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姓名 童氏金芳(Doan Thuy)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
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摘要(中) 隨著發展的需要,於2012 年越南中部的香江(Huong river)上游支流中,將有包括
Ta Trach 河的Duong Hoa 水庫、Huu Trach 河的Binh Dien 水庫及Bo 河的Huong Dien
水庫等三座新的水庫完成,並加入進行營運。本研究以一維MIKE 11 水質模式模擬
2006 年水質條件,並假設與2006 年相同氣候條件下,模擬2012 年水庫加入後對水質
模式以2006 年4 月7 日之觀測值作校正,4 月份為當地乾季、且為最低流量發生
的月份,在模式運用至香江流域的模擬顯示,水位、鹽度、DO 及BOD 等模擬值都與
觀測值相近,經參數調整後,將可運用於香江2006 年4 月水質變化的模擬。其結果
顯示,香江在2006 年4 月1 日至10 日之DO 不符合、但BOD 符合越南之
TCVN5942 – 1995 地表水質標準。
2012 年時人口的成長相關,在2012 年時,完工的三個水庫Duong Hoa 水庫、Binh
Dien 水庫及Huong Dien 水庫將分別有25m3/s、20.5m3/s、36.2m3/s 的額外流量注入香
江,增加的水量有助於水質的改善,水質模擬結果顯示平均的DO 增加、BOD 減少,
然而,DO 在該年的4 月1 日至6 日依然無法符合水質標準。
摘要(英) In this study, the one-dimensional MIKE 11 water quality modeling system was
applied to evaluate the water quality conditions in 2006 and forecast the effect of three
reservoirs: Duong Hoa reservoir on the Ta Trach river, Binh Dien reservoir on the Huu
Trach river and Huong Dien reservoir on the Bo river in 2012 on the water quality for the
Huong river in central Vietnam. It was assumed that the weather conditions in 2012 are the
same as 2006.
The model was calibrated using observated water quality data on 7th, April 2006. The
month of April corresponds to the lowest flow condition in the river in dry season. From the
application of the model it was found that a close match between the simulated and
measured water level, salinity, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), and Biochemical Oxygen Demand
(BOD) in the Huong river network on 7th, April, 2006 was produced. After calibration of a
few parameters, the model was then used to simulate the water quality of the Huong river for
April, 2006. Results showed that DO in the Huong river from 1st to 10th, April 2006 did not
satisfy Vietnam’s Surface Water Quality Standard - TCVN 5942 - 1995 while BOD satisfied
TCVN 5942 - 1995.
Future waste water generation for the year 2012 was estimated based on the
population growth in the Huong river basin and the extra water discharged from the three
reservoirs based on preliminary reports of storage project. In 2012, all three reservoirs:
Duong Hoa reservoir, Binh Dien reservoir, and Huong Dien reservoir will discharge into the
Huong river an additional flow of 25m3/s, 20.5m3/s, and 36.2m3/s, respectively. Results
revealed that the release of extra water is necessary for improving the water quality since DO
increases, and BOD decreases. However, DO in the Huong river from 1st to 6th, April 2012
still can not satisfy Vietnam’s Surface Water Quality Standard - TCVN 5942 - 1995.
