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姓名 楊炳隆(Ping-Lung Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣物理研究所
論文名稱 不同地域雲凝結核微物理特性之探討
(The discussion of microphysical properties of cloud condensation nuclei among the different areas)
★ 雲凝結核計數器的製作與測試★ 桃園地區硫沈降之觀測與模擬
★ 亞洲沙塵暴之模擬★ 不同空氣源次微米氣溶膠活化能力之探討
★ 桃園地區降水化學特性分析★ 鄰近國家嚴重核事故之大氣長程輸送對台灣的影響評估
★ 桃園地區降水化學與硫化物清除係數探討★ 亞洲沙塵好發期間雲水化學特性分析
★ 光達及太陽輻射儀之應用:2005中壢氣膠光學垂直特性及邊界層高度之變化★ 2001年東亞硫沉降之模擬
★ 亞洲生質燃燒氣膠對區域大氣輻射之衝擊及對氣象場的反饋作用★ 鹿林山與中壢氣膠光學垂直特性之監測與比較
★ 北台灣冬季層狀雲化學特性分析★ 鹿林山空氣品質背景監測站之背景值分析
★ 微脈衝光達及太陽輻射儀之應用: 2005-2007年中壢地區氣膠光學垂直特性分析★ 多重濾鏡旋轉輻射儀與太陽輻射儀之應用: 2006-2008年鹿林山氣膠光學特性之探討
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摘要(中) 本文旨在利用自動雲凝結核計數器(DMT continuous flow streamwise thermal gradient cloud condensation nuclei counter, CCN counter)在鹿林山(23.47° N,120.87° E,2,862 m)、陽明山國家公園竹子山區(25.11° N,121.31° E,1,103 m)和富貴角(25.15° N,121.33° E,229 m)進行雲凝結核之觀測研究,以探討不同地域的氣膠活化成為雲凝結核時之微物理特性。研究分為三個階段進行觀測:鹿林山觀測時間為2008年10月30日到11月1日,以及2008年12月9日到12月12日。觀測期間發現雲凝結核有明顯的日夜變化,其濃度主要受白天谷風的影響。其次,竹子山在2009年2月14-19日間進行觀測,結果發現不同空氣源會影響雲凝結核成為雲滴時的濃度和粒徑。此外,在雲霧中進行雲凝結核的觀測,顯示濃度會明顯變少,說明雲霧對雲凝結核的去除作用。最後在2009年3月26-31日進行富貴角的觀測,發現降雨會使雲凝結核的濃度減少。本文也根據雲凝結核的指數定律關係式NCCN=CSk得到這些地域的相關參數。研究結果發現鹿林山觀測期間的空氣類型比較接近大陸型氣團,雲凝結核微物理參數C和k約為110 cm-3與0.72,而竹子山與富貴角觀測期間之空氣類型則較接近海洋型氣團,其C和k值分別為1,116 cm-3與0.37(竹子山),以及1,015 cm-3與0.36(富貴角)。
摘要(英) The purpose of this study is to characterize the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) measured at Lulin Atmospheric Background Station (LABS, 23.47° N, 120.87° E, 2862 m MSL), Mt. Bamboo (25.11° N, 121.31° E, 1103 m MSL), and Fugueijiao (25.15°N, 121.33° E, 229 m MSL) using a DMT (Droplet Measurement Technologies) continuous flow streamwise thermal gradient cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) counter. The study conducted the observations at three sites. First of all, the measurements of CCN were performed at LABS from October 30 to November 1, 2008 and during December 9-12, 2008. As a result, an obvious diurnal variation of CCN concentrations was observed, which was influenced by valley breeze in the daytime at LABS. Second, the measurements of CCN were performed at Mt. Bamboo during February 14-19, 2009. It showed that the air mass from different sources can affect the concentration and particle size of cloud droplets which are formed by CCN. Meanwhile, CCN concentrations apparently decreased during the cloud event. The last CCN observation was conducted at Fugueijiao during March 26-31, 2009. Consequently, it shows that there is an obviously scavenging effect on CCN particles when precipitation occurred. Furthermore, according to the expression NCCN = CS k, the CCN spectra can be described. The fitted spectral parameters C (about 100) and k (about 0.70) for LABS case can be classified to be continental type. However, the CCN spectra of Mt. Bamboo and Fugueijiao were shown to be maritime origin. The parameters C (about 1000) and k (about 0.40) for both cases were similar.
關鍵字(中) ★ 雲凝結核
★ 氣膠
關鍵字(英) ★ cloud condensation nuclei
★ aerosol
論文目次 摘要 ................................................. Ι
誌謝 ................................................. III
目錄 ................................................. IV
表目錄 ............................................... VI
圖目錄 ............................................... VIII
第一章 前言 .......................................... 1
1.1 研究動機 ......................................... 1
1.2 研究目的 ......................................... 2
第二章 文獻回顧 ...................................... 4
2.1 氣膠之粒徑分布、成分與來源 ....................... 4
2.2 大氣中氣膠之沉降 ................................. 5
2.3 氣膠之輻射效應 ................................... 6
2.4 雲凝結核之微物理特性 ............................. 8
第三章 研究方法 ...................................... 11
3.1 實驗時間與地點 ................................... 11
3.2 實驗設備與觀測原理 ............................... 13
3.3 化學分析 ......................................... 17
3.4 活化率之計算 ..................................... 18
3.5 雲凝結核微物理參數之計算 ......................... 19
3.6 氣流軌跡分析與氣象、空品資料 ..................... 20
第四章 結果與討論 .................................... 22
4.1 降雨對雲凝結核的影響 ............................. 22
4.2 雲凝結核的日夜變化與活化率之計算 ................. 24
4.3 雲凝結核到雲滴間之變化 ........................... 32
4.4 雲凝結核微物理參數之分析 ......................... 36
第五章 結論與未來展望 ................................ 40
5.1 結論 ............................................. 40
5.2 未來展望 ......................................... 42
參考文獻 ............................................. 43
附表 ................................................. 49
附圖 ................................................. 59
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指導教授 林能暉(Neng-Hui Lin) 審核日期 2009-9-21
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