博碩士論文 86342005 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃書猛(Shu-Meng Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 機場鋪面維修系統建立之研究(松山機場為例)
(Establish of An Repairing System for Airport Pavement)
★ 水泥製程於資源再利用之研究★ 焚化底渣水洗前處理及應用之探討
★ 鈦鐵礦氯化爐碴應用於道路基底層及礦尾渣水洗前處理之研究★ 水洗礦尾渣造粒後之粒料特性探討
★ 水洗礦尾渣取代水泥製品中細粒料之可行性研究★ 陶瓷業無機性污泥資源化用於人工細粒料及自充填混凝土之研究
★ 磚製品中摻配鈦砂之較佳配比研究★ 單維電化學傳輸陽離子技術抑制混凝土ASR之研究
★ 不同醇類製備聚丙烯酸酯應用於水泥基材的行為研究★ 人工粒料作為路基材料及CLSM對RC構件和金屬腐蝕之影響研究
★ 經高溫製程產生含矽再生粒料之鹼質活性研究★ 改質人工粒料的應用策略基礎研究
★ 爐碴作為混凝土細粒料的膨脹安定化方法及檢測技術研究★ 鎂鋁氧化物及類水滑石對氯離子吸附行為之研究
★ 以CFB副產石灰作為水淬爐石粉激發劑之可行性探討★ 加速鋰離子傳輸技術中不同電極間距對離子傳輸行為的影響研究
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摘要(中) 台灣近年來由於經濟蓬勃發展,交通運輸量日益繁重,機場鋪面之負荷亦愈形沈重,故如何延長及維持鋪面之服務績效,已成為交通工程單位重要課題之一。然以目前空運幾近飽和之狀況,已不容長時期關閉機場重新鋪築,因此對破損的鋪面,如何能即時、有效的予以修復,已是目前機場鋪面績效維護主要的議題。
摘要(英) Due to the economic boom in Taiwan in recent years, transportation and communication increases daily and the airport pavement load also becomes heavier. How to maintain and extend the life of pavement has now become one of the major topics in the transportation engineering department. However, since air cargo is almost at its saturation, it is not advisable to close the airport for a long period of time to repave the field. Therefore, how to repair the distressed pavement in time and effectively has now become the major issue of maintaining the pavement at the airport effectively.
Repair of distressed pavement at the airport in Taiwan at present mostly relies on the accumulated experience of repair experts or on the repair material suggested by the material supplier(s). There is still no set of perfect and practical pavement repair criteria to be followed. The main reason for poor pavement repair at the airport in Taiwan was that repairs were done without understanding and diagnosing the cause of distress or adopting improper repair method and materials. Also, it lacks a complete file record after repairing the pavement, so there is no way of accumulating repair experience and unable to evaluate the results of repair methods and materials. As a result, there is frequent repetitious repair failure, which is also one of the main reason of poor pavement repair at the airport in Taiwan.
The purpose of this study is to create an airport pavement repair system, that is able to process, store, and show the attribute data and spatial data of airport pavement by collecting and integrating the knowledge and experience of airport pavement repair experts. First, fuzzy logic was applied to do the inferring, based on the knowledge of experts, and create a fuzzy inferring mode of diagnostic expert system for the cause of pavement distress at the airport, to enable the system to process uncertain problems of experts on the degree of rigid pavement distress at the airport, in order to improve the restrictions on conventional expert system and thus diagnose a more rational and accurate cause. The machine learning of neural network theory was also applied in the experts’ questionnaire survey, and then study and classify the cases in order to accumulate the knowledge for the advantage of giving suggestions to repairs on field distress in the future and be able to choose an appropriate plan in order to ensure effect of pavement service. Innovative and appropriate repair materials were also taken in account. The function of feedback learning on repair materials was simultaneously created in this study to enable the system to keep on learning any time in order to ensure the suitability of repair materials.
In this study a set of GIS & GPS pavement survey method was also developed to conduct a total and temporary pavement survey on the airport pavement in order to deal with the characteristic of business operation at the airport.
Initially the airport pavement repair system that was constructed in this study already has the function of diagnosing the cause of pavement distress, suggesting repair plan, and storing and showing the subsequent repair records of each block. Upon practical field application, the pavement survey method developed is more convenient and faster than the conventional pavement survey method.
