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姓名 柯政男(Cheng - Nan Ko)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 有機企業系統:以Google服務發展過程探索企業經營模式演進之研究
(Organic Business System:A Study of the Business Model Evolution through the Service Development of Google)
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摘要(中) 自從網際網路商業化之後,網際網路相關技術以及使用者人數開始有了爆炸性的成長。隨著使用者數量的增加,網路上資訊搜尋以及資料取得之需求急劇增加,因而造就了搜尋引擎產業的誕生。以搜尋引擎公司而言,Google從1998年成立至今,每年皆以優異的成長率表現成長,在短短十年期間(1998年至2009年),已獲得近80%的全球搜索引擎市場之市佔率,且收入高達210億美元。Google的成長提供了公司所需要之資本,而其智慧和技術使企業能快速擴張。因此本研究問題為:當Google的財務狀況改變時,其商業模式如何演進以支持其服務發展的過程?據此本研究建立有機經營系統分析架構,藉以探討Google經營模式演進與環境改變之關係。透過個案分析方法,將Google發展過程分為四時期,收集每一時期Google主要的商業行為,並加以分析。成果包含:有機經營系統分析架構之發展、Google服務平台發展過程之整理與Google經營模式演進之分析。藉由對個案公司之經營模式演進過程之整理,從中尋找出網路服務平台之演進概念,以提供處於不同發展時期之網路公司其經營模式演進時之一個參考範本。
摘要(英) After the commercialization of internet, internet industry grew at an explosive rate in both user population and technology advancement. As the number of users grows, the demand for information search and retrieval over internet increased dramatically, thus search engine industry was born. As a search engine company, Google has achieved remarkably growth since its founding in 1998. In about ten year’s time (2009), Google already obtained nearly 80% of world’s search engine market, with the revenue of $21 billion. The growth of Google has provided the company with the capital, smarts and technology for its expansion. This research examines how has Google’s business model evolved to supports its service development process when the financial resources available to Google changes. Organic Business System Analysis Framework is developed to study the relationship between business model revolution and environmental changes. Case study method is used for in depth study of Google. Google’s development is divided into four phases and data regarding Google’s major business activities for each phase is collected then analyzed with Organic Business System Analysis Framework. This research has three results: 1) Development of Organic Business System Analysis Framework, 2) Description of the development process of Google’s services and service platform, 3) Analysis of the evolution process of Google’s business model. Through the analysis of the evolution process of Google’s business model, this research has find nine propositions that could be used as guidelines for other internet platform companies when they needs to change their business model.
關鍵字(中) ★ 有機經營系統分析架構
★ Google
★ 經營模式演進
關鍵字(英) ★ Google
★ Organic Business System Analysis Framework
★ Business Model Evolution
論文目次 Table of Contents
Abstract i
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.1.1 Internet, Search Industry and Search Engine 1
1.1.2 Search Engine Market Share 3
1.2 Research Motivation and Research Question 4
1.3 Research Purposes 5
1.4 Research Importance 6
1.5 Thesis Structure 6
Chapter 2 Theoretical Foundation for Analysis Framework 7
2.1 Business System 7
2.1.1 Conceptual Framework for Business System Analysis - Three Layer Architecture 7
2.1.2 Static Business System - Components in each layer 9
2.1.3 Dynamic Business System - Driving force of Recursive Relationship 11
2.2 System Perspective on Organizational Design 16
2.2.1 Interactive Management 16
2.2.2 Interactive Planning Process 16
2.3 Three-Layers Business Model Analysis Framework 19
2.4 Strategy Analysis and Competitive Advantage 23
2.4.1 Competitive Advantage 23
2.4.2 Strategic Analysis and Planning Process 23
2.5 Business Model and its Components 26
2.5.1 Definition of Business Model 26
2.5.2 Components of Business Model 27
Chapter 3 Research Methods 32
3.1 Qualitative Research Method: Case Study 32
3.2 Data Collection 33
3.2.1 Data Collection Principle 33
3.2.2 Data Source 33
3.2.3 Data Analysis Methods 34
Chapter 4 Google’s Developmental Phases 35
4.1 Foundation Phase – Development of Core Technology (1996 ~ 1999) 36
4.1.1 Major Activities 36
4.1.2 Services Released and Categorization 37
4.1.3 Evolution of Google’s Service Platform 38
4.2 Exploration Phase – Building User Population and Development of Business Model (2000 ~ 2001) 39
4.2.1 Major Activities 39
4.2.2 Services Released and Categorization 40
4.2.3 Evolution of Google’s Service Platform 40
4.3 Enhancement Phase – Building User Population and Extension of Service (2002 ~ 2004) 42
4.3.1 Major Activities 42
4.3.2 Services Released and Categorization 43
4.3.3 Evolution of Google’s Service Platform 44
4.4 Rapid Expansion – Acquisition and Integration of Technology (2005 ~ 2009) 46
4.4.1 Major Activities 46
4.4.2 Services Released and Categorization 51
4.4.3 Evolution of Google’s Service Platform 52
Chapter 5 Analysis of Google’s Services 54
5.1 Foundation Phase – Development of Core Technology (1996 ~ 1999) 54
5.2 Exploration Phase – Building User Population and Development of Business Model (2000 ~ 2001) 57
5.3 Enhancement Phase – Building User Population and Extension of Service (2002 ~ 2004) 62
5.4 Rapid Expansion – Acquisition and Integration of Technology (2005 ~ 2009) 67
Chapter 6 Conclusion 73
6.1 Results 73
6.2 Managerial Implication 74
6.3 Limitations 75
References 77
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指導教授 蘇雅惠(Yea-Huey Su) 審核日期 2009-7-22
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