關鍵字(中) ★ 越南地表水質標準
★ 香江
★ Ta Trach 河
★ 越南
★ Bo 河
★ MIKE 11
★ Huu Trach 河
關鍵字(英) ★ Huong river
★ MIKE 11
★ Ta Trach river
★ Huu Trach river
★ Bo river
★ Vietnam’s Surface Water Quality Standard
論文目次 摘要.......................................................................................................................................i
Abstract .................................................................................................................................ii
List of figures........................................................................................................................vii
List of tables..........................................................................................................................x
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................1
1-1 Brief description of study area.............................................................................1
1-2 Description of the existing environmental situation in study area ......................2
1-2-1 Natural conditions ................................................................................2
1-2-2 The existing environmental situation in study area..............................4
1-2-3 Economic development ........................................................................5
1-3 The most relevant previous findings in this area ................................................5
1-4 Selection of a mathematical model for this study................................................6
1-5 Objectives of study ..............................................................................................7
1-6 Outline of the report ............................................................................................7
CHAPTER 2. SAINT-VENANT EQUATIONS.................................................8
2-1 Basic hypothesis ..................................................................................................8
2-2 Differential form..................................................................................................8
2-3 Supplementary remarks .......................................................................................9
2-3-1 Point of inflow .....................................................................................9
2-3-2 Prismatic channel ................................................................................9
CHAPTER 3. FINITE-DIFFERENCE SCHEME...............................................11
3-1 Finite-difference method .....................................................................................11
3-1-1 Principle ...............................................................................................11
3-1-2 Explicit and implicit approximations ...................................................12
3-1-3 Stability condition ................................................................................14
3-2 Solution scheme in MIKE 11 ..............................................................................15
3-2-1 Continuity equation..............................................................................16
3-2-2 Momentum equation ............................................................................17
CHAPTER 4. THE DISPERSION PHENOMENA............................................19
4-1 The components of dispersion.............................................................................19
4-1-1 Definitions ...........................................................................................19
4-1-2 Vertical and transversal dispersion .....................................................20
4-2 Expression of the tracer concentration ................................................................21
4-2-1 Molecular and turbulent diffusion........................................................21
4-2-2 The advection - dispersion equation.....................................................22
4-2-3 Stability conditions...............................................................................23
CHAPTER 5. RESEARCH METHOD ................................................................24
5-1 Overview of MIKE 11 water quality modeling...................................................24
5-1-1 Conceptual model.................................................................................24
5-1-2 Processes ..............................................................................................25
5-1-3 Data requirements ................................................................................26
5-1-4 Model operation ...................................................................................26
5-1-5 Outputs .................................................................................................26
5-2 Using MIKE 11-Ecolab to simulate water quality in the Huong river ..............27
5-2-1 Scope of works and Objectives ............................................................27
5-2-2 River network schema..........................................................................27
5-3 Method to identify waste water boundaries ........................................................30
5-3-1 Domestic waste water boundaries ........................................................31
5-3-2 Boundaries of industrial waste water sources ......................................31
5-3-3 Boundaries of waste water sources from Shrimp farming ...................32
5-3-4 Boundaries of basic flow......................................................................33
5-4 Some parameters in water quality module .........................................................33
5-4-1 Saturation dissolved oxygen constant .................................................33
5-4-2 Temperature effects on reaeration........................................................33
5-4-3 Sediment oxygen demand ...................................................................34
5-5 Sensitivity analysis and model calibration ..........................................................34
5-5-1 Hydrodynamic......................................................................................34
5-5-2 Advection Dispersion...........................................................................34
5-5-3 Advection Dispersion – Water Quality ................................................35
CHAPTER 6. MODEL SETUP AND CALIBRATION......................................38
A. Scenario 1..........................................................................................................38
6-1 Hydrodynamic Module (HD) Set-up...................................................................38
6-1-1 Boundary conditions ............................................................................38
6-1-2 Results ..................................................................................................39
6-2 Advection – Dispersion (AD) .............................................................................44
6-2-1 Boundary conditions ............................................................................44
6-2-2 Results ..................................................................................................45
6-3 Advection – Dispersion (AD) and Water Quality (WQ) Module .......................54
6-3-1 Boundary conditions ............................................................................54
6-3-2 Results ..................................................................................................56
B. Scenario 2..........................................................................................................74
6-4 Hydrodynamic Module (HD) Set-up...................................................................74
6-4-1 Boundary conditions ............................................................................74
6-5 Advection – Dispersion (AD) and Water Quality (WQ) Module .......................75
6-5-1 Boundary conditions ............................................................................75
6-5-2 Results ..................................................................................................76
CHAPTER 7: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS .................................................78
7-1 Discussions ..........................................................................................................78
A. Scenario 1.......................................................................................78
7-1-1 For DO simulation................................................................................78
7-1-2 For BOD simulation.............................................................................79
B. Senario 2.........................................................................................80
7-1-3 For DO simulation................................................................................80
7-1-4 For BOD simulation.............................................................................83
8-1 Conclusions .........................................................................................................85
8-2 Recommendations ...............................................................................................85
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................86
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指導教授 吳瑞賢(Ray Shyan Wu) 審核日期 2009-7-17
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