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姓名 張子瑩(Tzu-Yin Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 應用遙測影像於地表熱通量平衡之研究
(A Study on Surface Energy Balance from Remote Sensing Data)
★ 應用多時期MODIS衛星影像分析於蒙古地區整合型乾旱強度指標之研究★ WVR、GPS及氣球探空觀測可降水量之比較
★ GPS斷層掃描估算大氣濕折射係數模式★ GPS觀測大氣閃爍之研究
★ GPS 氣象中地面氣象模式之改進★ 由GPS信號反演大氣濕折射度之數值模擬
★ 近即時GPS觀測可降水技術之研究★ 利用水氣資訊改善降水估計之研究
★ GPS掩星觀測反演與反演誤差探討★ 微波輻射計數位相關器之設計與實現
★ GPS與探空氣球資料觀測可降水量 與降雨之關係★ 利用GPS訊號估算對流層斜向水氣含量之研究
★ 利用遙測影像反演水稻田蒸發散量 之研究★ 利用MODIS影像反演嘉義地區水稻田蒸發散量之研究
★ 利用MODIS影像於水稻田蒸發散之研究★ 分析以全球定位系統近即時估計可降水之可行性
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摘要(中) 遙測技術被廣泛的應用在大氣、海洋、水文、農業、都市計畫等領域上,而地表與大氣的能量交換情形,也與這些領域的研究息息相關,因此應用遙測技術於地表能量收支平衡的議題,近年來日趨重要。
本研究利用多光譜遙測影像,以地表能量平衡理論為核心,推估區域尺度的地表熱通量包括土壤熱通量、可感熱及潛熱通量。探討的區域類型包含:亞熱帶平原區,以台灣嘉義平原為代表;熱帶山區,以泰國清邁MaeSa集水區為代表。在平原區的研究上,影像所推估的潛熱通量與地面測站相比,其相關係數可達到78%以上,如以高空間解析度的空載影像所推估蒸發散比值與地面測站相比,甚至只有1%的估算誤差,因此在影像來源充足的情況下,透過模組的推估,是可獲得相當高的精度。在山區的研究上,著重於修正山區裡連續性的地形起伏所造成的遮敝效應,經過太陽短波輻射量、大氣穿透率、地表溫度等三項因子的校正後,影像所估算的潛熱通量與地面測站相比,不但在相關係數從56%提高至75%,RMSE也從75 Wm-2降至73Wm-2,可有效的提升推估的精度。
摘要(英) Remote sensing technology has been widely applied in many aspects such as atmosphere, oceanography, hydrology, agriculture, and urban planning. The energy interaction between land surface and atmosphere is closely related to these fields of study. Therefore, increased effort has been devoted to the surface energy budget estimation from remote sensing data during the past few decades.
The proposed methodology for measuring regional surface heat fluxes, including soil heat flux, sensible heat flux and latent heat flux, by using multi-spectral remote sensing imagery and auxiliary data was based on the principle of surface energy and radiation balance. Two regional types are included in this study: the subtropical plain- Taiwan’s Chiayi Plain as represented, and the tropical mountain watershed- MaeSa Watershed in ChingMai, Thailand as represented. In Chiayi Plain, the correlation coefficient of MODIS-retrieved latent heat flux with in situ corresponding observations exceeded 0.78, and the estimation error of evaporate fraction retrieved from airborne image was even only 1%. If the spatial resolution of remote sensing data is fine enough, the model can provide high accuracy in the surface heat flux estimation. In MaeSa Watershed, three modifications, including incoming shortwave radiation, atmospheric transmissivity, and surface skin temperature, are recommended to improve the accurate evapotranspiration estimation. The correlation coefficient between our proposed model with DEM_ASTER and the in situ measurements was improved from 56% to 75%, and the RMSEs for soil heat, sensible heat and latent heat fluxes from our proposed model with DEM_ASTER were lower than those from the flat surface model and the SEBAL Mountain model.
