博碩士論文 963209002 詳細資訊

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姓名 塗家豪(Chia-Hao Tu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 材料科學與工程研究所
論文名稱 利用Ar+離子束轟擊及熱氧化法製備氧化鋅奈米結構的表面型態及成分分析
(The morphology and component analysis of ZnO nanostructures fabricated by Ar+ ion beam bombardment and thermal oxidation)
★ 離子碰撞氧氣覆著Al(111)金屬表面★ 離子碰撞氧氣覆著Cu金屬表面氧的附著率與濺射率之研究
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★ 混合冰晶在離子輻照中濺射粒子之質譜分析★ 不同離子在各角度下撞擊冰(水)之光譜分析
★ 不同離子撞擊冰體及其混合體之光譜分析★ 熱效應對於離子束製作矽氧化層與表面型態的影響
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★ 15keV的H3+、H2+、H+離子束撞擊含碳氫鍵( CH bond )或碳氧鍵( CO bond )化合物與水混合之冰晶光譜分析★ 15keV H3+離子撞擊含CH鍵或CO鍵的化合物與水混和之冰晶產生CO與CO2的FTIR光譜分析
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★ 15keV H3+離子撞擊含NH鍵或CH鍵的化合物與水混合之冰晶 產生CO、CO2與OCN-化合物的FTIR光譜分析★ 不同能量的Ar+與N2+離子束轟擊GaAs(100)表面的光輻射現象
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摘要(中) 自從奈米碳管發現以來,一維奈米結構逐漸受到重視,其中氧化鋅為最近熱門的應用例子。特性為多樣化的奈米結構,好的化學與熱穩定性,獨特的發光性質等等,因此有寬廣的應用範圍和潛力。
摘要(英) Since carbon nanotube has been found, the one dimension of nanostructures has attracted great attention gradually, Among them that zinc oxide is one of the hot applications recently. Zinc oxide has broad range of applications and potentiality because of its variety of nanostructures、chemical and thermal stability and light emission.
In this thesis, we use Ar+ ion beam bombard zinc foil. Make zinc surface rough, and cooperate with thermal oxidation in the air. Produce zinc oxide nanostructures. We use 5、7、10keV ion beam energy and bombard 1、4、8、16 hours. After fabrication, the morphology of the sample is examined by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), and the component analysis is by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS)
About the experiment results, the raised positions of rough surface after ion beam sputter will grown zinc oxide nanostructures, and different bombard hours induce different morphology types. When bombardment ions reduces, the bombardment energy will become more important of grown Zinc oxide nanostructures. In XPS, rise bombardment ions and energy also enhance the yield and the quality of Zinc oxide. Final, after N2+ions bombard, Zinc oxide nanostructures will grown more thin, but the yield will reduce.
關鍵字(中) ★ 氧化鋅奈米結構
★ 離子束
關鍵字(英) ★ ZnO nanostructure
★ ion beam
論文目次 中文摘要.................................................Ⅰ
第一章 緒論..............................................1
1-1 前言...............................................1
1-2 研究動機與目的.....................................2
1-3 氧化鋅材料特性與結構...............................3
1-4 各章摘要...........................................4
第二章 基本原理...........................................6
2-1 離子束的形成與加速原理.............................6
2-1-2 離子加速過程................................10
2-2 離子碰撞過程......................................11
2-3 氧化鋅奈米結構生長原理............................12
2-4-1 X光光電子能譜儀(XPS)........................13
2-4-2 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)......................18
2-4-2-1 試樣製備..............................19
第三章 實驗設備與實驗步驟..........................21
3-1 實驗設備..........................................21
3-1-1 離子槍系統.................................21
3-1-2 加速系統...................................22
3-1-3 真空系統...................................23
3-1-4 冷卻系統...................................24
3-2 實驗步驟..........................................24
3-2-1 準備實驗階段...............................24
3-2-2 正式實驗階段...............................25
3-2-3 樣品檢測階段...............................27
第四章 實驗結果與討論..............................32
4-2 X光光電子能譜(XPS)分析..........................48
4-2-1 XPS全譜圖掃描.............................48
4-2-2 XPS鍵結分析................................51
4-2-3 氧(O1s)微區掃描.............................52
4-2-4 鋅(Zn2p)微區掃描............................61
4-2-5 Zn/O1s 分析.................................63
第五章 結論與未來展望..............................65
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指導教授 李敬萱 審核日期 2009-7-16
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