博碩士論文 943203053 詳細資訊

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姓名 李俊鵬(Chung Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 微電滲泵之暫態熱流研究
(Transient Thermal and Flow Study for the Micro Electroosmotic Pump)
★ 以數值模擬探討微管流之物理效應★ 微管流之層流與紊流模擬
★ 銅質均熱片研製★ 熱差式氣體流量計之感測模式及氣流道效應分析
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★ 微小圓管的層流及熱傳數值模擬★ 微型平板流和圓管流的熱流特性:以數值探討壓縮和稀薄效應
★ 微管道電滲流物理特性之數值模擬★ 電滲泵內多孔介質微流場特性之數值模擬
★ 被動式微混合器之數值模擬★ 電滲泵的製作與性能測試
★ 叉合型流場於質子交換膜燃料電池之陰極半電池的參數探討★ 無動件式高流率電滲泵的製作與特性分析
★ 高解析熱氣泡式噴墨頭墨滴成形觀測★ 電滲泵之焦耳熱效應分析
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摘要(中) 電滲泵目前在生醫檢測晶片及微電子冷卻方面都有廣泛的應用,因此其流體輸送性能及溫度變化特性都相當重要。本文利用暫態模擬分析在微中空毛細管及多孔介質內電滲流之特性,搭配解析解及實驗數據的比對,探討包括速度、壓力及溫度等電滲泵重要參數。所使用的數學模型包含描述管內電位勢之Poisson-Boltzmann方程式、描述外加電場強度變化之Laplace方程式、描述速度場之修正型Navier-Stokes方程式及描述溫度場之能量方程式。
摘要(英) The electroosmotic pump (EOP) has been widely used in driving and controlling microfluidics in the biochemical applications, and it is being used for liquid transportation in the electronics cooling solution recently. Thus, the temperature variation and the performance of the EOP for fluid transporting are very important. This study presents a transient numerical analysis of the electroosmotic flow in micro tubes and in porous media, combining analytical solutions and the validation of experimental data, to investigate velocity, pressure and the temperature characteristics of EOP. The mathematical model include the Poisson-Boltzmann equations for electric potential, the Laplace equation for external applied electric field, the modified Navier-Stokes equations for velocity field, and the energy equations for temperature field.
Numerical results reveal that several factors affect the temperature characteristics of the EOP including: the size of EOP, the strength of applied electric field, the concentration of fluid and the cooling condition surrounding the tube. When the Joule heating effect is severe, the auto-thermal phenomenon causes large temperature rise and variation of the fluid viscosity and the dielectric constant, results in modifying the performance of EOP. Although the temperature increases help to enhance the operation of EOP; however, there is an upper limit of operating temperature for most applications of EOP. Therefore, selecting proper conditions in designing EOP is very important. Besides, it is also found that the wall effect from both the geometry and the electrokinetic need to be considered in the simulation of electroosmotic porous flow, otherwise, calculation results will not accurate.
關鍵字(中) ★ 焦耳熱效應
★ 電滲泵
★ 電滲流
關鍵字(英) ★ Joule heating effect
★ Porous media
★ Electroosmotic pump
★ Electroosmotic flow
論文目次 中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XII
符號說明 XIII
第一章 電滲泵 1
1.1 微泵簡介 1
1.1.1 微泵的分類 1
1.1.2 電滲泵與其他微泵的比較 2
1.2 電滲流機制 2
1.2.1 電雙層 2
1.2.2 電滲流 3
1.3 文獻回顧 4
1.3.1 中空毛細管內電滲流及電滲泵 4
1.3.2 多孔介質內電滲流及電滲泵 5
1.4 研究動機與方向 8
第二章 數值分析理論 10
2.1 幾何外形及基本假設 10
2.1.1 微流道幾何外型 10
2.1.2 基本假設 11
2.2 統御方程式 12
2.2.1 微中空毛細管內的電滲流 12
2.2.2 多孔介質內的電滲流 16
2.3 無因次統御方程式 23
2.3.1 微中空毛細管的電滲流 23
2.3.2 多孔介質的電滲流 26
2.4 變量孔隙率 29
2.5幾何外型、初始條件及邊界條件 29
2.5.1幾何外型及初始條件 29
2.5.2 邊界條件 30
2.5.3 無因次邊界條件 32
2.6 計算方法 34
第三章 結果與討論 36
3.1數值模擬之格點設置 36
3.2空心毛細管內電滲流 37
3.2.1 與實驗數據比較 37
3.2.2 流道尺寸對溫度的影響 41
3.2.3 流體濃度對溫度的影響 42
3.2.4 管外熱對流係數對溫度的影響 43
3.2.5 速度剖面 44
3.2.6 溫度之解析解 45
3.3 多孔介質內電滲流 50
3.3.1 管壁效應、孔隙率及塞入球形粒子對速度之影響 50
3.3.2 與實驗數據比較 53
3.3.3 微多孔電滲泵特性討論 55
第四章 結論與建議 61
4.1結論 61
4.2建議 62
參考文獻 64
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指導教授 吳俊諆(Jiunn-Chi Wu) 審核日期 2007-6-29
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