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姓名 陳又維(Yu-wei Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 能源工程研究所
論文名稱 薄矽膠層吸附床之性能研究
(Experimental investigation of an adsorber with thin silica gel layer)
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摘要(中) 本研究主要目的為設計一小型化、高性能之吸附床,以供未來固體吸附式製冷系統使用。吸附床設計應用微熱交換器概念,改變以往大管徑設計方式,而選用小管徑熱交換器設計;並在微熱交換器表面製作出薄矽膠層,以提高反應速率,期望可縮小系統體積以及降低整體製作成本目的,而完成一高性能低成本之空調製冷系統。
由實驗結果可發現,吸附床在吸附初期具有最大之冷媒吸附速率;在30 °C 吸附溫度、吸附床腔體內冷媒蒸汽壓為8.55 torr 時,第一分鐘有最大吸附速率約0.567 g/s。當吸附床以80 °C 脫附溫度、吸附床腔體內冷媒蒸汽壓為39.53 torr 時,脫附四分鐘後有最大脫附速率約0.109 g/s。吸附溫度與脫附溫度對吸附床吸附與脫附性能有顯著影響。當吸附溫度由40 °C 改變為20 °C 時,吸附速率可提升約32%;脫附溫度由60 °C改變為80 °C 時,脫附速率可提升約142%。
摘要(英) The main purpose of this research is to design a compact adsorber with high performance, which will be applied to a solid adsorption cooling system. A test system is build up in order to measure the adsorption and desorption performance of the test section.
Micro-heat exchanger concept is applied to design the adsorber heat exchanger. The smaller tube size is chosen to replace the bigger tube which is widely used in the former research. Meanwhile, a thin-layer coating technique
is used to develop a adsorber—adsorbent is directly coated on the heat exchanger surface.This thin-layer coated adsorber will accelerate the response time including heat transfer and mass transfer. So this micro-heat exchanger design with a thin-layer coated adsorber is expected to reduce the whole system volume and enhance the performance to decrease the cost of adsorption cooling
The test results show that adsorption/desorption temperature has significant effect on performance. When adsorption time is 1 minute, the adsorber has the maximum adsorption rate— 0.567 g/s. When desorption time is 4 minute, the adsorber has maximum desorption rate— 0.109 g/s.
關鍵字(中) ★ 矽膠-水
★ 吸附式製冷
★ 塗佈式吸附床
★ 薄膜鍍層
★ 微熱交換器
關鍵字(英) ★ thin-coating layer
★ micro-heat exchanger
★ silica gel-water
★ adsorption cooling
★ coated adsorber
論文目次 目錄
摘要........................................................................................................................ i
Abstract .................................................................................................................ii
目錄...................................................................................................................... iv
表目錄.................................................................................................................. vi
符號說明.............................................................................................................. ix
第一章 前言......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 研究動機.............................................................................................. 1
1.2 研究目的.............................................................................................. 2
第二章 文獻回顧................................................................................................. 6
2.1 簡介...................................................................................................... 6
2.2 工作配對.............................................................................................. 7
2.3 吸附床熱傳增強.................................................................................. 8
2.3.1 填充式吸附床......................................................................... 10
2.3.2 固化式吸附床/劑.................................................................... 12
2.3.3 塗佈式吸附床......................................................................... 14
2.4 結論與研究方向................................................................................ 16
第三章 實驗方法............................................................................................... 30
3.1 塗佈式吸附床設計製作.................................................................... 30
3.1.1 等溫吸附平衡曲線................................................................. 30
3.1.2 理想循環吸附量..................................................................... 30
3.1.3 吸附式製冷熱力循環圖......................................................... 31
3.1.4 熱交換器尺寸設計................................................................. 31
3.1.5 矽膠塗佈製作步驟................................................................. 32
3.1.6 吸附床熱交換器組裝步驟..................................................... 33
3.2 實驗系統與量測儀器........................................................................ 34
3.2.1 實驗系統................................................................................. 34
3.2.2 量測儀器................................................................................. 34
3.2.3 吸附床真空腔體設計............................................................. 35
3.3 實驗步驟............................................................................................ 36
3.3.1 系統抽真空及冷媒填充......................................................... 36
3.3.2 吸附實驗方法......................................................................... 37
3.3.3 脫附實驗方法......................................................................... 38
3.4 數據換算............................................................................................ 39
3.4.1 製冷率..................................................................................... 39
3.4.2 加熱率..................................................................................... 40
第四章 實驗結果與討論................................................................................... 58
4.1 實驗系統暫壓測試............................................................................ 58
4.2 吸附過程工作流體溫度變化情形.................................................... 59
4.3 吸附量隨時間變化情形.................................................................... 59
4.4 脫附過程工作流體溫度變化情形.................................................... 60
4.5 脫附量隨時間變化情形.................................................................... 61
第五章 結論....................................................................................................... 80
參考文獻............................................................................................................. 84
附錄、實驗誤差分析......................................................................................... 87
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指導教授 楊建裕(Chien-Yuh Yang) 審核日期 2010-3-14
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