關鍵字(中) ★ 全球定位系統
★ 地理資訊系統
★ 類神經網路
★ 模糊邏輯
★ 專家系統
★ 機場鋪面
關鍵字(英) ★ GPS
★ Neural Network
★ Fuzzy Logic
★ Expert System
★ Airport Pavement
論文目次 中文摘要..................... I
表目錄 ......................VI
第一章 緒論....................1-1
1.1研究背景................ 1-1
1.2研究目的................ 1-2
1.3研究內容與方法............. 1-3
1.4研究流程................ 1-3
1.5論文架構................ 1-7
第二章 文獻回顧..................2-1
2.1機場鋪面................ 2-1
2.1.1機場鋪面種類.............. 2-1
2.1.2機場鋪面破壞原因............. 2-3
2.1.3機場鋪面破壞種類與原因.......... 2-5美國聯邦航空總署(FAA)之研究....... 2-5國內機場鋪面狀況............ 2-7
2.1.4機場鋪面之維修方法............ 2-10維修模式............... 2-10維修方法............... 2-12維修材料............... 2-13
2.2專家系統................ 2-15
2.2.1專家系統的架構............. 2-16
2.2.2專家系統的功能............. 2-16
2.2.3專家系統與人類專家之比較......... 2-17
2.2.4專家系統在土木工程之應用......... 2-18
2.2.5機場鋪面維修專家系統可行性評估...... 2-19
2.3模糊理論................ 2-20
2.3.1模糊集合................ 2-22
2.3.2模糊推論................ 2-23
2.3.3詞語變數................ 2-25
2.4機器學習................ 2-26
2.4.1機器學習法............... 2-27
2.4.2類神經網路............... 2-28
2.4.3類神經網路模式............. 2-31
2.4.4倒傳遞類神經網路............ 2-33
2.5地理資訊系統.............. 2-38
2.5.1地理資訊系統的原理........... 2-38
2.5.2地理資訊系統的架構........... 2-38
2.5.3地理資訊系統的功能........... 2-39
2.5.4地理資訊系統在土木工程上的應用...... 2-41
2.6全球定位系統在機場鋪面為管理上的應用.. 2-42
2.6.1衛星定位系統發展現況.......... 2-42
2.6.2 GPS定位的原理............. 2-43
2.6.3 GPS測量方法.............. 2-44
第三章 國內機場鋪面維護現況探討..........3-1
3.1國內機場鋪面維護程序........... 3-1
3.1.1機場鋪面維護計畫之策訂.......... 3-1
3.1.2機場鋪面檢查.............. 3-1
3.1.3機場鋪面維修方式............. 3-2
3.2機場鋪面維修作業特性........... 3-3
3.2.1安全管制................ 3-3
3.2.2施工交通動線............... 3-3
3.2.3時效性................. 3-3
3.3國內機場鋪面之維修策略.......... 3-4
3.3.1破損鋪面修補............... 3-4
3.3.2接縫填縫料換修.............. 3-4
3.3.3加鋪AR-4000面層............. 3-4
3.3.4局部版塊整修.............. 3-5
3.4國內外機場鋪面損壞維修方式之比較.... 3-5
3.5國內機場鋪面維修問題.......... 3-5
第四章 國內外鋪面專家系統及機場鋪面管理系統研析..4-1
4.1鋪面專家系統.............. 4-1
4.1.1國外鋪面專家系統現況........... 4-1 PARADIGM............... 4-1 PRESERVER............... 4-3 ROSE................. 4-4 ERASME............... 4-4 EXPEAR................ 4-5
4.1.2國內鋪面專家系統現況........... 4-6 剛性鋪面診斷維修專家系統........ 4-7多媒體機場鋪面維修專家系統........ 4-7
4.1.3鋪面專家系統之研析............ 4-9
4.2機場鋪面管理系統............. 4-13
4.2.1國外機場鋪面管理系統現況......... 4-13 Integrated Pavement Management System.... 4-14 Micro PAVER............. 4-14
4.2.2國內機場鋪面管理系統現況......... 4-15
4.2.3國內外鋪面管理系統綜合探討......... 4-16
第五章 鋪面調查方式............... 5-1
5.1前言.................. 5-1
第六章 機場鋪面維修資料管理系統之建立.......6-1
6.1 GIS在機場鋪面維修資料管理上的應用....6-1
第七章 多媒體機場鋪面維修專家系統之建立......7-1
7.2.2專家系統之建立..............7-5鋪面破損模糊診斷專家系統模組.......7-5鋪面專家的命題與推理方式........7-7機場鋪面破損原因與現象.........7-9模糊邏輯與模糊推理機..........7-9詞語變數的表示............7-11模糊推論的模擬............7-12機場鋪面破損原因診斷模糊邏輯推理模式建立.7-13問卷之發放與回收整理 .........7-16推理模式驗證與分析討論.........7-19機場鋪面維修策略建議維修模組.......7-22類神經網路在鋪面工程上的應用......7-23類神經網路選擇維修策略模式之建構....7-24範例的產生..............7-29系統實做...............7-30系統驗證...............7-32
第八章 機場鋪面維修系統之建構...........8-1
第九章 結論與建議.................9-1
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指導教授 李釗(Chau Lee) 審核日期 2009-5-4
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