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姓名 王可欣(Ke-Shin Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 中小企業職業安全衛生管理機制探討
(Occupational Health and Safety Management for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)
★ 氫氟酸玻璃薄化製程之安全評估與風險控制★ 台北縣毒性化學物質運作場所災害潛勢分析
★ 潛盾隧道作業安全分析★ ISO 50001能源管理系統建置機制研究
★ 廢棄物管理e化系統設計與應用★ 印刷電路板製程高溫烘烤設備失效模式與效應分析研究
★ 承攬風險管理★ 光電業組立製程人因風險探討
★ 濺鍍耙材噴砂作業粉塵及噪音暴露危害評估★ 光電廠增光膜製程健康風險評估與控制
★ 行為安全執行策略探討-以某紡絲事業單位為例★ 高階製程安全管理架構
★ 工業化學品整合管理制度探討★ 半導體業承攬作業風險評估
★ 職業安全衛生績效管理機制★ 事件樹於職業安全風險評估應用研究
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摘要(中) 我國中小企業扮演經濟發展及提供勞工就業機會的重要角色,但由於中小企業營運條件較差,如有限的成本、時間和資源,缺乏經驗等,因此無法建置國際公認的職業安全衛生管理系統OHSAS 18001,導致中小企業的職安衛管理未能有效落實,因此本研究蒐集國內、外文獻,瞭解中小企業建置OHSAS 18001職業安全衛生管理系統可能遭遇的困難,並參考英國、澳洲、美國和加拿大推行中小企業職業安全衛生管理的做法和我國勞工安全衛生組織管理及自動檢查辦法第十二條之一第一項及第二項規定,探討適合我國中小企業職安衛管理機制的運作程序,並建立PDCA循環式架構,引導中小企業建置職安衛的管理,以預防事故的發生。
摘要(英) Small to medium-sized enterprises, SMEs, have been the backbone of economic development and employment providers in many developed and developing countries. However, the risk level of SMEs, according to studies conducted by countries with advanced occupational health and safety management regulations, as high as or even higher than large organization. Because most SMEs employers focus on business operation and the employees lack awareness of workplace health and safety hazards.
International and national management system standards such as OHSAS 18001, ILO-OSH, ANSI/AIHA Z10 and BS 8800 have widely been accepted as the most effective tools for occupational health and safety management. However, because of cost consideration and limited expertise with modern occupational health and safety management systems, most SMEs encounter extreme difficulty in fulfilling the basic requirement of such standards. So this study establishes occupational health and safety management mechanism for SMEs.
A management framework based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle is proposed in this study. Similar to OHS management systems, hazard identify, risk assessment and risk control constitute the major activities in the proposed mechanism. Particularly, occupational health and safety management framework comprises corrective and preventive action in order to return to the management processes we have initiated, and then it will redeem management mechanism. In order to facilitate easy adoption by SMEs, supplementary tools such as checklists, flow charts, and implementation instructions are described in great details in this study. Finally, this study conclude that the SMEs occupational health and safety management framework and Taiwan Occupational Safety and health Management System OSHMS guidelines comparison, and detailed instructions to help SMEs that understand difference between them. It is hoped that the proposed health and safety management mechanism will assist Taiwanese SMEs to adopt and implement systems approach toward occupational health and safety management to effectively reduce workplace accidents and occupational diseases.
關鍵字(中) ★ 中小企業職業安全衛生管理機制
★ 風險管理
關鍵字(英) ★ the PDCA cycle
★ SME occupational health and safety management fr
★ risk management
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
第一章 前言 1
1.1 緣起 1
1.2 研究方法與目的 2
1.3 預期成果 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 中小企業特性 5
2.1.1 中小企業認定標準 5
2.1.2 中小企業本質 8
2.1.3 中小企業現況與經濟重要性 9
2.1.4 推動中小企業職安衛管理的困難 10
2.2 系統化職業安全衛生管理發展 11
2.2.1 OHSAS 18001 12
2.2.2 ILO-OSH 2001 13
2.2.3 TOSHMS 13
2.3 先進國家中小企業職業安全衛生管理指引 13
2.3.1 英國 14
2.3.2 澳洲 20
2.3.3 美國 25
2.3.4 加拿大曼尼托巴省 30
第三章 職安衛管理機制建立 39
3.1 政策 39
3.2 法規查核 39
3.3 責任劃分 40
3.4 員工參與 40
3.5 危害鑑別、風險評估及風險控制 40
3.6 溝通與訓練 41
3.7 工作場所檢查 41
3.8 緊急應變計畫與事故調查 42
3.9 績效評估 42
3.10其他勞工安全衛生組織管理及自動檢查辦法之規定 43
第四章 中小企業職業安全衛生管理指引 45
4.1 規劃 45
4.1.1政策 45
4.1.2法規查核 49
4.1.3管理目標與方案 53
4.1.4文件化 56
4.2 執行 61
4.2.1危害鑑別 63
4.2.2風險評估 72
4.2.3風險控制 79
4.2.4緊急應變計畫 84
4.2.5監督、矯正與預防措施 88
4.3 查核與矯正 90
4.3.1事故調查 90
4.3.2績效評估 96
4.4 TOSHMS與本機制之比較 100
第五章 結論與建議 104
5.1結論 104
5.2 建議 106
參考文獻 108
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指導教授 于樹偉(Shuh -Woei Yu) 審核日期 2009-2-5
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