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姓名 巫芳青(Fun-Ching Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 鍍金層對Bi-43Sn與Sn-9Zn BGA銲料迴銲後之接點強度影響及二元銲錫在不同溶液之電解質遷移行為
(Effect of the thickness of Au-coating on the strength of BGA joints soldered by Bi-43Sn and Sn-9Zn systems after reflow, and electrolytic migration of Sn-contained binary solders in various solutions)
★ 銅導線上鍍鎳或錫對遷移性之影響及鍍金之鎳/銅銲墊與Sn-3.5Ag BGA銲料迴銲之金脆研究★ 單軸步進運動陽極在瓦茲鍍浴中進行微電析鎳過程之監測與解析
★ 光電化學蝕刻n-型(100)單晶矽獲得矩陣排列之巨孔洞研究★ 銅箔基板在H2O2/H2SO4溶液中之微蝕行為
★ 助銲劑對迴銲後Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu電化學遷移之影響★ 塗佈奈米銀p型矽(100)在NH4F/H2O2 水溶液中之電化學蝕刻行為
★ 高效能Ni80Fe15Mo5電磁式微致動器之設計與製作★ 銅導線上鍍金或鎳/金對遷移性之影響及鍍金層對Sn-0.7Cu與In-48Sn BGA銲料迴銲後之接點強度影響
★ 含氮、硫雜環有機物對鍋爐鹼洗之腐蝕抑制行為研究★ 銦、錫金屬、合金與其氧化物的陽極拋光行為探討
★ n-型(100)矽單晶巨孔洞之電化學研究★ 鋁在酸性溶液中孔蝕行為研究
★ 微陽極引導電鍍與監測★ 人體血清白蛋白構形改變之電化學及表面電漿共振分析研究
★ 光電化學蝕刻製作n-型(100)矽質微米巨孔 陣列及連續壁結構★ 微陽極導引電鍍法製作微銅柱及銅柵欄之研究
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摘要(中) 本論文在探討鍍金層對Bi-43Sn與Sn-9Zn BGA銲料迴銲後之接點強度影響及二元銲錫在不同溶液之電解質遷移行為。為了探討金層對於BGA銲接點強度影響,先在鍍鎳(5µm)銅銲墊上電鍍0.1 ~ 1.2 µm金層,再分別與Bi-43Sn及Sn-9Zn銲球進行迴銲,迴銲後即進行剪力量測,結果顯示:隨著金鍍層愈厚,Bi-43Sn銲料的強度愈差,而Sn-9Zn銲料的強度則些微增強。
二元銲錫(Sn-3.5Ag, Bi-43Sn, Sn-0.7Cu, In-49Sn, Sn-37Pb 和 Sn-9Zn) 分別在蒸餾水、0.01M NaCl、 0.01M (NH4)2SO4及水溶性助銲劑水溶液中,施以5V偏壓,進行遷移研究。結果顯示:Sn-Ag 和Sn-Pb 系統在蒸餾水有明顯的電解質遷移行為,然而在0.01M (NH4)2SO4水溶液中卻沒任何的遷移現象,在含氯的水溶液中,所有的二元銲錫均有嚴重的電解質遷移。
在0.01M (NH4)2SO4水溶液中進行陽極動態極化掃描及定電位陽極反應,配合ESCA表面分析,得知Sn-Ag和Sn-Pb在表面會生成SnO2層,因此抑制遷移行為。
摘要(英) Shear strength of the ball grid array (BGA) Bi-43Sn and Sn-9Zn solder balls re-flowed on the Ni/Au-coated Cu-pads was estimated. The strength of the joint between the re-flowed solder ball and the Ni/Au-coated pad was influenced by the thickness of the Au-coating. For the Bi-43Sn soldering system, the shear strength decreased gradually with increasing the Au-coating from 0.5 to 1.2 μm, and abruptly at thickness greater than 0.1 μm. In contrast, for the Sn-9Zn soldering system, the strength increased gradually with the thickness of the Au-coating.
The electrolytic migration of some tin-based binary solder (i.e., Sn-Ag, Sn-Bi, Sn-Cu, Sn-In, Sn-Pb and Sn-Zn alloy) was explored in various solutions (e.g., de-ionized water, 0.01M (NH4)2SO4, 0.01M NaCl and aqueous flux solution -containing 2.2 mM chloride ion) at a dc-bias of 5V. The Sn-Ag and Sn-Pb systems were susceptible to electrolytic migration in de-ionized water but immune to migration in 0.01 M (NH4)2SO4 solution. All the binary systems in this work were facilitated to migration in the chloride solution.
