摘要(英) |
Water and land are the two integral natural resources for national development as well as human survival. With this regard, how to accommodate and make good use of these two items becomes the hinge of judging whether or not the achievement of sustainable quality in the country. Taking river basin system as the primary concern, this study first of all discusses inward varied formation and uses and then analyzes their significance for the whole system. Simultaneously, based on Driving force-State-Response sustainable indicator constitution of The United Nations and its causation, I am able to establish and further develop river system and water management of this study. The study use a idea what is Object-Oriented of decision-support system (DSS) and association of relational data base to establish Object-Oriented-relational programming of system dynamics models. Its main purpose it to reinforce the intimacy between human and machine while making decision, the effectiveness of model management and eventually achieve the goal of water-land resources policy. According to what mentioned above, my water management pattern includes river-land interrelationship and water management policy analysis. These two terms provide the effectiveness of specific economic and social river use, the condition of land use and the distinction of population state. These important elements should be taken into consideration when the members of water management institution determine correlated policy |
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