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姓名 曾文妮(Wen-Ni Tseng )  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 土壤無機相對揮發性有機污染物吸∕脫附行為之影響
(The effect of soil mineral structure on the adsorption/desorption of volatile organic compounds)
★ 工業廢水對灌溉水質影響之研究-以黃墘溪為例★ 廢冷陰極管汞回收處理效率之研究
★ 室內懸浮微粒與生物氣膠之相關性探討-以某醫學中心為例★ 化學機械研磨廢液對工業區污水處理效益與 操作成本之影響
★ 網路數位電力監測系統於大學用電行為分析之研究★ 光電業進行自願性碳標準(VCS)減量計畫可行性之研究
★ 污染農地整治後未能符合農用成因之探討★ 桃園縣居家入侵紅火蟻防治方法探討
★ 印刷電路板產業濕式製程廢液回收鈀金屬可行性之研究★ 不同表面特性黏土催化高分子凝聚劑與消毒劑(氯)反應之研究
★ 界面活性劑對土壤/水系統中有機污染物分佈行為之研究★ 淨水程序中添加高分子凝聚劑對混凝與加氯處理效應之研究
★ 土壤對Triton 系列各EO鏈選擇性吸附之研究★ 土壤有機質對土壤/水系統中低濃度非離子有機污染物吸附行為之研究
★ 不同表面特性黏土催化水中有機物之氯化反應研究★ 分子間作用力影響土壤中非離子有機物傳輸行為之研究
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摘要(中) 土壤對有機污染物的吸持作用,包括無機相的吸附及有機相的兩相分佈。探究吸∕脫附機制的困難在於環境基質的複雜性,所以本研究摒除水分的干擾,針對土壤無機相的構造與其吸附作用進行探討。
實驗係透過量測BET表面積、孔洞體積、孔洞大小、孔徑分布、晶格間距及推測孔洞連結,並配合電子顯微鏡之表面影像而得土樣基本結構參數;再使用Cahn D-200電動天平並控制溫度,測量苯及正己烷在鈣─蒙特石與鈦─蒙特石上之等溫吸∕脫附曲線。
摘要(英) The objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of soil structure on the adsorption/desorption of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The migration and the fate of nonionic organic pollutants in soils are highly depended on their vapor-phase sorptive behavior. However, it is difficult to explicit the mechanism of adsorption/desorption due to complexity of environmental medium. In order to show the effects of soil structure on adsorption/desorption of VOCs, two kinds of montmorillnite with different exchange cation, calcium and titanium were individually used to examine the isotherms for the vapor uptake of benzene and n-hexane under 288K and 298 K.
After exchanged with metal cation, the porous structure of the mineral samples was changed. These changes were explored by quantifying the BET surface area, total pore volume, micropore volume, pore size distribution, surface fractal dimension (calculated from N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms), c-spacing (by XRD) and surface image (by SEM) of mineral phase. The results demonstrate that Ti-montmorillnite has higher surface area, extensive pore size distribution, and better pore connection.
The influences of temperature and soil properties were also investigated. A gravimetric adsorption apparatus was developed and used to generate adsorption/desorption isotherms of benzene and hexane on two dry soil samples at 288 and 298 K. Isosteric heats of adsorption were calculated and heat curves were established. Equilibrium isotherms were all Type II, characterizing vapor condensation to form multilayers. The sorption capacity of soils is positively correlated with specific surface area, pore size distribution and pore connection. Nevertheless, Ti-montmorillnite didn’t reveal hysteresis loop, which might be attributed to better pore size distribution and pore connection. Isosteric heats of adsorption on Ca-montmorillnite were influenced by the reaction between adsorbent and adsorbate as well as among adsorbate molecules.
The results of this study are to further understanding of soil properties, as a basis for desorption predictions. Findings, apply not only to environment applications but also to theoretical development.
關鍵字(中) ★ 揮發性有機化合物
★  等溫吸∕脫附曲線
★  蒙特石結構
★  遲滯現象
關鍵字(英) ★ adsorption/desorption isotherm
★  montmorillnite
★  porous structure
論文目次 目錄…………………………………………………..I
1第一章 前言8
2第二章 文獻回顧15
2-2-2不同VOCs 的影響20
3第三章 實驗設備、材料與方法37
4第四章 結果與討論59
5第五章 結論與建議85
6參考文獻 88
圖 目 錄
目次 頁次
圖 1.1 研究流程11
圖 2.1 等溫吸附線之基本形態25
圖 3.1 蒙特石之構造47
圖 3.2 苯分子之結構49
圖 3.3 正己烷分子之結構50
圖 3.4 實驗設備及配置53
圖 3.5 實驗裝置54
圖 3.6 實驗流程56
圖 4.1 氮氣吸附等溫線60
圖 4.2 孔徑分布圖(PSD)62
圖 4.3 氮氣吸∕脫附曲線64
圖 4.4 實驗數據和碎形FHH方程式之擬合67
圖 4.5 XRD繞射圖譜69
圖 4.6 土樣之表面影像(放大2萬倍)70
圖 4.7 15℃及25℃之等溫吸附曲線72
圖 4.8 15℃之等溫吸∕脫附曲線74
圖 4.9 25℃之等溫吸∕脫附曲線75
圖 4.10 苯在鈣─蒙特石15℃及25℃的吸附曲線78
圖 4.11 苯在鈣─蒙特石上的等容吸附熱79
圖 4.12 蒙特石吸附苯及正己烷的吸附反應熱81
表 目 錄
目次 頁次
表 3?1 非離子性有機化合物基本性質表51
表 3?2 各文獻之系統操作參數55
表 4?1 鈣─蒙特石與鈦─蒙特石基本性質比較表63
表 4?2 土樣表面結構參數67
表 4?3 BET法求得之吸附係數(C)與單層飽和吸附量77
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指導教授 李俊福(Jiunn-Fwu Lee) 審核日期 2001-7-13
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