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姓名 呂振嘉(Chen-chia Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 鍍鋅鋼板之腐蝕與電化學行為
(Corrosion and electrochemical behavior of coating zinc sheet steel)
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摘要(中) 本研究探討熱浸鍍鋅鋼板(SGCC)、電鍍鋅鋼板(SECC)、55%鋁鋅鋼板(SGLC)在不同pH值之3% NaCl溶液中的電化學行為,利用浸泡腐蝕和開路電位量測、Tafel極化和循環極化來評估鍍鋅鋼板的腐蝕與電化學現象。
從Tafel極化結果中,在不同pH值之3% NaCl溶液中,除了在pH=11以外,其抗腐蝕能力由大而小依序為: SECC>SGLC>SGCC;然而在pH=11時,SGLC腐蝕速率忽然提高,所以在此環境下其抗腐蝕能力由大而小依序為:SECC>SGCC>SGLC。
摘要(英) Hot-dip zinc、electroplating zinc and 55%Al-Zn coating were investigated for comparison of their corrosion resistance, electrochemical behavior in 3% NaCl of varying with pH value solution. The assessment corrosion and electrochemical phenomenon of coating zinc sheet steel were employed with immersed corrosion, opening circuit potential, Tafel polarization, cyclic polarization.
Compared with the OCP and weight loss, SGLC surface is covered by aluminum oxide layer which protects the function. The result is that its weight lost less and OCP towards to the noble potential. But in pH=11, this oxide layer is easier destroyed to cause the corrosion rate rise. However, the surface of SGCC and SECC is formed the oxide layer with unstable in acidic environment, and it is easy to decompose, to cause weight loss increase with the pH decreases and the OCP decrease with the pH decreases. But in the alkalinity environment is covered by the oxide layer which transformed from the degrees of Zinc hydroxide to protect coating.
From Tafel polarization, 3% NaCl of varying with pH value solution except pH=11, its corrosion resistant ability decreases for SECC>SGLC>SGCC. In pH=11, SGLC corrosion rate are enhanced in the short time. Therefore, the corrosion resistance which is under this environment decreases in order to SECC>SGCC>SGLC.
In cyclic polarization, SGLC only has the passive state characteristic appearance also presents by the negative hysteresis curve in pH=11. SGCC has obviously passive state characteristic, but its protected ability is not good enough. The result of the passive state area is unable to do the completely display, and to create the localized corrosion. SECC has entirely passive membrane, but it is easy to different pH value accessibly. Above of all will cause pitting formation which will also make the serious destruction to the substrate on.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鍍鋅鋼板
★ 電化學行為
★ Tafel極化
★ 循環極化
關鍵字(英) ★ coating zinc sheet steel
★ electrochemical behavior
★ cyclic polarization
★ Tafel polarization
論文目次 中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2研究背景與動機 1
第二章 文獻回顧及原理 3
2-1鍍層鋼板的發展與簡介 3
2-1-1熱浸鍍鋅鋼板 4
2-1-2電鍍鋅鋼板 6
2-1-3 55%鋁鋅鋼板 6
2-2熱浸鍍鋅腐蝕條件 7
2-2-1熱浸鍍鋅鋼板腐蝕機制 8
2-2-2熱浸鍍鋅鋼板應力腐蝕機制 9
2-3 55%鋁鋅鋼板鍍層結構 10
2-4 55%鋁鋅鋼板腐蝕機制 11
2-4-1 E. Palma腐蝕機制 11
2-4-2 I.O. Wallinder腐蝕機制 12
2-5腐蝕與電化學 13
2-5-1腐蝕的定義 13
2-5-2電化學腐蝕 13
2-5-3 Nernst Equation與Potential-pH Diagram 15
2-5-4參考電極(Reference Electrode) 17
2-5-5混合電位(Mixed Potential)理論 17
2-6電化學測試法 19
2-6-1開路電位(Open Circuit Potential) 19
2-6-2 Tafel 極化 20
2-6-3循環極化(Cyclic Polarization) 20
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 22
3-1實驗材料 22
3-2實驗設備 22
3-3測試環境 22
3-4浸泡腐蝕試驗 23
3-5電化學試驗 23
3-6電化學實驗方法 24
3-6-1開路電位(Open Circuit Potential) 24
3-6-2塔佛極化曲線(Tafel Polarization Curves) 24
3-6-3循環極化曲線(Cyclic Polarization Curves) 24
3-7電子顯微鏡(SEM)分析 25
3-8斷面觀察 25
第四章 結果與討論 26
4-1中性3% NaCl水溶液環境下之腐蝕試驗 26
4-1-1浸泡腐蝕試驗與開路電位量測 26
4-1-2 Tafel極化 27
4-1-3循環極化 28
4-1-4中性環境下腐蝕表面型態分析 30
4-2酸性3% NaCl水溶液環境下之腐蝕試驗 31
4-2-1浸泡腐蝕試驗與開路電位量測 31
4-2-2 Tafel極化 32
4-2-3循環極化 33
4-2-4酸性環境下腐蝕表面型態分析 35
4-3鹼性3% NaCl水溶液環境下之腐蝕試驗 36
4-3-1浸泡腐蝕試驗與開路電位量測 36
4-3-2 Tafel極化 38
4-3-3循環極化 38
4-3-4鹼性環境下腐蝕表面型態分析 41
第五章 結論 42
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指導教授 李雄(Shyong Lee) 審核日期 2008-7-4
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