博碩士論文 92323037 詳細資訊

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姓名 劉衾瑋(Chin-Wei Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 藥柱疲勞特性與壽限評估模式之研究
(Study on the Fatigue Property and Fatigue Life Model of Solid Propellant)
★ 反應性磁控法濺鍍氮化鈦鎢薄膜磨潤行為研究★ 應用田口方法於發光二極體導線架 射出成型參數最佳化之研究
★ 應用田口方法於半導體晶圓盒製造最佳化★ 虛擬護理數位診斷模擬系統開發之研究
★ 虛擬射出成型試驗機之研究★ 網際網路虛擬護理照護數位模擬系統之研究
★ 虛擬實境應用於手部復健與電動輪椅模擬系統之研發★ 縮尺發動機振動與疲勞壽限之研究
★ 應用駕駛模擬器探討震動防撞警示系統之技術開發與研究★ 虛擬實境應用於坐姿平衡訓練系統之研究
★ 符合SCORM規範之射出成型數位學習系統建置與研究★ 虛擬場景模組化與自動編輯系統開發之研究
★ 虛擬內視鏡基礎技術訓練系統學習轉移之研究★ 聚縮醛(POM)機械性質之射出成型條件最佳化研究
★ A533與A508鋼材疲勞裂縫成長特性研究★ 駕駛模擬儀之開發驗證及應用於駕駛疲勞之研究
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摘要(中) 飛彈擔負國防之重要角色。然在執行掛載飛行任務多次後,可能
變動應力歷程之應力均方根值在0.193~.230 MPa 時,利用潛變-疲勞
Goodman 方程式較適用於等應力振幅及變動應力振幅歷程作用下之
摘要(英) Solid propellant is the main power source of rocket and missile. The failure of solid propellant often brings about a fatal damage of the system. In the project, we perform finite elements analysis with the residuals stress of influence in curing solid propellant, To compare with character with viscolastic and elstica. In addition to technology is built on fatigue test, An equation is built on measured which stress-age and creep-age in the room temperature. Then, a research to display Solid propellant that character is viscolastic similar creep- fatigue analysis with age to appraise. The age life prediction by creep- fatigue of liner damage summation methods is less than triple standard, and it is conservative. The method is useful for age life prediction with Solid propellant on influence of mechanical.
關鍵字(中) ★ 疲勞測試
★ 固體動機藥柱
★ 壽限分析
關鍵字(英) ★ power supply module
★ Solid propellant
★ fatigue test
★ aging
★ life prediction
論文目次 摘 要........................................................................................................... I
誌 謝..........................................................................................................II
圖目錄...................................................................................................... VI
第一章 緒論...............................................................................................1
1-1 研究動機與目的..........................................................................1
1-2 研究內容......................................................................................2
1-3 論文架構......................................................................................2
1-4 文獻回顧......................................................................................3
1-4-1 疲勞壽限分析之研究........................................................3
1-4-2 藥柱相關研究....................................................................5
第二章 理論說明......................................................................................8
2-1 疲勞壽限分析理論......................................................................8
2-1-1 應力-壽限曲線(S-N Curve)...............................................8
2-1-2 平均應力的影響................................................................9
2-1-3 循環計數..........................................................................10
2-1-4 疲勞損傷累積..................................................................11
2-2 潛變分析理論............................................................................11
2-2-1 潛變曲線..........................................................................12
2-2-2 潛變參數..........................................................................13
2-3 藥柱壽限評估理論....................................................................14
2-3-1 機械破壞機制..................................................................14
2-3-2 疲勞-潛變損傷累積理論.................................................17
3-1 拉伸試片製作............................................................................20
3-2 疲勞試驗夾治製具及試片之設計與製作................................20
3-3 拉伸試驗及疲勞試驗方法........................................................20
3-4 藥柱壽限分析............................................................................21
3-5 破斷面觀察................................................................................22
第四章 結果與討論................................................................................23
4-1 拉伸性質....................................................................................23
4-2 等應力振幅疲勞性質................................................................23
4-3 變動應力振幅疲勞性質............................................................25
4-4 藥柱壽限評估............................................................................25
4-5 破斷面觀察................................................................................28
第五章 結論與未來發展........................................................................29
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指導教授 鄭銘章(Ming-Chang Jeng) 審核日期 2005-7-16
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