摘要(英) |
This research investigated the influence of irrigation water requirement with the change of irrigation operation including channel supply and wire supply. Taoyuan Channel #2 Feeder was selected as study area. The irrigation resource included Shihmen reservoir, Nankan stream and Puxin stream. The agriculture irrigation system model was established by Vinsim model and irrigation water supply data in 2008 was applied. The simulation was divided into five cases. In case 1 to 4, the water supply from the reservoir was reduced in different patterns, up to 0 mm, while in Case 5 the supply from the river weir was changed. Case1 to Case 4 was to investigate the adjusted irrigation water volume which depended on operation methods. Case 5 was to simulate when half of water was supplement by weir gradually. The result showed that the total irrigation water volume decreased to 266mm and 366mm, which depended on paddy storage depth. The rice paddy with weir water supply only could maintain corps survival. The water supply operation which based on the height of ridge could save 200mm of irrigation water. This approach shows high feasibility on operation. Case5 simulation result indicated that the corps still maintained survival in downstream irrigation area.
This study applied Vinsim model to evaluate the impact of irrigation water supply from two sources on the number 2 Feeder rice paddy in Tao-Yuan county, Taiwan. The rice paddy was divided into three zones, A, B and C respectively. These water supply sources originated from the Shimen reservoir via the number 2 Feeder canal and a river weir. Rainfall, evaporation and irrigation supply data from these two sources for 2008 were used to simulate in this study. The water supply from the sources were changed in to 5 cases, The results showed that for case 1 and 2, two zones A, B of rice paddy can satisfy crop growth demand, but for cases 3 and 4, zone B can not satisfy about 10 days of August. In case 5, the water supply from the river weir was reduced 50%. From the application of model it was found out that only these areas d1, d2, d3 and Shalun of Zone C satisfy crop growth demand.
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