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姓名 王勝平(Sheng-ping Wang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系 論文名稱 磨料噴射技術應用於廢矽晶圓精微拋光之研究
(A Study on Micro Polishing of scrap wafer by Abrasive Jet Technology)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 本研究主要運用自動磨料噴射技術,並以半導體廠報廢矽晶圓表面作為改善對象,探討磨料噴射技術對報廢矽晶圓表面電路層之去除及表面拋光改善效果。本研究並提出兩階段加工法,分為粗拋光與精微拋光加工法,首先在粗拋光研究方面是利用田口實驗計畫法進行實驗規劃,以獲得自動磨料噴射技術各加工參數對報廢矽晶圓表面粗糙度與材料移除量的影響與最佳水準值。接著在精微拋光方面由所獲得之最佳加工參數組合依續探討改變加工時間、不同初始矽晶圓表面與磨料粒徑等加工參數,以追求磨料噴射技術對矽晶圓表面改善至鏡面效果。實驗結果發現自動磨料噴射技術可有效去除報廢矽晶圓表面電路層,並配合由田口實驗計畫法所獲得之最佳加工參數組合,可將矽晶圓表面粗糙度0.14μm Ra 降至0.033μm Ra ,且矽晶圓表面呈現鏡面反射效果。另外研究亦探討經磨料噴射加工後,矽晶圓表面材料特性,發現利用SiC 磨粒進行磨料噴射加工後之矽晶圓表面沒有SiC嵌入表面效應,另外由金相顯微鏡觀察加工後矽晶圓截面,沒有微裂痕產生。 摘要(英) This research mainly uses the automatic abrasive jet technology and takes scrap wafer surface of the semiconductor factory as an improving target in order to probe into the abrasive jet technology for cleaning scrap wafer surface circuit layer and improve surface polishing effect. This study has two processed steps that can be divided into the rough polishing and micro polishing processing method. First, the study of the rough polishing processing uses the Taguchi Method to obtain the optimization of manufacturing process parameters for scrap wafer surface roughness and remove weight on automatic abrasive jet technology. Second, in the micro polishing processing, the best combination of parameters are used to continue discussing the different of initial silicon wafer surface, machining time and abrasive mesh in turn. Expecting that the silicon wafer surface can be improved like a mirror after automatic abrasive jet technology. From the experimental result, we will find the automatic abrasive jet technology can clean the scrap wafer surface circuit layer effectively and conjugate the best combination of parameters by Taguchi Method, the silicon wafer surface roughness value can drop from 0.14μm Ra to 0.033μm Ra, and the silicon wafer surface is presented the reflection result of the mirror. Furthermore, studying and investigating the silicon wafer surface characteristic of material after the abrasive jet technology we will find that utilizing the SiC abrasive jet technology, the silicon wafer surface has no SiC to insert the surface effect and it does not produce any cracks which is observed by the metalloscope. 關鍵字(中) ★ 表面粗糙度
★ 田口品質工程
★ 矽晶圓
★ 拋光
★ 磨料噴射關鍵字(英) ★ abrasive jet maching
★ polishing
★ silicon wafer
★ Taguchi Method
★ surface roughness論文目次 中文摘要---------------------------------------------------------------------------i
表目錄-------------------------------------------------------------------- --------xi
第一章 緒論-----------------------------------------------------------------------1
1-1 研究背景----------------------------------------------------------------1
1-2 研究動機與目的-------------------------------------------------------2
1-3 研究方法----------------------------------------------------------------4
1-4 論文架構----------------------------------------------------------------5
第二章 文獻回顧-----------------------------------------------------------------7
2-1 矽晶圓片表面拋光探討----------------------------------------------7
2-2 磨料噴射加工法探討-----------------------------------------------11
2-3 田口實驗計畫法探討-----------------------------------------------14
第三章 實驗原理與設備-----------------------------------------------------16
3-1 磨料噴射加工法基本原理-----------------------------------------16
3-1-1 磨料噴射技術材料移除機制------------------------------18
3-2 田口品質工程基本原理--------------------------------------------19
3-2-1 變異數分析( ANOVA )及F檢定(F-test)----------------27
3-3 實驗設備--------------------------------------------------------------29
3-3-1 加工設備------------------------------------------------------29
3-3-2 量測觀察設備------------------------------------------------32
3-4 實驗材料--------------------------------------------------------------34
3-5 實驗流程--------------------------------------------------------------37
第四章 磨料噴射技術應用於報廢矽晶圓表面加工特性探討--------38
4-1-1 乾式與濕式加工對報廢矽晶圓表面粗糙度之影響---38
4-1-2 磨料噴射加工路徑對報廢矽晶圓表面之影響---------40
4-1-3 磨料噴射時間對報廢矽晶圓表面之影響---------------42
4-2 實驗條件與田口法實驗規劃--------------------------------------43
4-3 田口實驗結果與討論-----------------------------------------------47
4-3-1 田口品質工程分析------------------------------------------47
4-3-2 ANOVA分析與F檢定-----------------------------------53
4-4 磨料噴射技術加工參數因子對報廢矽晶圓品質特性探討--57
4-4-1 實驗條件與實驗規劃---------------------------------------57
4-4-2 衝擊角度對報廢矽晶圓質特性之影響------------------59
4-4-3 加工高度對報廢矽晶圓品質特性之影響---------------61
4-4-4 氣體壓力對報廢矽晶圓品質特性之影響---------------63
4-4-5 磨料與添加劑混合比例對報廢矽晶圓品質特性
4-4-6 旋轉平台轉速對報廢矽晶圓品質特性之影響---------67
4-4-7 Table移動速率對報廢矽晶圓品質特性之影響------69
4-4-8 加工時間對報廢矽晶圓品質特性之影響-------------71
第五章 磨料噴射技術應用於矽晶圓精微拋光之探討------------------75
5-1 不同初始矽晶圓表面精微拋光之影響--------------------------75
5-2 磨料粒徑對矽晶圓表面精微拋光之影響-----------------------81
5-3 矽晶圓表面特性探討-----------------------------------------------85
5-3-1 矽晶圓表面成分分析---------------------------------------85
5-3-2 矽晶圓截面裂痕檢測---------------------------------------87
5-3-3 磨料噴射加工法表面鏡面拋光結果---------------------88
第六章 結 論---------------------------------------------------------------91
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