參考文獻 |
CVIU : Computer Vision and Image Understanding
CVPR : Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
CVGIP : Computer Vision, Graphic, and Image Processing
IAPRS : International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
IJPRS : International Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
PE & RS: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
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Faig, W. and T. Widmer, 2000. Automatic building extraction from aerial images, Proc. of IAPRS, Vol.33, B7, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp.1708-1715.
Fischer, A., T. H. Kolbe, F. Lang, Cremers, A. B., Forstner, W., Plumer, L. & Steinhange,V., 1998. Extracting Buildings from Aerial Images Using Hierarchical Aggregation in 2-D and 3-D, CVIU, Vol.72, No.2, Nov. pp.185-203.
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Zhao, B. and J. C. Trinder, 2000. Integrated-approach-based automatic building extraction, Proc. of IAPRS, Vol.33, B3, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp.1026-1032. |