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姓名 林雅文(Ya-Wen Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 以社會行動研究法探討組織內的社會網絡關係-以C研究中心為例
(Social Action Research at Research Center C.)
★ 企業多角化經營策略之研究 ─以某機構拓展資訊應用服務市場為例★ 某中小企業執行政府專案計畫之社會網絡關係分析
★ 學習型組織與價值創造的探討★ 以個案研究探討半導體封測業CIM之導入
★ 消費者特性與網路使用經驗對網路購物 之影響-以上海、台北學生為例★ 醫院資訊系統應用實踐歷程之社會效果分析 -以醫令資訊系統為例
★ 關係連結對網路顧客忠誠度影響之研究★ 虛擬社群成員再訪意圖之探討-以 Fashion Guide 社群為例
★ 利用feature-opinion pair建立向量空間模型以進行使用者評論分類之研究★ 區隔綠色消費者及探討影響綠色產品的態度與願付價格之心理決定因子
★ 消費者對仿冒品態度的前因與後果之研究-以電子產品為例★ 角色壓力源、焦崩對組織承諾的影響-兩岸資訊從業人員之比較研究
★ 組織公民行為意圖影響因素之研究-以兩岸資訊從業人員為例★ 資訊人員的工作特性、創造力人格特質與工作滿足的相關性研究
★ 網路購物意願影響因素之研究-以北京、台北在職班學生為例★ 信任關係對策略彈性的影響研究―以經濟部資訊業體系電子化B計畫為例
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摘要(中) 由於經濟環境不斷的變遷,組織所面對的問題也愈來愈複雜,已不再只靠幾個人便能夠解決,而是需要在一個協同合作的社會網絡才得以完成,協同合作同時也是企業永續經營的成功之鑰,但要讓個人與團隊合作卻是管理者的最大挑戰,尤其在知識創新的時代裡,管理與命令已不再奏效,因組織並不是一個固定不變的機械系統,而是一個動態且具有自我組織能力的社會系統,在運作時需要強大的自律性,但這種自律並不是透過由上而下的指揮就可達到,唯有當網絡成員願意參與,而且是在互助互惠的行動中,才能匯集網絡資源,為組織產生最大的社會資本。
摘要(英) The problems that organizations face have become more complex and only could be solved by collaboration among members. As such, collaboration becomes the key to sustained organizational performance in modern organizations. In the knowledge era, one of the most difficult challenges for organizations is how to promote the collaboration in their social system. Because formal command and control is probably irrelevant to the dynamic, self-organizing social system, it only depends on members within the system to cooperate in a reciprocal manner.
This study adopted the Social Action Research approach to investigate the social interactions within the target organization, Research Center C. Research Center C has made great achievements in the area of space science and remote sensing for the past two decades, and is well recognized to the leader of remote sensing research in Taiwan. Based on the Social Action Research approach, we derived at a social network of learning through listen to employees, who were asked to explain how the accomplishment of the project “Land Use Monitoring Program” was achieved. Moreover using social network mapping helps managers to see the composition of a team, and how everyone contributed to the success of this project. Since social network is intuitive, managers only need to create the reflection environment to accelerate collaborative action. Finally, employees would organize themselves to improve performance and then social capital would be expanded for the organization.
Collaboration is our natural social order, so without understanding how value is created, we might diminish social capital. The incident that Mandy, a very important member of the social network, was fired during the time of this study, provides good evidence for this. The manager did not realize the full picture of the collaborative network, so he separated Mandy from the network resulted in disruption in value creation by disconnecting employees who were collaborating. As the result of this research, there was a fourfold increase of the network members without any formal command or control, but simply out of the manager’s own reflection. Furthermore, the research also finds out some gaps in this social network, so we suggest that the social network should be extended to involve more members such as related researchers and users into this project, such that social capital woulde be effectively improved by collaboration. Based on the findings of this research, managerial actions were proposed to the management of Research Center C, so that it can distribute the resources more efficiently to secure the leading position of space and remote sensing research in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 社會資本
★ 社會網絡
★ 協同合作
★ 社會行動研究
★ 網絡分析
關鍵字(英) ★ network analysis
★ collaboration
★ social action research
★ social networks
★ social capital
論文目次 第1章、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究流程 3
第2章 文獻探討 5
2.1社會系統的運作 5
2.2社會關係網絡 8
2.3社會資本理論 12
2.4社會行動研究 15
2.5網絡分析 16
2.6組織管理的課題 24
第3章 個案介紹 28
3.1簡介與沿革 28
3.2 組織架構 30
3.3資源衛星的應用 33
3.4 經營現況分析 38
3.5 小結 39
第4章 研究設計 40
4.1 研究方法 40
4.2研究範圍 44
4.3資料蒐集流程 46
第5章 研究結果分析 50
5.1工作社會關係網絡分析 50
5.2 集體反思行為 63
5.3 綜合討論與發現 65
5.4 小結 67
第6章 結論與建議 69
6.1 研究結論 69
6.2管理實務建議 70
6.3 研究限制 72
6.4 未來研究方向 72
參考文獻 74
附錄一 工作社會關係網絡表格 78
附錄二 遙測原理及變遷偵測 79
參考文獻 中文部分
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指導教授 宋鎧
(Kai Sung、Dennis Clinton Sandow)
審核日期 2006-7-12
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