Potentiodynamic and potentiostatic polarization for various soldering systems were compared. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of the corrosion products on the anode and the dendrites across the electrode were examined. The results from the electrochemical polarization and the XPS analyses were helpful in elucidation of the distinction on migration behavior of various soldering systems.
關鍵字(中) ★ Sn-9Zn銲料及剪應力強度
★ Bi-43Sn銲料
★ 陽極極化
★ 二元銲錫
★ 電解質遷移
關鍵字(英) ★ Sn-9Zn solder
★ shear strength
★ electrolytic migration
★ solder alloy conductors
★ Bi-43Sn solder
★ anodic polarization
★ active region and passive region
論文目次 Abstract I
Acknowledgement III
Contents IV
List of Tables VIII
List of Figures IX
Chapter I Introduction
1-1 Strength of the BGA joints between the Au/Ni/Cu pads influenced by the thickness of Au-coating
1-2 Electrolytic migration possibly arisen from binary solder alloys
Chapter II Literature Review and Theoretical Aspects
2-1 Reaction of Bi-Sn solder with Au/Ni/Cu metallization 7
2-2 Reaction of Sn-Zn solder with Au/Ni/Cu metallization 9
2-3 Metallic migration 10
2-3-1 Types of metallic migration 11
2-3-2 Parameters influence the electrolytic migration 12
2-3-3 Electrolytic migration process 13
2-4 Oxidation behavior of Tin 15
2-5 Dissolution of Alloy 16
Chapter III Materials and Experimetal Procedures
3-1 Preparation of lead-free solder alloys 18
3-2 Shear testing for solder joint between solder ball and BGA substrate 18
3-2-1 Preparation of specimens 18
3-2-2 Soldering 19
3-2-3 Annealing 20
3-2-4 Shear testing 20
3-2-5 Analysis of the joints and their reaction products 21
3-3 Migration test for lead-free solder alloys of conducter 21
3-3-1 Preparation of specimens 21
3-3-2 Electrolytic cells and the electrodes 22
3-3-3 Environments of the electrolytic migration testing 23
3-3-4 Electrolytic migration testing 25
3-3-5 Anodic polarization of the conductors in 0.01M (NH4)2SO4 solution
3-3-6 Analysis of the conductors and their reaction products
Chapter IV Results
4-1 Effect of Au coating on the joint strength of BGA after reflow 27
4-1-1 Microstructure of as-bonded solder ball 27
4-1-2 Shear strength of the solder-ball joint influenced by the thickness of Au-coating on the Ni/Au-coated Cu-Pads
4-2 Lead-Free Alloys in DI water 31
4-2-1 The X-ray diffraction patterns for the lead-free alloys conductors
4-2-2 Measurement of bridging current for the lead-free alloys conductors
4-2-3 The in-situ observation of electrolytic migration for the lead-free alloys conductors
4-2-4 ECSA analysis of the reaction products 33
4-3 Lead-Free Alloys in (NH4)2SO4 Solution 37
4-3-1 Measurement of bridging current for the lead-free alloys conductors 37
4-3-2 The in-situ observation of electrolytic migration for the lead-free alloys conductors 38
4-3-3 Anodic potentiodynamic polarization of the solder alloy conductors in 0.01M (NH4)2SO4 solution
4-3-4 ECSA analysis of the reaction products 40
4-4 Lead-Free Alloys in NaCl Solution 48
4-4-1 Measurement of bridging current for the lead-free alloys conductors
4-4-2 The in-situ observation of electrolytic migration for the lead-free alloys conductors
4-4-3 ECSA analysis of the reaction products 49
4-5 Lead-Free Alloys in Water-Soluble Flux Solution 52
4-5-1 Measurement of bridging current for the lead-free alloys conductors
4-5-2 The in-situ observation of electrolytic migration for the lead-free alloys conductors
4-5-3 ECSA analysis of the reaction products 53
4-6 Lead-Free Alloys in Various Solutions 56
Chapter V Discussion
5-1 Effect of Au coating on the joint strength of BGA after reflow
5-2 Electrolytic migration of Lead-Free Alloys in DI water 60
5-3 Electrolytic migration of Lead-Free Alloys in (NH4)2SO4 Solution
5-4 Electrolytic migration of Lead-Free Alloys in Solutions Containing Chloride ion
Chapter VI Conclusions
References 67
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指導教授 林景崎(Jing-Chie Lin) 審核日期 2003-7-8
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