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姓名 蔡智勇(Chih-Yung Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 居民對觀光賭場發展態度與意願之研究
(A study on resident attitude and intention toward the development of casinos)
★ 品牌管理與評價流程之研究★ 企業運籌與自由貿易港區的應用:以遠翔FTZ航空貨運園區為例
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★ 以組織文化輪廓與連結分析方法推導台灣IPv6產業願景之研究★ 策略智慧規劃程序平台系統操作性邏輯之研究
★ 組織的數位學習模式與策略之探討★ 影響消費者新產品採用因素之探討
★ 第三代行動通訊數據服務品質之探討★ 以分析層級程序法探討台灣生質酒精發展之關鍵因素
★ 投資型保險關鍵產品因素分析★ 以連結分析規劃法推導數位家庭產業發展之研究
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摘要(中) 以往國內對於開放離島觀光賭場向來爭議不斷,贊成者常以美國拉斯維加斯賭場為例,認為拉斯維加斯乃美國偏遠的內華達州荒漠不毛之地,但卻能藉由觀光賭場的開放,產生吸金的效應達到繁榮地方經濟的目的。而台灣一直想開放觀光賭場,尤為澎湖離島地區,進而擺脫離島地區窮鄉僻壤的困境與命運。
摘要(英) The topic of opening offshore tourist casinos has been controversial throughout Taiwan. Supporters usually use Las Vegas in the U.S. as an example, demonstrating that Las Vegas, by opening tourist casinos, has brought prosperity and money to a deserted location like Nevada. Taiwan has wanted to open tourist casinos for some time, especially in the Penghu offshore island area, to rid themselves of the low level of prosperity typical of offshore islands.
. This study examines the cognitive impact of tourist casinos from the perspective of local residents. It also discusses the correlation between the cognitive impact of tourism and the residents’ attitudes towards development based on the social exchange theory. Next, place attachment (PA) is used to examine the correlation between residents’ sense of place attachment and the development of tourist casinos; finally, this study analyzes the correlation between development attitudes and intentions for future development.
The impact of tourist casinos shows a correlation with residents’ attitudes; further analysis revealed that positive economic and environmental impacts lead residents to support the establishment of tourist casinos, otherwise the negative social culter impacts can’t lead resident to against establishment of toursir casinos. Secondly, PA significantly correlates with attitudes toward the development of tourist casinos. Further analysis revealed that place identity is associated with opposed to the establishment of tourist casinos and place dependence with supported to the establishment of tourist casinos. Moreover, support attitudes toward the development of tourist casinos have an impact on willingness for future development of tourist casinos.
Based on these results, this study suggests that decision-makers should explain both the positive and negative impacts associated with tourist casinos to local residents prior to establishing tourist casinos. Decision-makers should also propose methods of resolving negative impacts, helping residents to understand that tourist casinos can increase local value attributes. This would result in residents becoming more supportive of the development of tourist casinos.
關鍵字(中) ★ 觀光賭場
★ 觀光衝擊
★ 地方依附
★ 地方認同
★ 地方依賴
關鍵字(英) ★ casino
★ tourism impact
★ place attachment
★ place identity
★ place dependence
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝辭 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 研究目的 4
1-4 研究流程 4
二、文獻回顧 6
2-1 觀光賭場 6
2-2 社會交換理論 21
2-3 地方依附理論 25
2-4 觀光賭場衝擊認知 28
三、模式建立與假說推導 31
3-1 觀光衝擊認知與發展態度 31
3-2 地方依附與發展態度 35
3-3 發展態度與意願 37
四、研究方法 39
4-1 研究架構 39
4-2問卷設計 40
4-3 資料蒐集 42
4-4 信效度 43
4-5資料分析方法與工具 43
五、資料分析 44
5-1 基本資料 44
5-2測量模型之信度與效度檢定 45
5-3個人變項差異分析 51
5-3研究模型檢定 60
5-4 路徑分析 64
六、結論與建議 66
6-1 研究結論 66
6-2實務意涵 68
6-3後續研究 69
參考文獻 70
附錄一:問卷 81
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指導教授 薛義誠 審核日期 2010-1-18
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