For the surface heat flux applications, MODIS satellite-observed surface skin temperature and land surface heat fluxes were used to analyze 14 land cover types. For water bodies, vegetation, and artificial buildings, there was a gradual decrease in latent heat flux, but a gradual increase in sensible heat flux and surface temperature. The results demonstrated that enlarging wet surface such as evergreen broadleaf or water bodies can effectively reduce the temperature rising. Furthermore, we used the sensible heat flux to quantify the magnitude of urban heat island effect and compared the latent heat flux with the Global Vegetation Moisture Index (GVMI). The outcome suggested that the sensible heat flux and the latent heat flux can be considered as indicators of the urban heat island effect and the drought prediction system, respectively.
This study focused on the tropical and subtropical surface energy budget extracted from the remote sensing data, at a regional scale. The consequences will provide an important experience for continental-scale or global-scale models which can then be used for global weather prediction and transnational water management in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 熱通量
★ 地表能量平衡
★ 遙測
★ 蒸發散
★ 熱島效應
關鍵字(英) ★ remote sensing
★ surface energy budget
★ heat flux
★ evapotranspiration
★ heat island effect
論文目次 應用遙測影像於地表熱通量平衡之研究 1
誌謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 I
表目錄 III
第1章. 前言 1
1.1. 動機與目的 1
1.2. 文獻回顧 3
1.3. 章節撰寫架構 13
第2章. 理論模式與觀測方式 15
2.1. 地表能量平衡理論 15
2.1.1. 淨輻射量 15
2.1.2. 土壤熱通量 17
2.1.3. 可感熱通量 19
2.1.4. 潛熱通量 23
2.2. 地面測站觀測方式 24
2.2.1. Bowen Ratio 觀測法 24
2.2.2. Eddy covariance觀測法 27
第3章. 遙測觀測原理與地表參數估算 32
3.1. 遙測觀測原理 32
3.2. 遙測影像基本處理流程 35
3.2.1. 幾何座標校正 35
3.2.2. 輻射校正-灰度值轉至天頂反射率 35
3.2.3. 大氣校正-天頂反射率至地表反射率 39
3.3. 本研究所需的遙測地表參數 42
3.3.1. 地表反照率 42
3.3.2. 常態化差異植生指數 43
3.3.3. 葉面積指數 44
3.3.4. 地表放射率 44
3.3.5. 地表溫度 45
第4章. 推估平原區的蒸發散量 47
4.1. 研究區域及研究資料簡介 47
4.1.1. 研究區簡介 47
4.1.2. 地面測站資料 48
4.1.3. 遙測影像資料 51
4.2. 影像處理與地表參數推估 53
4.2.1. 高空間解析度影像組處理 54
4.2.2. MODIS影像處理 56
4.3. 結果與討論 57
4.3.1. 地表熱通量的空間分布情形 57
4.3.2. 地表熱通量與不同地表覆蓋之間的關係 60
第5章. 平原區地表熱通量應用-評估熱島效應之強度 65
5.1. 研究區域及研究資料簡介 65
5.1.1. 研究區簡介 65
5.1.2. 研究資料簡介 66
5.2. 資料處理與流程 67
5.3. 結果與討論 70
第6章. 加入地形修正以推估山區的蒸發散量 74
6.1. 研究區域及研究資料簡介 74
6.1.1. 研究區簡介 74
6.1.2. 地面測站資料 75
6.1.3. 遙測影像資料 77
6.1.4. 數值地形模式(Digital Elevation Model , DEM) 80
6.2. 影像處理與地表參數推估 81
6.2.1. 遙測影像處理流程 82
6.2.2. 地形修正 86
6.3. 結果與討論 88
6.3.1. 比較地表熱通量的推估 88
6.3.2. 蒸發散量與全球植生濕指數比較 91
第7章. 結論與建議 93
7.1. 平原模式結論:以嘉義平原為例 94
7.2. 地表熱通量應用:以台中熱島效應為例 95
7.3. 山區模式結論:以MaeSa集水區為例 95
7.4. 總結與未來工作 96
參考文獻 98
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指導教授 劉說安(Yuei-An Liou) 審核日期 2010-1-22
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