博碩士論文 943302020 詳細資訊

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姓名 周彥士(Yen-shih Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 山區道路破壞模式與復建工法研究-以桃園縣鄉道為例
(The distress modes of the mountain area road and reconstruction work method study-Take country way in Taoyuan County as an example)
★ 公共工程統包模式執行專案成員間問題 之研究★ 水泥製程於資源再利用之研究
★ 防水毯的生管與品管之探討★ 建置生命紀念園區營運階段管理模式之研究 以新北市某民間公共紀念園區為例
★ 軍用機場跑道鋪面維護管理暨搶修作業機制之研究★ TAF 檢驗機構認證申請之研究- 以混凝土後置式化學錨栓檢驗為例
★ 利用UML建構實驗室資訊管理平台-以合約審查為例★ 營建施工管理導入即時性資訊傳遞工具功能需求之研究
★ 鋪面養護決策支援分析模式之研究★ 營建材料實驗室量測系統評估及誤差分析
★ 以績效為基礎的公路養護組織與機制之研究★ 智慧型鋪面檢測車平坦度量測驗證與應用
★ 公路設施養護管理程序建立及成本分析之研究-以IDEF方法建立鋪面養護作業程序★ 利用花崗岩及玻璃回收料製造功能性人造石材之研究
★ 自動化鋪面平整度量測分析與破壞影像偵測系統之研究★ 鋪面缺陷影像辨識系統應用於路網檢測之研究
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摘要(中) 由於過去著重於經濟發展的前提下,公路的闢建從都市到農村,從沿海到山林,蓬勃的經濟發展帶動國民生生活水準提高,生活品質之提升及世界潮流趨勢發展觀光事業,台灣地區崇山峻嶺好山好水,政府對於山區道路之拓建不遺餘力,卻忽略了大自然的力量,台灣山區地質脆弱、地形崎嶇、坡度陡峭,921地震後地質更加破碎鬆動,當遭遇颱風豪雨、強震侵襲後,極易發生重大坡地災害,導致山區道路受損而交通中斷。
摘要(英) Transportation is the foundation of the development. With the strong emphasis of the economic development, highway construction becomes the major engineering construction in this island. Over the past years, the Taiwan Government has spent major effort to build highways between the cities and rural farming areas and from coastline to the inland mountain region to stimulate the growth of nation’s economy and to increase the higher living standard and quality of living across the Island. Seeing the trend of the rest of the world and the gorgeous landscaping of the inland mountain region, the Government has put the major effort to build roadway system into the inland mountain region to promote the tourist industry. However, the government overlooked the power of the nature and the poor geological condition in the mountain, the rolling terrain, and the steep hills. With the torrential rain brought by the seasonal tyfengs and the earthquakes, especially the 921 Earthquake, the soil layer of the land became very loose and unstable, the disaster happens easily, especially, in the sloping hills, and causing the road damages and traffic closure.
Tao Yuan Rd #113 is the major road that connects Tao Yuan, Fu-Hsing Shiang and Shin Tzu, JianShih Shiang. The heavy rainfall brought by the Tyfeng Alice flooded the area, collapsed the roadway, and consequently the landslide, road caved in and the closure of the traffic. Our preliminary study has found that the vigorous geographic movement, the fragility of the soil structure, the heavy deposit of the weathered soil, the weakened coherence between soil and roadside rock layer have caused the damages. The excessive damages in this area also resulted from the lack of the soil conservation and drainage system when the highway was first built. In order to rebuild the damaged highway in the above mountain region, it is necessary to understand the causes, and the types of disaster.
The goal of this research is to study and develop a specific method to rebuild the local damaged roadway by using the combination of the technologies of Environmental and Conventional Structural Engineering. The study is thus designed based on the careful examination of concurrence of the functional, safety, economical factor, long-term, ecological and landscaping concerns, and according to the guideline published by the Legislature Yuan “Operation point of the After - Calamity Reconstruction Engineering Budget of the Public Facilities Deliberates”.
