business process specific investment and SCPI capabilities. However, IT competence has no moderating effect on the relationship between domain knowledge specific investment and SCPI capabilities. Implications for practitioners and researchers and suggestions for future research are also addressed in this study.
關鍵字(中) ★ 關係觀點
★ 特定關係投資
★ 市場導向文化
★ 資訊科技能力
★ 供應鏈流程整合能力
★ 資源基礎觀點
關鍵字(英) ★ Information Technology Competence
★ Market-Oriented Culture
★ The Relational View
★ Resource-Based View
★ Supply Chain Process Integration Capabilities
論文目次 中文摘要 IV
致謝辭 VI
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指導教授 范錚強、范懿文
(Cheng-Kiang Farn、Yi-Wen Fan)
審核日期 2007-7-8
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