摘要(英) |
Since the inauguration of the Government Procurement Law (GPL), the contracting officers usually adopt lump-sum lowest bid method to award the contract for a construction project to the bidder who submits the lowest bid price. If the bid price is considered to be unreasonable, the contracting officers often just ask the lowest bidder providing additional security bond to protect their privities. But they never review the lowest bid price if it is so low that evidently appears to be unreasonable.
However, for preventing the occurrence of unbalanced bids, after the lowest bidder is awarded a construction project contract, the contractual unit price for each cost item is taken as the product of the owner’s estimated unit price and a discounting ratio equal to the total bid price divided by the owner’s project cost estimate. But in procurement practice, such contractual unit price may cause disputes when a change order for an increased or decreased quantity of work for an item.
The purpose of this study is to develop the mechanism of construction procurement bid reviewing and the contractual unit price adjustment:
(1) After tender opening, apply the provided model to determine whether the bid price is reasonable if the lowest bid price is too low.
(2) When the contract is awarded to the lowest bidder, adopt the provided model to adjust the contractual unit price.
It is expected that the mechanism will help reduce contractual disputes. |
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