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姓名 程進發(Chin-Fa Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
論文名稱 為環境倫理學整體論辯護及其應用
(In Defense for Holism of Environmental Ethics and its Application)
★ 《道德經》「無為而治」意蘊之探析★ 《莊子》苦樂觀的現代詮釋
★ 安心之道探究--以《大乘起信論》為依據的哲學詮釋★ 論《維摩詰經》之入世精神-以現代「人間佛教」思想為說明
★ 韓非法思想研究★ 從羅蘭.巴特符號學觀點論普普藝術︰以安迪.沃荷作品為例
★ 儒學文化精神溯原 以《論語》之「孝道」、「學★ 牟宗三對「美善衝突」的解決
★ 從《精神現象學》主奴之爭一節中看欲望詮釋的可能性★ 《莊子》主體觀探究— — 「復性」與「氣化」為核心的存有論詮釋
★ 對非人類物種的倫理反思:從價值理論探討人類應有的態度★ 探究Hans Küng之「全球倫理」的 「可普遍性」與「可實踐性」
★ 論海德格對技術本質之反思 ——對技術本質之派生關係與其本源現象之溯源作一種詮釋之嘗試★ 對當代西方倫理學中代理孕母爭議的一個「性別倫理」之省思
★ 鄰避現象之環境倫理涵義:以效益主義環境正義考察為例示★ 動物的道德地位:Singer的效益主義進路動物的道德地位考察
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摘要(中) 本文標明為環境倫理學整體論作辯護,是指環境倫理學的整體論遭受到強烈的質疑,它是一種「環境法西斯主義」的擁護者嗎?或甚至直接說它就是環境法西斯主義者,以及整體論者混淆了「實然」與「應然」兩者間的關係,或說它犯了倫理學上所謂自然主義的謬誤。這兩個問題可以說是環境倫理學整體論者的兩個弱點,這是本論文最初的問題。首先,何謂「環境倫理學整體論」?本文的研究範圍即歸聚在西方當代幾種不同的進路以及類型來說明。進行的步驟是先介紹幾種環境整體論,再從思維方法、人性、自然、變化等觀念,進行深層生態學與佛教環境倫理學兩者的對比,當突顯出兩者的不同之處,也看出佛教作為一種殊異的環境整體論的可能。
摘要(英) Some ethicists contend that human have moral responsibility to non-human beings. While some position may be adequate as a criterion for a moral status, environmental holists emphasizing by the interplay among environment, human and non-humans. Could be the later make their case? What are the contents of environmental holism? This article studies what are the differences between Buddhism and Deep ecology as environmental holism. First, I would introduce three kinds of holism. Secondly, the views of Buddhism and deep ecology on environmental holism would be briefly introduced. I use four important concepts, namely, thinking method, human nature, nature, and change as the theme. In contrasting with deep ecology, we find a possible distinctive interpretation of environmental holism of Buddhism.
The purposes which I will defense for environmental holism in the study are that, is environmental holist really an environmental fascism? and the Hume’’s law is constituted in environmental ethics, are environmental holists violate the Hume’’s law ? I will argue for three different theory of environmental holism. They are Holmes Rolston’’s theory of natural value, Callicott’’s land ethics and Marietta’’s critical holism. According to their special viewpoint , we will observe how can they resolve the problem, furthermore we notice the ethical characteristics of theirs.
Lastly, I discuss an environmental holistic viewpoint on the practical sense of environment for business. Ethical issues produced on business development and environmental healthy, and which had been discussed in the topic of sustainability. Furthermore, ethical and living demand make them became global problems. Is it possible that business profit and harmony ecosystem coexistence sustainable? It is dealt and given a positive answer in this article. The contents are expounded more and more steadily fundamental theory. My strategy is that use natural capital for expressing our whole, rare and limited ecosphere, first. Secondly, We must choice the eco-economy for the only way into sustainability. Thirdly, the four system conditions of natural step provided the guideline for industrial practice can compatible with the earth system. Finally, A sustainable corporation: Interface Co., as an evolutionary corporation can be displayed and explained our original arduous problem. There is an important discover in the end that people have become integral agents of volution.
關鍵字(中) ★ 環境倫理學
★ 整體論
★ 實然與應然
★ 自然價值論
★ 大地倫理
★ 永續發展
關鍵字(英) ★ land ethic
★ environmental ethics
★ holism
★ Hume's law
★ sustainability
論文目次 目錄 ………………………………………………………………………………ⅲ
一、 導論……………………………………………………………………………1
1-1 研究動機與問題陳述…………………………………………………………1
1-2  主要文獻與相關研究之整理分析……………………………………………7
1-3 研究方法………………………………………………………………………18
1-4 研究步驟………………………………………………………………………20
二、  環境倫理學整體論的類型與特性
2-1  何謂環境倫理學整體…………………………………………………………22
2-2 對整體論的批評與批判的整體………………………………………………25
2-3 深層生態學作為一種整體論及對其可能的批判……………………………34
2-3-1 深層生態學作為一種整體論………………………………………………34
2-3-2 深層生態學整體論的倫理學特性…………………………………………35
2-4 佛教思想隱含的環境倫理學整體論觀點……………………………………38
2-5 佛教的環境倫理學整體論與深層生態學整體論觀點的對比………………46
三、 整體論者如何解決環境倫理學中「實然」與「應然」間的議題(一)
3-1 休謨倫理學系統概要與「休謨法則」的歷史脈絡…………………………53
3-2 柯倍德如何解決環境倫理學中「實然」與應然」之間的議題……………59
3-3 柯倍德共同體的道德哲學一元論與論之間的爭議…………………………62
四、 整體論者如何解決環境倫理學中「實然」與「應然」間的議題(二)
4-1 羅斯頓前期「後生態學」的觀點……………………………………………75
4-1-1 從後生態學到自然價值系統……………………………………………75
4-1-2 柯倍德對羅斯頓前期觀點的批評………………………………………80
4-2 羅斯頓後期的觀點:「我評價,故我在」 …………………………………83
4-3 馬瑞塔之現象學的進路………………………………………………………111
五、  環境倫理學整體論之應用:企業與環境的永續發展議題
5-1 永續發展與德行倫理…………………………………………………………127
5-2 環境倫理學整體論對自然經濟的觀點………………………………………133
5-3 企業與環境意識………………………………………………………………136
5-4 生態經濟與追求增長的經濟…………………………………………………139
5-4-1 何謂生態經濟……………………………………………………………139
5-4-2 生態經濟對傳統經濟的批判……………………………………………141
5-5 自然步調的原則與永續型態的企業典範……………………………………144
5-5-1 何謂自然步調 ……………………………………………………………144
5-5-2 進化的公司-永續型的企業典範…………………………………………147
六、  結 論
6-1 本文所完成的成果……………………………………………………………154
6-2 未竟的問題之說明……………………………………………………………156
參考書目 …………………………………………………………………………………160
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指導教授 蕭振邦(Jenn-bang Shiau) 審核日期 2007-7-6
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