Our study has shown the high correlation between the mode of the destructions and the cause of the damages, and between the analysis of hydrology and geodetics. Therefore we recommend the following methods to restore the total damaged areas: stabilizing the embankment, enhancement of the drainage system, and plant vegetation along the roadside. In terms of other unstable and possible recurrent landslide embankment sites, we also recommend to take more flexible methods, such as, routine road maintenance service to tardy and lessen the flood damage; providing detour service to avoid major collapses. Finally, we recommend to install a system monitoring the changes of the ground water level, water pressure, and land sliding characteristics in various embankment sites, to provide information for future study, analysis, rebuilding and prevention, thus to minimize the human life and property losses.
關鍵字(中) ★ 破壞模式
★ 復建工法
★ 山區道路
關鍵字(英) ★ the mountain area road
★ reconstruction work method study
★ distress modes
論文目次 目錄 I
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
照片目錄 X
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍 3
1.4 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 山區道路相關災修法規 7
2.1.1 台灣山區道路相關法令或規範 7
2.1.2 國外山區道路相關法令及規範 12
2.1.3 山區公路建設生命週期相關法規 15
2.1.4 山區公路之主管機關 16
2.2 山區道路災害成因與類型 19
2.2.1 山區道路破壞模式 21
2.2.2 山區道路災害原因與類型 22
2.3 生態工程:綠營建道路生態工程探討 29
第三章 鄉道桃113道路災害成因及分析 35
3.1 研究範圍 35
3.2 歷次災害現況比較 37
3.3 災害現場調查 37
3.3.1 現場調查初判 38
3.3.2 路線地質踏勘 49
3.3.3 地質鑽探及試驗 52
3.4 水文水理分析 53
3.4.1 現況排水系統調查 53
3.4.2 水文調查 56
3.4.3 水文分析 59
3.4.4 水理計算 62
3.5 人文分析 68
3.6 大地問題分析 68
3.6.1 地下水位 68
3.6.2 力學參數之選用 68
3.6.3 分析方法 70
3.6.4 分析結果 71
3.7 小結 78
第四章 鄉道桃113號道路災修復建工法探討 81
4.1 山區道路災修原則 81
4.1.1 復建原則 81
4.1.2 復建規劃 82
4.2 山區道路設計規範 83
4.2.1 設計依據規範 83
4.2.2 結構材料設計標準 84
4.3 路線設計標準 84
4.4 地滑研析及建議整治工法 86
4.5 不同整治方案之比較分析 90
4.6 災害復建工程設計及施工 97
4.6.1 道路定線 97
4.6.2 排水設施 98
4.6.3 邊坡穩定設施 102
4.7 剩餘土石方處理 114
4.8 水土保持措施 116
4.8.1 水土保持計畫 116
4.8.2 臨時排水及攔砂設施 117
4.8.3 臨時坡面截水及排水處理 118
4.8.4 滯洪及沉砂設施 118
4.8.5 邊坡穩定設施 119
4.9 監測系統建立與門檻值設定 120
4.9.1 監測系統項目及目的 120
4.9.2 監測系統之配置 120
4.9.3 監測頻率及判釋準則 124
4.9.4 各監測區之監測結果: 127
4.10 道路復建成果 135
4.10.1 災害點A復建成果 136
4.10.2 災害點B復建成果 138
4.10.3 災害點C復建成果 139
4.10.4 災害點D復建成果 141
4.10.5 災害點E復建成果 143
4.10.6 災害點F復建成果 145
4.10.7 災害點G復建成果 147
4.10.8 災害點H復建成果 149
4.10.9 災害點I復建成果 150
4.10.10 災害點J復建成果 152
4.11 小結 155
第五章 結論與建議 157
5.1 結論 157
5.2 建議 159
參考文獻 161
附錄一 山區道路災害統計資料 163
附錄二 地質鑽探柱狀圖 175
附錄三 地質剖面圖 184
附錄四 邊坡穩定分析圖 189
附錄五 監測儀器歷時曲線圖 216
附錄六 降雨量統計圖 250
參考文獻 1.行政院公共工程委員會,2006,台灣地區山區道路規劃設計參考手冊。
指導教授 林志棟(Jyh-Dong Lin) 審核日期 2007-7-21
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