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姓名 歐維秋(Wei-Chiu Ou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 市場導向、資訊科技、市場基礎的動態能力與組織績效間關係之探討
(The Impacts of Market Orientation, IT Infrastructure, and Market-based Dynamic Capability on Firm Performance)
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摘要(中) 觀察目前的全球化環境,可以發現目前企業面對的市場環境科技技術進步快速、產品生命週期縮短、顧客需求受到重視、消費者的喜好與需求變化迅速且愈來愈複雜、以及創新技術不斷出現…等各種因素。因此組織如何能跟上環境快速的變化以及比競爭者更快的因應環境的變動成為維持生存獲利的要務。
本研究驗證結果顯示:(1)「市場導向」對「資訊科技對顧客關係管理的支援」、「市場基礎的動態能力」及「組織績效」有正向效果;(2)「資訊科技基礎建設」的連線程度對「資訊科技對顧客關係管理的支援」有正向影響效果;(3)「資訊科技對顧客關係管理的支援」對「市場基礎的動態能力」有正向影響效果;(4) 「市場導向」和「資訊科技基礎建設」會透過「資訊科技對顧客關係管理的支援」的中介對「市場基礎的動態能力」產生正向影響效果。
摘要(英) By scanning the global environment, we can find the environment that firms face has following characteristics: information technology (IT) advances fast, product life cycle shortens, customer needs are paid more attention, the needs and preference of customers change rapidly and become more complex. Hence, how firms can keep pace with the environment of rapid change and respond to the change faster than their competitors becomes the firms’ primary way for surviving.
The core of this research is to explore how the firm can gain competitive advantage. We start from “market orientation,” and then explore the effect of “market orientation” on “market-based dynamic capabilities” and “IT support for CRM.” Because the extent of emphasizing on IT infrastructure will influence the execution of information system, we will explore the effect of “IT infrastructure capability” on “IT support for CRM” and “market-based dynamic capabilities.”
The research findings showed: (1) “Market orientation” is positively associated with “IT support for CRM,” “market-based dynamic capabilities” and “firm performance”; (2) The connectivity of “IT infrastructure capability” is positively associated with “IT support for CRM”; (3) “IT support for CRM” is positively associated with “market-based dynamic capabilities”; (4) “Market orientation” and “IT infrastructure capability” has positive influence on “market-based dynamic capabilities” through the mediation of “IT support for CRM.”
關鍵字(中) ★ 顧客關係管理
★ 動態能力
★ 資訊科技基礎建設
★ 市場導向
關鍵字(英) ★ Market orientation
★ IT infrastructure
★ Dynamic capabilities
論文目次 Table of Contents I
List of Figures III
List of Tables IV
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Research background and motivations 1
1.2. Research purposes and questions 2
2. Literature review 4
2.1. Market orientation 4
2.2. IT infrastructure capability 9
2.2.1. IT infrastructure 9
2.2.2. IT infrastructure capability 13
2.3. IT support for CRM 14
2.4. Dynamic capabilities 17
2.4.1. The definition of dynamic capabilities 17
2.4.2. Market-based dynamic capabilities 21
2.5. Firm performance 23
3. Research model and hypothesis 26
3.1. Research model 26
3.2. Hypothesis 27
3.2.1. Market orientation and IT support for CRM 28
3.2.2. Market orientation and market-based dynamic capabilities 28
3.2.3. Market orientation and firm performance 29
3.2.4. IT infrastructure capability and IT support for CRM 30
3.2.5. IT infrastructure capability and market-based dynamic capabilities 31
3.2.6. IT infrastructure capability and firm performance 32
3.2.7. IT support for CRM and market-based dynamic capabilities 32
3.2.8. Market-based dynamic capabilities and firm performance 34
4. Method 36
4.1. Research design 36
4.2. Procedure of questionnaire design 37
4.3. Constructs definition and operationalization 38
4.3.1. Market orientation 38
4.3.2. IT infrastructure capability 38
4.3.3. IT support for CRM 40
4.3.4. Market-based dynamic capabilities 40
4.3.5. Firm performance 40
4.3.6. Control variables 41
4.4. Data analysis methods 41
4.4.1. Descriptive statistics 42
4.4.2. Non-response bias 42
4.4.3. Validity 43
4.4.4. Reliability 44
4.4.5. Hypothesis testing 44
5. Results 45
5.1. Response rate 45
5.2. Descriptive statistics 45
5.3. Non-response bias 47
5.4. Instrument quality analysis 48
5.4.1. Content validity 49
5.4.2. Uni-dimensionality and convergent validity 49
5.5. Hypothesis testing 57
5.5.1. Direct effect 58
5.5.2. Indirect effect 61
5.6. Summary of findings 63
6. Conclusion 64
6.1. Summary and discussion of findings 64
6.2. Contributions and implications 66
6.3. Limitations and future research 67
References 69
Appendix: Questionnaire 79
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指導教授 王存國(Tswen-Gwo Wang) 審核日期 2004-6-30
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