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姓名 蘇文瑞(Wen-Ray Su)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 水資源供需指標建立之研究
★ 救旱措施對水資源供需之影響分析★ 台灣地區颱風雨降雨型態之分析研究
★ 滯洪池系統最佳化之研究★ 運用遺傳演算優化串聯水庫系統聯合運轉規線之研究
★ 河川魚類棲地分佈之推估與分析研究-以卑南溪新武呂河段為例-★ 整合型區域水庫與攔河堰聯合運轉系統模擬解析及優化之研究
★ 河川低水流量分流演算推估魚類棲地之研究-以烏溪上游為例★ 大漢溪中游生態基流量推估與棲地改善之研究
★ 石門水庫水質模擬與水理探討★ 越域引水水庫聯合操作規線與打折供水最佳化之應用-以寶山與寶山第二水庫為例
★ 防洪疏散門最佳啟閉時間之研究 -以基隆河臺北市河段為例-★ 配水管網破管與供水穩定性關係之研究
★ 石門水庫永續指標之建立與研究★ 台灣地區重要水庫集水區永續指標建立與評量
★ 限制開發行為對水庫集水區水質保護之探討★ 水稻田入滲及回歸水之試驗及模擬
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摘要(中) 本研究首先以各用水區域,作為供需指標發佈標準區域,並以苗中、雲彰及嘉南地區為例,以水文週期定義出水文乾旱年。由於雨量是一切供水的來源,所以對於乾旱發生與否,降雨多寡佔著舉足輕重的位置,而且上下游降雨也有不同之利用方式,上游之降雨可以提供水庫蓄水,下游降雨則可提供農田及時供水,尤其在乾旱時期,下游降雨益形重要,所以本論文以降雨量作為乾旱指標判斷因子。對於缺水指標,除了以降雨量作為缺水情況之預警系統外,最能反應缺水狀況之主要因子為水庫蓄水量、河川流量和地下水存量等,所以要分析水資源供應狀況必須從這些方面著手。由於地下水位變動不大,反應乾旱狀況也是在乾旱之後期,所以本研究在水資源供應面方面,主要考量降雨、河川流量及水庫蓄水量,以期能掌握水資源供應狀況。之後將這些因子標準常態化後,加權後求得缺水指標。而水資源供需指標,主要應用供需平衡之觀念,考量旬可供水量與旬需水量,比較此兩因子之關係而得供需指標。本論文同時也將乾溼季之機率分布分別求出,再對上下游提供下旬是否持續乾旱之預測,其中下游部份並可預估灌溉需水量多寡。結果顯示,本研究所使用之各指標均能反應出實際狀況。
摘要(英) Sustainable development of water resources must conform to the whole benefit of the resources used. An important approach to this target is making use of regional operation and management. This study developed a system indexes, namely drought index, shortage index and sufficient index, by means of the concept of regional operation and management. Due to the factors of topography, weather and human culture, the demand of water resources is different among every region in Taiwan. The sufficient index, which base on the concept of maintaining the balance of supply and demand, provides a better management insight when water resources are in deficit.
Furthermore, this study proposed the sufficient index of water resources for the water demand areas on Central and Southern Taiwan to predict the occurrence of a possible drought. Statistical analysis was conducted to identify a hydrologic drought year. In Taiwan, water supply mainly depends on rainfall. However, the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall is highly irregular. There are different kinds of exploitation for rainfall between upstream and downstream. Rainfall, which is the principal referring factor of the drought index in this study, is kept in the reservoirs in upstream and promptly irrigates the corps especially in drought period in downstream. Besides rainfall, the factors, which response to the shortage situation, are reservoir storage, flow rate and groundwater. Due to the fact that the groundwater level makes only small alteration, only reservoir storage, flow rate and rainfall were concerned in the supply of water resources. These three factors are standardized and weighted to estimate shortage index. The sufficient index is mainly concerned about the concept of the balance between water supply and water demand. The probability of drought, which forecasts whether drought continues or not in upstream area and downstream area, in wet and dry spell is also calculated in this study. The results show that the index system proposed in this study can quantify the shortage of water and the deficit level of drought.
關鍵字(中) ★ 乾旱指標
★ 缺水指標
★ 供需指標
★ 降雨
★ 水庫
★ 水資源
★ 流量
關鍵字(英) ★ drought index
★ shortage index
★ sufficient index
★ water resources
★ rainfall
★ reservoir
★ flow rate
論文目次 封面
第一章 緒論
1-1 研究緣起
1-2 研究範疇
1-3 研究目的
1-4 研究流程
1-5 本文架構
第二章 文獻回顧
2-1 乾旱之定義
2-2 臺灣乾旱之研究
2-3 缺水指標研究方法
2-4 影響水資源供需之因素分析
第三章 供需指標理論之發展
3-1 利用數值統計界定乾溼季
3-2 區域化變數理論之應用
3-3 供需指標理論之發展
第四章 缺水旨標建立案例之研究
4-1 研究地區概述
4-2 站點之選定
4-3 乾溼季及水文年之定義
4-4 乾旱門檻值之訂立
第五章 乾旱指標之建立
5-1 累積降雨曲線之探討
5-2 乾旱指標之發展
5-3 乾旱指標應用之探討
第六章 缺水指標之建立
6-1 控制指標之選取及建立
6-2 指標之驗證
6-3 乾旱之延續性
6-4 缺水指標建立之研究
第七章 供需指標之建立
7-1 供需指標建立之發展
7-2 未來乾旱機率預測
7-3 乾旱事件之探討
第八章 結論與建議
8-1 結論
8-2 建議
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指導教授 吳瑞賢(Ray-Shyan Wu) 審核日期 2000-6-29
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