摘要(英) |
It is well-known that financial risk is one of critical factors driving construction companies to difficulty. Costs of materials such as concrete and steel bars, variable currency exchange rate, and increase of interest rate can easily enlarge financial risks for construction companies. Using an effective method to reduce financial risks is desired.
Risk hedging through the use of derivatives is a wide accepted financial technique and has been used in many industries and countries. The objectives of this research are to (1) identify the impact factors among the corporations’ financial ratios revealed in public while derivatives are used for financial risk hedging, and to (2) construct a prediction model using Hyper Rectangular Composite Neural Networks (HRCNNs). The determination of the impact factors and the proposed model are in the basis of the database which has a range of all 38 listed construction companies and their corresponding quarterly financial statements from 2002 to 2006. A total of 16 financial ratios are considered as the impact factors, also being used to establish the HRCNNs prediction model. This study concludes that, from the financial analysis viewpoint, these 16 impact factors pay an important role to assist decision-makers in using derivatives for risk hedging. The model is also verified with an accurate rate at 80.6%, presenting a good prediction model to suggest while using derivatives to hedge financial risks. |
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