姓名 |
彭顗霖(Yi-lin Peng)
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資訊工程學系在職專班 |
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遺失物偵測且具回報能力之視訊監控系統 (A Video Surveillance System for Missing Object Detection with Reporting Capability)
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摘要(中) |
摘要(英) |
Recently, video surveillance and monitoring (VSAM) has become an important research topic. In this thesis, we implement an intelligent video-based surveillance system for detecting the targets in the unattended environment. The proposed system is composed of four main parts. The first part is Region of Interest (ROI) setting. Template matching operation is manipulated on original background to extract the ROI location and information. The second part is moving object detection and record motion segmentation. The third part is analysis of missing objects. The fourth part is reporting of alarms. In addition to all of the above modules, we develop reporting module for reporting Short Messaging Service (SMS) and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) to response the alarms. The system will alert the monitor and provide users the keyframe by MMS. The experimental results show that our system is a real time system with high detection accuracy.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 遺失物偵測 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Missing Object Detection |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………… -1-
1.1 研究動機………………………………………………… -1-
1.2 相關研究………………………………………………… -2-
1.3 系統流程………………………………………………… -3-
1.4 論文架構………………………………………………… -5-
第二章 移動物體及目標物偵測……………………………… -6-
2.1背景模組…………………………………………………… -6-
2.2 移動物體的偵測………………………………………… -7-
2.2.1 背景相減法…………………………………………-8-
2.2.2 連續影像相減法……………………………………-8-
2.3 雜訊去除…………………………………………………… -11-
2.3.1 直接取平均值與中值濾波法…………………………-11-
2.3.2 形態學運算……………………………………………-12-
2.3.3 連通元件標記法……………………………………… -16-
2.4 目標物確認ROI萃取…………………………………………… -19-
2.4.1 樣板比樣……………………………………………… -19-
第三章 入侵者追蹤以及目標物遺失偵測……………………… -23-
3.1 入侵物偵測……………………………………………… -23-
3.2.1移動歷史影像………………………………………… -24-
3.2.2 移動軌跡………………………………………………-25-
3.3 ROI區塊目標物遺失偵測……………………………………-26-
3.3.1原始背景與目前背景ROI區塊顏色資訊…………… -27-
3.3.2原始背景與目前背景ROI區塊邊緣資訊…………… -29-
3.3.3原始背景與目前背景ROI區塊樣板比對結果……… -32-
3.3.4相減影像和ROI區塊目標物形狀比對結果………… -33-
3.4 ROI與入侵物相交及關鍵影像………………………………-36-
3.4.1 ROI與入侵物相交…………………………………… -37-
3.4.2 關鍵影像………………………………………………-38-
第四章 警訊傳送模組…………………………………………… -40-
4.1 SMS 簡訊發送……………………………………………… -40-
4.2 MMS 簡訊發送………………………………………………-43-
第五章 實驗結果…………………………………………………… -48-
5.1 背景模組…………………………………………………… -48-
5.2 移動歷史影像……………………………………………… -49-
5.3 ROI萃取…………………………………………………… -50-
5.4 遺失物偵測………………………………………………… -51-
5.5 遺失物事件的通報………………………………………… -54-
第六章 結論與未來工作…………………………………………… -56-
6.1 結論………………………………………………………… -56-
6.2 未來工作…………………………………………………… -56-
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
范國清(Kuo-Chin Fan)
審核日期 |
2009-11-28 |
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