摘要(英) |
We’ve undergone a string of global catastrophes in recent years such as the September 11 Terrorist Attack and the Big Earthquake in Sichuan; the impacts of these global disasters have interrupted the daily operations for many corporate enterprises due to the loss of crucial data or large-scale system damage. Corporate enterprises have now slowly but surely realized the importance of remote backup mechanisms and have started to construct them. As the development of the Dual Data Center started to rise, the remote backup is no longer just for backing up a company’s system data; instead, it’s being integrated into the enterprise information system and is now sharing the daily operation loadings and playing a more important role in the daily functions of the company.
To build a remote backup control room, enterprises have to invest a tremendous amount of money and resources. Therefore, spending money more effectively and wisely in any IT projects is very important. To avoid investing money repeatedly and wastefully when implementing the IT projects such as building a remote backup location, we should painstakingly examine every aspect of the project, especially when choosing the location of the remote backup control center. Once the location of the control room is chosen and constructed, moving it to another location later on will be very costly and difficult to do. The money and other resources needed to move the control room to another location later on will be several times more. Therefore, most companies discuss this issue very thoroughly and circumspectly when choosing the location for their remote backup control room.
When making plans for the remote backup control room, we need to decide whether we want to build it by ourselves or choose to use services from a dedicated server management center such as the IDC (i.e. Internet Data Center). This research studies the key considering factors the enterprise companies have when deciding the location of the remote backup control room. We studied several companies in the Finance and Banking industry in Taiwan and we documented and analyzed these individual cases. We went to visit their remote backup site and conducted interviews with their IT experts and managers on site. We hope that the findings of this research paper would be a good reference tool for the IT professionals in the enterprise when they are trying to decide the location of their companies’ remote backup control room.
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